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cv_bridge.h not found ROS2

I need cv_bridge on my cmakelist.txt. Cmakelist shows a path for cv_bridge.h, however there is no file on that name at that path. I have opencv 4.5.4,ros2 humble. I tried to install cv_bridge by ...
Zehra N.'s user avatar
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Create self-contained standalone ROS1 application for Windows

I created a ROS Noetic package that grabs data from some cameras and performs pose estimation of objects in the field of view (using OpenCV). Simultaneously, IMU data is measured and fused with these ...
masteryoda436's user avatar
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2 answers

colorize area of point cloud on a 2D image

I am projecting a 3D Point Cloud on a 2D image incoming as ROS 2 messages. Now, I want to fill the gaps between pixels from the point cloud, so that I can see an area, instead of single pixels and ...
renan's user avatar
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Segmentation fault in cv::findContours call

I am struggling to debug a segmentation fault. Any help is appreciated! The node just crashes whenever I launch it and following is the seg fault I am getting when running through gdb: ...
nebula's user avatar
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Convert CameraInfo K & D to OpenCV format convenience functions?

Are there existing functions to convert from camera info arrays of K and D to intrinsic and distortion cv::Mats that can be passed into opencv functions like ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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Configuring ROS2 for OpenCV and C++

How to properly setup the ROS2 workspace (i.e., cmakelists and package.xml, etc.) for using OpenCV and C++ ? I could not find proper examples for that. Thanks in advance. Originally posted by ...
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ROS2: How to publish cv Mat image?

I'm having trouble understanding how to publish a cv::Mat image in C++, and I can find very little documentation about this. Here's my publish code. I based it on this tutorial:
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4 votes
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Does a stable library exist for docking robots using images?

I built a mobile base from scratch, and now I am focused on getting the robot to charge. The robot is using an on-board webcam (and PC) to detect a QR barcode on the charger unit. Using OpenCV I find ...
Mike's user avatar
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Make robot drive as far from obstacles as possible

I am trying to make robot drive around the room, avoiding obstacles with pathfinding. The problem is I get few waypoints from pathfinding algorithm for robot to drive to (green dots), but it drive a ...
Name's user avatar
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Combines message for image and information gives "invalid initialization error"

Hello, I am currently trying to implement a message that includes the images as well as the detected bounding boxes. The publisher works very well, but the subscriber gives me the following error ...
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How to make a line following algortihm for an A.R Drone 2.0? [closed]

I am trying to develop a line following algorithm where a drone will detect a bounding box and follow what is inside the bounding box. I am filtering all the colors to only see the color white. Once ...
mike's user avatar
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New problem linking OpenCV Indigo Cplusplus node

Indigo, Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux Mint 17.1) I had a problem the other day that turned out to be missing find_package(OpenCV) so that was resolved. But I have a new one. I have a better tracking test that ...
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CMakeLists pkg-config opencv C++

I made program with "opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp" like this include. #include "opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp" When I compile the program, I ...
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Save Depth Map Video

I have recently purchased an Orbbec Astra camera, which uses the same technology and produces the same style depth map as a Microsoft Kinect. What would be the correct file format to save the depth ...
James Mallett's user avatar
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CompressedImage to an Image in a node

Update Hey I have the following subscriber on Nvidia TX1 board running on an agricultural robot. we have the following issue with subscribing to Sensor_msgs::Compressed: ...
JTIM's user avatar
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Stereo Vision Using Compute Module: Pi camera synchronization

Good day, I am currently working on an obstacle avoiding UAV using stereo vision to obtain depth maps. I noticed that the quadcopter would sometimes not steer to the correct direction. I am using ...
user123456098's user avatar
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Kalman filter of opencv doesnt work in ROS

Hi, im trying to adapt a Kalman filter cpp code to a node cpp in ROS, but in the very beginning, the initialization goes wrong, more precisly, when i try to set the matrices, this is the relevant ...
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Sensor msg to an opencv image

I am attempting to convert a sensor_msgs/Image msg into something displayable in opencv. I am using cv_bridge to accomplish this conversion. When I catkin build, I get: ...
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Working with cv_bridge and OpenCV correctly

Hello, I am struggling to use cv_bridge correctly. Do I have to convert the cv_bridge to a cv::Mat, before I can use OpenCV's functions? My situation is the following: I wrote a simple OpenCV ...
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3 answers

Ros not responding to keypress to WaitKey

Hi guys.. I am using openCV to run some video processing, in which i switch 2 algorithm, and the switch is performed by the user, from a key press.. The only problem is though i am not able it make ...
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Why is my callback function not called

I trying to understand why my subscriber isn't outputting anything.. It seems like, it doesn't get called, but it doesn't make sense why it doesn't... Anyone who could explain?? ...
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AR DRONE 2.0 Tracking

Hello, I'm using ROS, OpenCV and Eclipse with an AR DRONE 2.0. My question is: How can my drone follow an object? I installed ardrone_autonomy and tried some tutorials to convert my video on image to ...
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3 answers

ROS Answers SE migration: imwrite error

cv::imwrite("/home/jros/image.jpg",cv_ptr->image); I want to save an image using imwrite but I get this error when I launch the node: ...
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Save an image during the subscription

Using that simple program how can I save an image during the subscription: like when I press a key (ctrl+s for example or s) I get an image *.jpeg file (or other extension doesn't matter) ? ...
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Bird's Eye Projection in OpenCV

I'm using OpenCV to try to get a bird's eye projection of this image: I first find all the inner corners of the chessboard and draw them, as shown here I then use warpPerspective() on it but it ...
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return an array from a function member of a class

I'm using ROS and OpenCV in C++ environment in order to acquire a video (gray-scale) from a ROS node, convert the data through cv_bridge (in order to elaborate it through OpenCV), extract some data ...
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error: cannot convert ‘cv::Mat’ to ‘const CvArr* - Video from ROS node to OpenCV

hi, i'm trying to receive a video from a ROS node and elaborate the data of the frames and publish some stuff. this is my code (i'm using cv_bridge as suggested by ROS documentation in order to ...
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2 answers

New C++ API Documentation for OpenCV

Hi,I have 3 questions: Is it possible to use the old API C++ for OpenCV while writing code in ROS? If is not, does anybody know where can I find good documentation for the new OpenCV C++ API? some ...
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Multiple Camera recording with openCV

Hi, atm my goal is to connect several standard USB webcameras (2-4) to one single computer and try to run/record them at the same time. I'm using MSVS with C++ and the openCV libraries. Getting data ...
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Undefined reference in cvBridge.h

I just updated to Fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04 and I'm trying to build my ROS pacakges on it. I'm getting errors in my OpenCV code which may be because the OpenCV code I'm building is a little old. Here's ...
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2 answers

OpenCV, drawing depth map

Hi! I have a little project on C++. In this project, I I try to find sample image on depth map, received from Kinect. I check results by drawing both images (sample and current scene) in 1 window. ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: kinect opencv

I'm trying to use the depth data obtained by kinect with C++ program. I've already installed openni_kinect with the guide(, OpenNI itself is installed in this ...
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