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Questions tagged [navsat-transform-node]

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0 answers

Why does the robot_localization Dual-EKF NavSatTransform example config not use the IMU orientation yaw for the EKF nodes?

I noticed that, for the dual-ekf navsat transform example of the robot_localization package, the EKF nodes are configured to use the IMU like this: ...
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Anchoring Slam generated map to UTM coordinates

I generated a map of my world using SLAM and now I want to use GPS to localize in that particular map. I am finding it confusing on how to anchor this slam map to the UTM coordinates? As far as I've ...
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1 answer

robot_localization no output (using only VO, Compass, and GPS)

I'm using robot_localization (ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu) for a boat integration and want to fuse my LiDAR odometry (ideally to be used more in the harbors etc) with GPS data (ideally to be used on open ...
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1 answer

How to Fuse GPS as Odometry Source in robot_localization for Precise Localization Without Reliable IMU or Wheel Odometry?

I’m using ROS2 Iron and the robot_localization package for sensor fusion. My system has a highly accurate GPS as the primary source for position, but I’m facing issues due to: **1- Lack of reliable ...
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3 answers

GPS and Navsat Transform Node Issues with Magnetic Declination and Yaw Offset in São Paulo, Brazil (Real Robot)

I am working on an autonomous vehicle project in São Paulo, Brazil. As part of the project, I am using the navsat_transform_node from the ROS robot_localization package for integrating GPS data. I ...
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GPS robot heading: calibrated magnetometer causes erratic results

I am currently trying to navigate using an RTK GPS. Unfortunately, despite calibration, my magnetometer's heading estimate seems to be slightly off at certain angles. While moving at these angles, ...
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2 answers

Issues Transitioning Navigation2 from Simulation to Real Robot: Missing Costmaps

Setup: I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Iron, Two 3D Velodynes, a radar. I am using a ros2 bag in which I recorded the autonomous vehicle launched topics (just to get the sensors data: GPS, odom, imu, ...
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localization in pivot turn

I have a question about position estimation when a robot performs pivot turn. In pivot turn, it is ideal for only the robot's yaw angle to change, while the x and y positions remain constant. But, I ...
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Robot_localization - GPS heading problem

I hope someone can help me I'm using robot_localization to improve my location estimation using the following ekf nodes ekf_node_odom: odometry + IMU ekf_node_map: odometry + IMU + GPS the first ...
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1 answer

Erratic Robot Movement in RViz2 with Nav2: Back and Forth Motion and Small Jumps

I'm encountering a peculiar issue with robot movement in RViz2 using Nav2, where the robot exhibits erratic back-and-forth movements accompanied by small jumps during the simulation. This behavior is ...
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navsat_transform_node imu topic data mapping problem

I ran into the problem of mapping the /imu/data topic of the navsat_transform_node node in the robot_localization package. the node has a very strange behavior - when mapping imu data to the /...
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1 answer

navsat_transform node doesn't publish utm_transform

Hi, please, help me with following issue, i've been trying to solve it for a week already... Can't make my navsat_transform node publishing utm_transform. And odometry/filtered from EKF always has ...
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1 answer

How to combine slam_toolbox and robot_localization using Nav2?

Setup details: ROS2 foxy on arm architecture CPU with nav2, slam_toolbox and robot_localization installed. My physical robot has an IMU, odometry, GPS and LIDAR sensors. I'm currently working on the ...
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1 answer

Declination usage in navsat_transform

I am running the navsat_transform node using a set datum point to get (x,y) coordinates in the map frame. I am inputting the same GPS lat/long values, just changing the declination. Using 0.0 for the ...
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1 answer

transform error in ekf_localization

I am having issues with my transforms it appears. This is my first time running the ekf_localization node. Launch file and errors below. My tf tree only shows odom-> base link. The static ...
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1 answer

GPS antenna not in the center

Hi. To put it simply, I want robot_localization's / odometry / gps to start at (x, y, z) = (0, 0.3, 0) instead of (0, 0, 0). I'm trying to get the robot to estimate its position. It worked generally ...
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1 answer

Right value of magnetic_declination_radians

Hi, I am trying to configure a dual EKF plus navsat_transform setup for robot_localization and I am not sure of how to input the value of magnetic_declination_radians. Magnetic declination for the ...
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1 answer

how to use IMU sensor with relative orientation data in navsat transform node

Hi, I am working on fusing visual odometry, IMU, and gps sensor by using a robot localization package. There are a couple of issues with my IMU data 1) it's not giving absolute orientation or heading ...
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1 answer

How to set datum parameter in robot_localization

Hi all, I have a rover that uses RTK GPS, IMU and wheel encoders to localize. We perform tests in the same outdoor area using the same trajectory. Our system is configured so that when it first ...
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1 answer

navsat_transform_node to find pose coordinates for a given GPS lat/long

I'm working on a robotic convoy setup entirely in simulation, and want to do the following: Vehicle 1 - Send its GPS coordinates to follower vehicle (called Vehicle 2) Vehicle 2- Take the GPS ...
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1 answer

navsat_transform_node odometry estimate looks to be rotated differently from local map frame, resulting in incorrect estimation

Hello all, I am trying to get robot_localization and navsat_transform implemented on a Husky UGV to do outdoor navigation and control and I am running into problems with the odometry output from ...
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1 answer

Unexpected output of robot_localization EKF

UPDATE I have changed the yaw_offset to 0 instead of 3.14. This has caused /odometry/filtered and odometry/gps to give much better results. Setup I have a TurtleBot3 robot with a GPS receiver. I am ...
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1 answer

Configuring robot_localization for loss of sensor data

I am working on an outdoor mobile robot which should be able to localize itself using GPS, IMU and wheel encoder data. The GPS I am using is very precise and because of this I only use that for the (x,...
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1 answer

why navsat_transform_node needs imu?

I am new to the field, so this question might be obvious, but I wonder, why IMU is needed once I have GPS absolute position and odometry from robot? If I have GPS coordinates and odometry, shouldn't ...
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1 answer

robot_localization not receiving odometer data despite listening

I am trying to fuse odometry from navsat_transform and an IMU using an ekf_localization_node, the orientation is working, but it is constantly stuck at 0, 0, 0. The output of the odometry is ...
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1 answer

Robot_localization: odometry/gps no output info

Hi, I am working with robot localization in ubuntu 16.04. I am using bags files with IMU and two GPS. However the IMU data don't give me info about the orientation, so I use mine /get_orientation node ...
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1 answer

robot_localization navsat transform node does not publish

Hello, Goal: Write simplest robot_localization program using Android phone sensors (GPS and IMU). To be more exact first I need navsat_transform_node to output something. Problem: /odometry/filtered, /...
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1 answer

navsat_transform_node without IMU

I'm trying to fuse GPS data and IMU data using robot_localization. I have the IMU data going into the filter nicely, now I'm trying to configure GPS. The problem is that my robot has a large inverter ...
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1 answer

odom frame in navsat_transform_node in case of quasi mobile platform

Hi, (I read the REP105 multiple times, but could not figure out in the following particular case what is the role of the frames and how to set them up) I have a robotic arm that is going to be ...
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1 answer

robot_localization with GPS map frame won't stay fixed

Hey guys, I'm running a dual ekf setup of robot_localization to fuse GPS alongside navsat_transform_node which provideds the map-...
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1 answer

Using robot_localization navsat_transform_node to fuse IMU and GPS measurements from a drone

Hi, I'm looking throuh the robot_localization package and I'm a bit confused on how to use the navsat_transform node to fuse measurements coming from a drone. I have three topics: ...
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1 answer

robot_localization : no output from navsat_transform on odometry/gps

Hi, I have a bag file which has IMU, GPS and wheel odometry and I'm trying to fuse it through robot_localization. I have followed everything as per the document. the ekf node is working fine but there ...
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1 answer

Problem with ROS Navigation Package (IMU GPS)

Hi, I have the objective of collecting laser data using a tripod and moving the tripod and I am using a Mavros ArduPilot board on the top of that tripod so that I can fuse the GPS and IMU. Initially, ...
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1 answer

Unable to use navsat_transform_node

Hi everybody, I would ask for help to use properly the navsat_transform_node. I've a robot which publishes only: a GPS message topic (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message) a IMU message topic ( sensor_msgs/...
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1 answer

robot_localization and navsat_transform_node results

Hi to all, Hi Tom, I'm using robot_localization and the navsat_transform_node to obtain the 3D position of my mobile robot. I'm using XSens IMU Mti-300 with magnetometer, a SICK laser, Husky A200 and ...
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aligning map to map_frame origin

Hi I am using two ekf_localization_nodes and one navsat_transform_node from ...
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robot_localization navsat_transform yaw offset and phidgets imu

Hi, I am currently using the robot_localization package for the state estimation of my robot. I also have a RTK GPS Device which I would like to include in robot_localization. The problem is that I ...
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robot_localization - IMU orientation query

I am trying to use robot_localization to fuse data from a BNO055 IMU & a MTK3339 GPS receiver. I have what appears to be sensible output coming out of the system, however I would like to clarify ...
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robot_localization using dual node drifts

I'm trying to use dual ekf node to do transform for my robot. I'm using params file: ...
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[robot_localization] Non zero altitude in /gps/filtered when ~zero_altitude & ~two_d_mode are true

I am trying to use robot_localization to fuse data from a 9DOF IMU & a GPS, via one instance of ukf_localization_node & an instance of navsat_transform_node. I think my setup is more or less ...
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Can navsat_transform be used to transform a pose from latlong to odom?

I'm using a gps to localize a mobile robot and ekf_localization_node together with a navsat_transform_node to transform the ...
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When using navsat_transform_node, isn't it a problem to use IMU yaw to compute transform between map and base_link?

Hello, In this video from Tom Moore at time 12:36, I can see that he sets IMU yaw to true. The consequence of this is that as soon as the robot is started, there is an non zero angle between base_link ...
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robot_localization incorrect map->utm transform

Hello , I have some questions regarding robot_localization package using real map from Google or OSM. Settings: I have inputs from GPS sensor only - as a start for testing - generating 3 messages from ...
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robot_localization and gmapping with "no map received"

Hi to all, I'm using Husky A200 with RTK GPS (/fix), a SICK laser (/scan), a AHRS IMU (...
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navsat_transform_node: Tf has two or more unconnected trees

Hi, I'm new in ROS I use robot_localisation Package for Fusing imu, gps, odometry but i have problem with navsat_transform_node when i launch the launch file i receive this warning: [ WARN] [...
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1 answer

GPS waypoint navigation with Jackal

I have a the UGV "Jackal" from Clearpath Robotics. My Task is to let the robot follow a predetermined path (given in UTM -Coordinates). The robot has already GPS, IMU and odometry ...
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1 answer

Strange results with robot_localization and navsat_transform_node

Hi to all, hi @tom-moore I finally solved all the problems about my system configuration and now I'm able to integrate my GPS data in ekf_localization_node by using ...
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2 answers

robot_localization: navsat_transform's output is not aligned with odometry

Hi, I'm working with Parrot's Bebop2 (using bebop_autonomy) and trying to adjust robot localization for it. I created designated imu and twist topics that align with the ENU conventions and include ...
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Navsat_transform diverges from GPS points

Hi, I'm trying to use the navsat_transform_node as per the example provided in the robot_localization package. However, the output of the node always diverges (quite significantly) from the original ...
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2 answers

Problem while integrating GPS data into robot_localization

Hi to Tom and everybody, I'm currently making some experiments with robot_localization, and I'm having some problems with the integration of GPS data for global localization of a non-holonomic mobile ...