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navsat_transform node doesn't publish utm_transform

Hi, please, help me with following issue, i've been trying to solve it for a week already... Can't make my navsat_transform node publishing utm_transform. And odometry/filtered from EKF always has ...
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How to combine slam_toolbox and robot_localization using Nav2?

Setup details: ROS2 foxy on arm architecture CPU with nav2, slam_toolbox and robot_localization installed. My physical robot has an IMU, odometry, GPS and LIDAR sensors. I'm currently working on the ...
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transform error in ekf_localization

I am having issues with my transforms it appears. This is my first time running the ekf_localization node. Launch file and errors below. My tf tree only shows odom-> base link. The static ...
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Declination usage in navsat_transform

I am running the navsat_transform node using a set datum point to get (x,y) coordinates in the map frame. I am inputting the same GPS lat/long values, just changing the declination. Using 0.0 for the ...
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Right value of magnetic_declination_radians

Hi, I am trying to configure a dual EKF plus navsat_transform setup for robot_localization and I am not sure of how to input the value of magnetic_declination_radians. Magnetic declination for the ...
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How to set datum parameter in robot_localization

Hi all, I have a rover that uses RTK GPS, IMU and wheel encoders to localize. We perform tests in the same outdoor area using the same trajectory. Our system is configured so that when it first ...
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navsat_transform_node odometry estimate looks to be rotated differently from local map frame, resulting in incorrect estimation

Hello all, I am trying to get robot_localization and navsat_transform implemented on a Husky UGV to do outdoor navigation and control and I am running into problems with the odometry output from ...
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why navsat_transform_node needs imu?

I am new to the field, so this question might be obvious, but I wonder, why IMU is needed once I have GPS absolute position and odometry from robot? If I have GPS coordinates and odometry, shouldn't ...
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Robot_localization: odometry/gps no output info

Hi, I am working with robot localization in ubuntu 16.04. I am using bags files with IMU and two GPS. However the IMU data don't give me info about the orientation, so I use mine /get_orientation node ...
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odom frame in navsat_transform_node in case of quasi mobile platform

Hi, (I read the REP105 multiple times, but could not figure out in the following particular case what is the role of the frames and how to set them up) I have a robotic arm that is going to be ...
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robot_localization : no output from navsat_transform on odometry/gps

Hi, I have a bag file which has IMU, GPS and wheel odometry and I'm trying to fuse it through robot_localization. I have followed everything as per the document. the ekf node is working fine but there ...
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Unable to use navsat_transform_node

Hi everybody, I would ask for help to use properly the navsat_transform_node. I've a robot which publishes only: a GPS message topic (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message) a IMU message topic ( sensor_msgs/...
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robot_localization and navsat_transform_node results

Hi to all, Hi Tom, I'm using robot_localization and the navsat_transform_node to obtain the 3D position of my mobile robot. I'm using XSens IMU Mti-300 with magnetometer, a SICK laser, Husky A200 and ...
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robot_localization - IMU orientation query

I am trying to use robot_localization to fuse data from a BNO055 IMU & a MTK3339 GPS receiver. I have what appears to be sensible output coming out of the system, however I would like to clarify ...
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2 answers

robot_localization: navsat_transform's output is not aligned with odometry

Hi, I'm working with Parrot's Bebop2 (using bebop_autonomy) and trying to adjust robot localization for it. I created designated imu and twist topics that align with the ENU conventions and include ...
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How to integrate RTK GPS data into an ekf_localization_node (from robot_localization pkg)?

Hi all, I'm relatively new to ROS so please bear with me. I am trying to implement an extended kalman filter node from the robot_localization package. I am localizing my robot using a Piksi RTK GPS ...
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how to fuse two GPS into navsat_transform?

Hi, dear: I wonder to know how to fuse two GPS into navsat_transform if I have two imu(imu0 & imu1), two odometry sources(...
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RobotLocalization: navsatnode give wrong results with "nan covariance"

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robot_localization GPS integration error

###Overview I have been having quite a hard time with setting up my robot to use its GPS. I am attempting to use the navsat_transform_node and two instances of robot_localization. The set up is ...
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1 answer

navsat robot_localization

In Navasat_transform_node have a question about when the node receives a position becomes GPS latitude and longitude, UTM this format is x, and an identifier of area and band, for example Spain 29T, ...
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