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Configuring robot_localization for loss of sensor data

I am working on an outdoor mobile robot which should be able to localize itself using GPS, IMU and wheel encoder data. The GPS I am using is very precise and because of this I only use that for the (x,...
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Problem with ROS Navigation Package (IMU GPS)

Hi, I have the objective of collecting laser data using a tripod and moving the tripod and I am using a Mavros ArduPilot board on the top of that tripod so that I can fuse the GPS and IMU. Initially, ...
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Unable to use navsat_transform_node

Hi everybody, I would ask for help to use properly the navsat_transform_node. I've a robot which publishes only: a GPS message topic (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message) a IMU message topic ( sensor_msgs/...
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robot_localization and navsat_transform_node results

Hi to all, Hi Tom, I'm using robot_localization and the navsat_transform_node to obtain the 3D position of my mobile robot. I'm using XSens IMU Mti-300 with magnetometer, a SICK laser, Husky A200 and ...
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How to use robot_localization /odometry/filtered

So I have two robot_localization nodes setup. The first fuses the vehicle odometry and the imu data. The second will add in GPS and hector_slam pose estimates. My question is, should I fuse the output ...
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navsat_transform_node has zero orientation output?

I'm working with a robot with no wheel odometry measures, and have IMU, GPS and motor commands to fuse. Can anyone clarify how the setup should work for this? At the moment I have GPS, IMU and motor ...
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