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navsat_transform_node odometry estimate looks to be rotated differently from local map frame, resulting in incorrect estimation

Hello all, I am trying to get robot_localization and navsat_transform implemented on a Husky UGV to do outdoor navigation and control and I am running into problems with the odometry output from ...
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Using robot_localization navsat_transform_node to fuse IMU and GPS measurements from a drone

Hi, I'm looking throuh the robot_localization package and I'm a bit confused on how to use the navsat_transform node to fuse measurements coming from a drone. I have three topics: ...
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robot_localization navsat_transform yaw offset and phidgets imu

Hi, I am currently using the robot_localization package for the state estimation of my robot. I also have a RTK GPS Device which I would like to include in robot_localization. The problem is that I ...
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Can navsat_transform be used to transform a pose from latlong to odom?

I'm using a gps to localize a mobile robot and ekf_localization_node together with a navsat_transform_node to transform the ...
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navsat_transform_node: Tf has two or more unconnected trees

Hi, I'm new in ROS I use robot_localisation Package for Fusing imu, gps, odometry but i have problem with navsat_transform_node when i launch the launch file i receive this warning: [ WARN] [...
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Navsat_transform diverges from GPS points

Hi, I'm trying to use the navsat_transform_node as per the example provided in the robot_localization package. However, the output of the node always diverges (quite significantly) from the original ...
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Using robot_localization, how can I calculate the GPS coordinates of any point on my robot?

The Problem (TL;DR) I want to calculate the GPS coordinates of a random hardpoint on my robot, both directly from the GPS and via sensor fusion (EKFs). The Problem (in full) This is a conceptual ...
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how to fuse two GPS into navsat_transform?

Hi, dear: I wonder to know how to fuse two GPS into navsat_transform if I have two imu(imu0 & imu1), two odometry sources(...
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2 answers

How do you use the navsat_transform set_datum service?

I'm trying to use navsat_transform and I'm having difficulty with the global frame origin not matching the latitude and longitude I'm setting it to in the launch ...
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How to use robot_localization /odometry/filtered

So I have two robot_localization nodes setup. The first fuses the vehicle odometry and the imu data. The second will add in GPS and hector_slam pose estimates. My question is, should I fuse the output ...
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robot_localization: navsat transform node does not publish

According to tutorial about GPS Integration and use of navsat transform node, i put into node the imu with absolute heading values, odometry that is the output of second instance of EKF and NavSatFix ...
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RobotLocalization: navsatnode give wrong results with "nan covariance"

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robot_localization: erroneous filtered GPS output

Hello, I am quite new to the robot_localization package and am facing a number of difficulties in using it. I am currently trying to fuse data taken from an Android device's GPS and IMU using this ...
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