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Why does the robot_localization Dual-EKF NavSatTransform example config not use the IMU orientation yaw for the EKF nodes?

I noticed that, for the dual-ekf navsat transform example of the robot_localization package, the EKF nodes are configured to use the IMU like this: ...
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localization in pivot turn

I have a question about position estimation when a robot performs pivot turn. In pivot turn, it is ideal for only the robot's yaw angle to change, while the x and y positions remain constant. But, I ...
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how to use IMU sensor with relative orientation data in navsat transform node

Hi, I am working on fusing visual odometry, IMU, and gps sensor by using a robot localization package. There are a couple of issues with my IMU data 1) it's not giving absolute orientation or heading ...
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robot_localization using dual node drifts

I'm trying to use dual ekf node to do transform for my robot. I'm using params file: ...
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robot_localization incorrect map->utm transform

Hello , I have some questions regarding robot_localization package using real map from Google or OSM. Settings: I have inputs from GPS sensor only - as a start for testing - generating 3 messages from ...
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Strange results with robot_localization and navsat_transform_node

Hi to all, hi @tom-moore I finally solved all the problems about my system configuration and now I'm able to integrate my GPS data in ekf_localization_node by using ...
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Problem while integrating GPS data into robot_localization

Hi to Tom and everybody, I'm currently making some experiments with robot_localization, and I'm having some problems with the integration of GPS data for global localization of a non-holonomic mobile ...
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How to integrate RTK GPS data into an ekf_localization_node (from robot_localization pkg)?

Hi all, I'm relatively new to ROS so please bear with me. I am trying to implement an extended kalman filter node from the robot_localization package. I am localizing my robot using a Piksi RTK GPS ...
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GPS Waypoint navigation with robot_localization and navsat_transform_node

I'm using Clearpath Husky A200 which outputs encoders information, a XSENS IMU (without a good compass) and a Novatel RTK GPS with sub-inch accuracy and I would like to implement a GPS waypoints ...
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Issues using robot_localization with gps and imu

I only have two sensors, gps and and imu, that I am trying to integrate using robot_localization. I've created a launch file based on this question, pasted at the end. There are a couple of issues. ...
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IMU and GPS fusion without odom - robot_localization

I'm using ros Indigo, and trying to fuse IMU and GPS, I don't have any odom source. Reading forum and the roscon presentation about the robot_localization package, I tried the following configuration: ...
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Drifting odom to base_frame transform

I have been working with the robot_localization package and have gotten the ekf and navsat nodes working reasonably, but I notice that over time the resultant position drifts, even though my system is ...
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robot_localization: erroneous filtered GPS output

Hello, I am quite new to the robot_localization package and am facing a number of difficulties in using it. I am currently trying to fuse data taken from an Android device's GPS and IMU using this ...
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