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Why does the robot_localization Dual-EKF NavSatTransform example config not use the IMU orientation yaw for the EKF nodes?

I noticed that, for the dual-ekf navsat transform example of the robot_localization package, the EKF nodes are configured to use the IMU like this: ...
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localization in pivot turn

I have a question about position estimation when a robot performs pivot turn. In pivot turn, it is ideal for only the robot's yaw angle to change, while the x and y positions remain constant. But, I ...
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navsat_transform node doesn't publish utm_transform

Hi, please, help me with following issue, i've been trying to solve it for a week already... Can't make my navsat_transform node publishing utm_transform. And odometry/filtered from EKF always has ...
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how to use IMU sensor with relative orientation data in navsat transform node

Hi, I am working on fusing visual odometry, IMU, and gps sensor by using a robot localization package. There are a couple of issues with my IMU data 1) it's not giving absolute orientation or heading ...
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Configuring robot_localization for loss of sensor data

I am working on an outdoor mobile robot which should be able to localize itself using GPS, IMU and wheel encoder data. The GPS I am using is very precise and because of this I only use that for the (x,...
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Unexpected output of robot_localization EKF

UPDATE I have changed the yaw_offset to 0 instead of 3.14. This has caused /odometry/filtered and odometry/gps to give much better results. Setup I have a TurtleBot3 robot with a GPS receiver. I am ...
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odom frame in navsat_transform_node in case of quasi mobile platform

Hi, (I read the REP105 multiple times, but could not figure out in the following particular case what is the role of the frames and how to set them up) I have a robotic arm that is going to be ...
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Problem with ROS Navigation Package (IMU GPS)

Hi, I have the objective of collecting laser data using a tripod and moving the tripod and I am using a Mavros ArduPilot board on the top of that tripod so that I can fuse the GPS and IMU. Initially, ...
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robot_localization using dual node drifts

I'm trying to use dual ekf node to do transform for my robot. I'm using params file: ...
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robot_localization incorrect map->utm transform

Hello , I have some questions regarding robot_localization package using real map from Google or OSM. Settings: I have inputs from GPS sensor only - as a start for testing - generating 3 messages from ...
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navsat_transform_node: Tf has two or more unconnected trees

Hi, I'm new in ROS I use robot_localisation Package for Fusing imu, gps, odometry but i have problem with navsat_transform_node when i launch the launch file i receive this warning: [ WARN] [...
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Strange results with robot_localization and navsat_transform_node

Hi to all, hi @tom-moore I finally solved all the problems about my system configuration and now I'm able to integrate my GPS data in ekf_localization_node by using ...
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Problem while integrating GPS data into robot_localization

Hi to Tom and everybody, I'm currently making some experiments with robot_localization, and I'm having some problems with the integration of GPS data for global localization of a non-holonomic mobile ...
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How to integrate RTK GPS data into an ekf_localization_node (from robot_localization pkg)?

Hi all, I'm relatively new to ROS so please bear with me. I am trying to implement an extended kalman filter node from the robot_localization package. I am localizing my robot using a Piksi RTK GPS ...
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GPS Waypoint navigation with robot_localization and navsat_transform_node

I'm using Clearpath Husky A200 which outputs encoders information, a XSENS IMU (without a good compass) and a Novatel RTK GPS with sub-inch accuracy and I would like to implement a GPS waypoints ...
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Issues using robot_localization with gps and imu

I only have two sensors, gps and and imu, that I am trying to integrate using robot_localization. I've created a launch file based on this question, pasted at the end. There are a couple of issues. ...
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IMU and GPS fusion without odom - robot_localization

I'm using ros Indigo, and trying to fuse IMU and GPS, I don't have any odom source. Reading forum and the roscon presentation about the robot_localization package, I tried the following configuration: ...
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Using robot_localization and navsat_transform_node to transform LIDAR point clouds

Hello everyone, I have a Velodyne VLP-16 LIDAR and a RTK-GPS Inertial Navigation System mounted on a UAV. GPS/IMU data are processed by third-party software and I import accurate GPS/IMU data into ROS....
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Drifting odom to base_frame transform

I have been working with the robot_localization package and have gotten the ekf and navsat nodes working reasonably, but I notice that over time the resultant position drifts, even though my system is ...
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robot_localization: erroneous filtered GPS output

Hello, I am quite new to the robot_localization package and am facing a number of difficulties in using it. I am currently trying to fuse data taken from an Android device's GPS and IMU using this ...
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