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nav2_util - no such file or directory tf2_geometry_msgs

Hello, I have observed during building the Navigation2 from source on new PC (with ROS Galactic, Ubuntu 20.04) that the nav2_util package won't build correctly: <...
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How to get length of array if poses from nav_msgs/Path.msg

Does anyone know how to use the message type nav_msgs/Path.msg. according to the wiki it is an array of poses that are used to plan a path but it I'm unable to get the msg in array form. I need to ...
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Problem including nav_msgs/msg/odometry

Hi everyone, when using the message type nav_msgs/msg/odometry ( I tried o include it using this piece of code: ...
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compile error related to <nav_msgs::Path> publisher

I am trying to publish the path produced by my global_planner plugin (named my_global_planner) using a publisher named ...
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How to close a path msg

Hi all, I was working in a path generation tool and I want to ask a question to see if this is possible since I did not manage to find a confident answer for my question. The problem is the following: ...
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Header stamp: When is/should this be from?

Many messages in ROS include the header, which includes the timestamp. What is best/expected practice for this? Should the stamp be the time at which the message is sent or the time of the event it is ...
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nav_msgs Path: is it possible to separate the visualized trajectories?

Hello, I'm using the nav_msgs::Path message to visualize multiple trajectories. With one path publisher! I want to separate these trajectories, i mean, i don't want ...
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Printing time values along with pose

I’m an absolute newbie and I got hold of someone’s simple program to navigate a robot by setting a goal position and including random obstacles. The python script uses ROS move_base and navigation ...
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Client [/rviz_15....] wants topic /odom to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/PointCloud/d8....], but our version has [nav_msgs/Odometry/cd

I’m getting this error: The robot launch file starts and all appears good. I start rviz then I get one Pose array dataset then this error ...
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Path Message with Velocity?

I know I can create a custom message that includes a velocity with each pose, but I'm curious for input from other developers. Is there a reason it would be detrimental to carry a speed command in ...
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Subscribing to nav_msgs::Path message

Hi everyone, I am trying to subscribe to a message of type nav_msgs::Path. Following is the callback function: ...
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Visualization in RVIZ

Good day, I am new to ROS Answer and beginner of ROS. Referred to the title above, this Image A below illustrates the desired goal I would like to achieve. It is done in LabVIEW and right now, I ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: publish a path

Hello, I want to publish a path, but with this code I can publish only one point at a time: geometry_msgs::Point msg; What can I do to publish the path? This page should work, but I don't know exactly ...
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Values in nav_msgs/Odometry.msg corresponds to orientation

I am implementing the sampling algorithm (sample_motion_model_odometry) from Thrun's Probabilisitic Robotics book p. 136, which samples the current pose of a robot using odometry information. I am ...
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Robot doesn't explore when used with frontier_exploration, move_base and gmapping

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a small project to automate the motion of a robot when implementing SLAM. Facts: 1. The robot platform used is Pioneer_p3dx and sensor mounted on top is ...
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Getting 'rosgraph resource not found' when trying to get turtlebot local_plan?

Hi, I'm trying to get the 'geometry_msgs/Poses' message from the '/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/local_plan' topic for the Kobuki ...
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How to install packages from github

So, I know how to clone a repository from github, but that's all. I would like to install the common_msgs collection of packages onto my Raspberry Pi which is running debian jessie. How do I go about ...
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What does Velocity in nav_msgs/Odometry actually mean?

I am confused with this type of data. What does the twist.twist.linear.x and twist.twist.linear.y actually represent? I have a robot that can move either forward or backward and can ofcourse turn. In ...
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best way to compare two pose estimates from different sources

Hi all, I have a mobile robot with navigation_stack up and running. The robot is able to navigate properly from point A to point B. I am using encoders to get the ...
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Message size of >=520 bytes result in inconsistent publish timing

Publishing a message of size 519 bytes at 100Hz results in this output for 'rostopic hz': average rate: 99.997 min: 0.010s max: 0.010s std dev: 0.00006s window: 996 Increasing the message size by one ...
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How to publish MAXON Encoder in EPOS2 70/10 for building "nav_msgs/Odometry"

Hi, I'm learning ROS for graduating undergraduate course. I am following this Tutorial ' ' to make mobile robot. I already made teleoperation ...
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twist message: angular velocity unit

Quick question, the nav_msgs: twist has angular component in x,y,z. I view this as the velocity of rotation with respect to x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. But what is the unit of such velocity. Degree/...
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Navigation of turtlebot (Moving 1m forward, 1m left)

I want to move my turtlebot 2 a fixed set of distances such as 1m forward, 1m right and etc accurately using odometry. This is the C++ code i have currently. However, it does not seem to be using the ...
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Move a certain distance, turn, then move (Odometry topic)

Currently, I am able to have my robot move forward for a certain distance, turn right by a certain degree, then move forward again. However, it is extremely inaccurate as highlighted in ahendrix's ...
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Combining Header and Pose to make Posestamped

Hi there, I am trying to a node that publishes posestampted messages to a topic when a float is the value of 1.0 on a different topic. Could any of you kind people help me with where I am going wrong? ...
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moving a robot inside specific area

I have a pioneer robot and I want to move it in the lab and I want to keep it in a square area. So when ever it want to cross that area it cant. I dont want to send a zero velocity to it so it will ...
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How to convert from geometry_msgs PoseWithCovariance to nav_msgs Odometry?

I am using package hector_slam to do mapping using Hokuyo laser on a ugv and I would like also to use package robot pose_ekf to get better position estimate from the wheels and laser. I tried ...
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nav_msgs::Path without the field "pose"?

Hi, I m trying to compile a code but I cannot do that since I m getting the following error: ...
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from nav_msgs::path to base_local_planner::Trajectory?

Hello everyone, I am writing a plugin of BaseLocalPlanner and I want to set a path to my move_base. My problem is that move_base::make_plan give me a nav_msgs::path and move_base use ...
GuillaumeB's user avatar
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Convert /tf to nav_msgs/Odometry

Hi, I want to use robot_pose_ekf to receive data from a IMU and a visual odometry source. This last one only publishes a /tf between to frames and I want to get the geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance ...
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How to use .msg in source code as a variable?

I want to use nav_msg/GridCells.msg and OccupancyGrid in my package,How to use it in the source code. It is not a member of nav_msgs and it is only a .msg and I am unable find documentation for using ...
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Get cone from occupancy grid

Hello everyone, Is there any built in method to get the range data in a cone-format from a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid message? I am using the Octomap package with the ...
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Getting Robot Orientation

I am trying to write a program to have a robot follow a square path. I have two primary functions, forwardCommand and turnCommand, for either going straight to a corner of the square or for turning to ...
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nav_msgs::Path’ has no member named ‘set_poses_size’?

I have a package that compiles successfully in diamondback. When I compile it in fuerte, it fails and indicates that "error: ‘nav_msgs::Path’ has no member named ‘set_poses_size’". What is ...
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Global Pose of Robot in Dynamic window approach

The pose from <nav_msgs::Odometry> is same as the pose from tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> ? Are these similar. Can I use the pose from the /odom topic in a function which takes a parameter of type ...
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What to use with amcl to get the robot current Velocity, geometry_msgs or nav_msg/Odometry?

Im using amcl amd gmapping for localisation. So I just want to know the robot velocity when it is zero ( or very small value) and its position ( the distance) to some reference object in the map by ...
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Better trajectory types in ROS

I was wondering if anyone has any experience regarding trajectory definition in ROS with other types that nav_msgs/Path. In particular, I would be interested in a way to: a. stream trajectories, b. ...
Thomas Moulard's user avatar
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Merge two OccupancyGridMaps

Hi there, as the topic says: I want to merge/combine two OccupancyGridMaps. The conditions: I recieve two messages (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid) by two services. These two maps have the same resolution, ...
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Creating 2d grid from laser scans

Is there a way to create an OccupancyGrid without using the 2D SLAM libraries? I have a turtlebot firing laser scans while rotating - the lasers collide into the rooms walls. I want to create an ...
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rosjava (on android) dependancies producing run-time errors

I've recently started working with ROS java and I've had decent success so far, however nav_msgs are not working. In my Android project I'm attempting to use OccupancyGrid from nav_msgs. I included ...
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Subscribing to the odometry topic

Hi, I am very new to ROS and I'm using stageros as a simulator for my robot. I'm trying to write a c++ application that subscribes to the odometry topic (of type nav_msgs) and just write the contents ...
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