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mavros set offboard mode

Hi, I'm trying to control a pixhawk via mavros. I have written a test node which set the mode to offboard, arm the drone and send some ...
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How does MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED work?

Background I am trying to use OFFBOARD control mode using px4 firmware and haven't decided if I want to publish my command to /setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel topic or <...
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Pixhawk not publishing the local position of my Quadrotor

I am on Ubuntu 14.04 (ROS Indigo). I run "roslaunch mavros px4.launch" and am able to successfully connect to my quadrotor. I have a working GPS signal and also could see the data being ...
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Mavros publishes messages as bursts

Hi, I have a pixhawk connected to an onboard computer over serial port (baud rate 57600). I get /mavros/local_position/odom at ~8 Hz. However, when I plot timestamps of the messages, I get a graph ...
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How to get EKF readings from Pixhawk using mavros pkg?

Hi, I'm trying to get the EKF readings from pixhawk and there isn't any topic that can do that. I've tried using the '/mavros/local_position/local, pose, odom' and those readings are not satisfactory (...
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What are the configurations I need to set for mavros_extras distance_sensor plugin?

Hello, In my hexacoptor setup, the Lidarlite is directly connected to a Pixhawk FCU. The Pixhawk is connected to a single board computer on the hexacoptor. My mavros launch file looks like this : <...
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Package to detect interrupted connection?

Hey everybody, I have built the following setup (simplified): Moving base with Pixhawk running APM Rover <-> MavRos (executed on a Pi2, together with the ROS Master) <-> Wifi Link <->...
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Interface Pixhawk with hector_slam / AMCL

Hi everybody, I am developing an autonomous indoor quadrotor. For the moment everything was simulated on Gazebo and worked well. Now I want to push everything on a real drone and make use of both a ...
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Quadcopter navigation with obstacle avoidance?

Hi, I am trying to implement autonomous navigation with obstacle avoidance for quadcopter (which has Pixhawk). All I want to implement is quadcopter being able to move from point A to point B while ...
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mavros global_position topic not publishing

Hi, I am having problem getting the message published in global_position. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 Ros Indigo and recently just updated the firmware. I use a pixhawk and 3DR Iris in Hexacopter . The ...
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How to arm or set quadcopter (Iris+) mode while running ArduCopter SITL with ROS/Gazebo?

I am referring to Based on the code, the following is my understanding of what's happening - You receive input to ROS (mavros) via ...
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MAVROS interaction with a gimbal (Pixhawk)

I want to put a gimbal under my quad with a webcam, and a px4flow sensor on it so I know the two cameras are always looking at the ground straight on. How can I get angle information from the gimbal ...
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How to control pitch, roll, yaw with mavros

Hello, i am quiet new to the pixhawk, but quite familiar with ROS. I am searching for some informations how to control the pixhawk via mavros. I am using the px4 firmware. My plan is to use the ...
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How to send velocity to pixhawk with Mavros?

Hi guys, after searching a lot and don't get a solution I would like a help. I am a new user of Mavros package and I have some doubts about it. My setup for tests is: 1 Pixhawk with ArduCopter V3.2....
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Trouble with using roscpp and mavros api to integrate pixhawk with Jetson

Hi, I'm trying to Integrate pixhawk with Nvidia Jetson TK1. I was able to use ROS/Mavros and communicate with pixhawk by ros commands. Now I'm trying to use roscpp and mavros C++ api to communicate ...
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Mavros topics not publishing?

Hi, I've been trying to connect to a Pixhawk quadcopter using the mavros library ( and I had some issues. We are using a pixhawk and a 3DR Iris quadcopter, and we launch the ...
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