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1 answer

tf2 transform error: Lookup would require extrapolation into the past

Hi, I am currently trying to simulate a quadcopter in gazebo using mavros and px4 sitl. In this simulation, the quadcopter will identify an aruco marker, then attempt to center itself with that marker....
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1 answer

how to use tf2 to transform PoseStamped messages from one frame to another?

Hi I am new to ROS so I apologize if my questions seem all over the place. I am simulating an autonomous quadcopter in gazebo, using aruco marker detection for landing. As pictured below, I have a map ...
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1 answer

Drone for mavros

Hi ! So I want to build a small drone(can be tested in lab) and deploy ROS on it. Can anyone help me with what motors and flight controller that I should use to do so ? I want to use mavros_pkg so ...
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1 answer

[robot_localization] high pose drift with only IMU data

Hello, I am trying to make use of the robot_localization package in order to estimate the position of my robot, unfortunately I have only IMU data of type ...
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1 answer

RealSense D435 + rtabmap + Pixhawk (IMU) + robot_localization

Hello everyone, I am trying to fuse a visual odometry with Pixhawk IMU. For those who don't know, Pixhawk is an autopilot used for drone in this case. There is ROS integration provided thanks to ...
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1 answer

Problem with ROS Navigation Package (IMU GPS)

Hi, I have the objective of collecting laser data using a tripod and moving the tripod and I am using a Mavros ArduPilot board on the top of that tripod so that I can fuse the GPS and IMU. Initially, ...
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1 answer

Building mavros failed (Having tried three ways)

I have tried to build the recent mavros package from its source. I have tried three different ways; they all failed. My OS is Ubutnu 16.04.03 LTS (xenial). Can anyone let me know the right way to ...
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1 answer

Error during mavros Multi-Vehicle Simulation with px4 in Gazebo

I followed the instruction as mentioned here. Everything worked fine but at last stage when I try to run:- roslaunch px4 multi_uav_mavros_sitl.launch I get ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to print subscribed sensor_msgs with ROS_INFO

Hello and thanks for reading my post. I am trying to subscribe to a topic from an imu using the sensor_msgs::MagneticField. This topic is published by a 3rd party package called mavros. I am trying to ...
0 votes
1 answer

mavros: How to use setpoint_raw/local and set the FRAME_BODY_OFFSET_NED flag

Hi, I'm using the mavros package but I'm not sure on how to use a certain message type. I want to use this: setpoint_raw/local (mavros_msgs/PositionTarget) message ...
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1 answer

mavros missing on kinetic?

Hello, I was using mavros on Indigo and cannot manage to install again on kinetic. The package does not show up in the list of ros-kinetic-* packages. I ...