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mavros ./ is not working

I am using px4 and mavros for drone simulation. I have the following mavros launch file px4.launch ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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The IMU data interval is unstable with high update frequency

I used Gazebo 9.19.0, ros noetic, mavros, mavlink and px4 in Ubuntu20.04 environment for co-simulation. Run the rosservice call /mavros/set_message_interval 31 100 ...
Wang's user avatar
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Mavros command line utilities - how to install them?

Mavros documentation says something about command line utilities (section 5:, but I don't see my bash completes these commands after mavros and mavros-extras installation. ...
prescott's user avatar
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QGC and ROS brigde

I want know is there any brigde between ROS node and QGC application. For example The communication like above pic. As you can see, there is no PX4 or others hardware. if it is possible, I don't even ...
MysteryFlower's user avatar
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error in line roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="udp://:[email protected]:14557" Unknown substitution command [find-pkg-share mavros]

This is the error message I'm getting ...
Rohan Shenoy's user avatar
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LOCALAPPDATA not found in

I have the following file /home/pi/ which forwards the flight controller telemetry data using mavproxy to GCS(Ground Control Station) ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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mavros ros2: how to run on two differents robots

I'm working with 2 robots and I need to run mavros on them. But I'm wondering what happen with the topics. I'm not seeing any namespace parameter on apm.launch.
Leonardo Garberoglio's user avatar
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How to takeoff multiple drone using mavros

I am using ros noetic with px4, mavros and gazebo 11. the following c++ script is working on single uav for takeoff ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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issue rqt with ros2 qos custom proflie

when topic is subscribed in ros2 rqt it shows unknown when topic has default qos profile it works but when qos profile is changed it shows unknown again is there any way to set custom qos profile in ...
Ramprasad Kulkarni's user avatar
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FCU: DeviceError:serial:open: No such file or directory

I am try to simulate UAV in gazebo using px4 and mavros roslaunch mavros px4.launch got the ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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MAVROS vs DDS/ROS Bridge: Updates?

We are trying to provide an external control to the system. We can't use ArduPilot omni controls for navigation in autonomous because it does not allow our boat to move sideways. We needed another ...
lalw376's user avatar
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How to properly fuse IMU + Barometer + ToF Ranger? (Robot_Localization)

I'm having difficulties getting a good absolute Z height. This is a flying vehicle with no GPS. Currently my ToF sensor pointed down reads 18cm (which is accurate to where my FC/ToF is mounted) but my ...
gregoryw3's user avatar
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mavros rotation over z axis

Dear community. Since I did not get an answer to my last post due to the lack of info I have posted. The goal I want to achieve is to rotate the drone over the z-axis slow. The node ...
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Topic Advertise Conflict: md5sum and Datatype Mismatch

Hi everyone, I have been trying to set a GPS position by setting mavros/setpoint_position/global, but faced with this error message: ...
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How to split a launch file for two different nodes?

I am new to ROS, please bear with me. I am trying to run a PX4 drone avoidance module, with a PX4 drone simulator, on two different computers. (intel x86, and jetson tx2). Both have ROS melodic ...
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Attempting to read Battery % via Mavros

I have a quadcopter running a Pixhawk flight controller. I am also running a RPI 4 companion board, and I have a serious of nodes setup for flight and a number of other operations. One node is my ...
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increase/change mavros local_position pose publish frequency

How do I increase or change the mavros/local_position/pose publishing frequency? (Default only 30Hz) Originally posted by noob_ros on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2020-09-11 Post score: 0
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MAVROS PX4 Error Failed to Import Packaging

I'm following this tutorial: I've run the build scripts: I've built my ...
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navsat_transform_node not publishing ? with Mavros

Hello all, I would like to use the robot_localization package to get back the missing TF transform from mavros topics (I didn't configure it during a rosbag record) on Melodic (from src) I'm using a ...
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tf2 transform error: Lookup would require extrapolation into the past

Hi, I am currently trying to simulate a quadcopter in gazebo using mavros and px4 sitl. In this simulation, the quadcopter will identify an aruco marker, then attempt to center itself with that marker....
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how to use tf2 to transform PoseStamped messages from one frame to another?

Hi I am new to ROS so I apologize if my questions seem all over the place. I am simulating an autonomous quadcopter in gazebo, using aruco marker detection for landing. As pictured below, I have a map ...
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Drone for mavros

Hi ! So I want to build a small drone(can be tested in lab) and deploy ROS on it. Can anyone help me with what motors and flight controller that I should use to do so ? I want to use mavros_pkg so ...
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[robot_localization] high pose drift with only IMU data

Hello, I am trying to make use of the robot_localization package in order to estimate the position of my robot, unfortunately I have only IMU data of type ...
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Have two nodes publish to same topic

So I have two nodes publishing to the topic /mavros/setpoint_position/local and I want one to have priority over the other. Right now it just switches between the two. Is there a way to have them both ...
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RealSense D435 + rtabmap + Pixhawk (IMU) + robot_localization

Hello everyone, I am trying to fuse a visual odometry with Pixhawk IMU. For those who don't know, Pixhawk is an autopilot used for drone in this case. There is ROS integration provided thanks to ...
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Problem with ROS Navigation Package (IMU GPS)

Hi, I have the objective of collecting laser data using a tripod and moving the tripod and I am using a Mavros ArduPilot board on the top of that tripod so that I can fuse the GPS and IMU. Initially, ...
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Anybody planning to integrate NVIDIA's Isaac SDK with ROS?

Sorry if this isn't really is for. Just curious if anybody is planning to implement this. I've had some experience implementing a Keras RL network with a ROS/MAVROS node but I wonder ...
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Building mavros failed (Having tried three ways)

I have tried to build the recent mavros package from its source. I have tried three different ways; they all failed. My OS is Ubutnu 16.04.03 LTS (xenial). Can anyone let me know the right way to ...
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Unable to print subscribed sensor_msgs with ROS_INFO

Hello and thanks for reading my post. I am trying to subscribe to a topic from an imu using the sensor_msgs::MagneticField. This topic is published by a 3rd party package called mavros. I am trying to ...
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Error during mavros Multi-Vehicle Simulation with px4 in Gazebo

I followed the instruction as mentioned here. Everything worked fine but at last stage when I try to run:- roslaunch px4 multi_uav_mavros_sitl.launch I get ...
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mavros: How to use setpoint_raw/local and set the FRAME_BODY_OFFSET_NED flag

Hi, I'm using the mavros package but I'm not sure on how to use a certain message type. I want to use this: setpoint_raw/local (mavros_msgs/PositionTarget) message ...
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<SOLVED> How to subscribe to IMU data? Offboard control, PX4, MAVROS

Sorry I couldn't find out how to paste code properly. I'm trying to get IMU data from px4 through MAVROS. I am doing offboard control. I referred from this website to make an IMU listener. (Writing a ...
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catkin_make works but catkin build fails

I am working with a complex software where I have to make some changes. In order to build it, I was instructed to use catkin_make, which was (and is) working well. Now I have to use MAVROS, and the ...
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mavros set offboard mode

Hi, I'm trying to control a pixhawk via mavros. I have written a test node which set the mode to offboard, arm the drone and send some ...
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Unity Mavros client disconnects automatically

I'm using ROSBridgeLib in Unity3D 2017.1 to connect to ROS on Ubuntu. The turtlesim project works fine. I can control the turtle from Unity. I wrote a test subscriber to see talker messages ("/...
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MAVROS coordinate system

Hi, I'm using mavros with PX4 firmware. I wonder that the values of the orientation published (in quaternion format) are in which coordinate system. I'm not meaning NED or ENU but the world coordinate ...
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mavros offboard no GPS

Hi, have recently been trying to control a rover equipped with a Pixhawk2 in an indoor environment. For this purpose, I have followed the steps outlined in the mavros_offboard tutorial. I also had to ...
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How to add prefix to every copter in Erle-brain using Mavros

So, i have bought Erle-brain v3 that included ROS kinetic. Erle-brain automatically runs roscore. And i don't understand how to rename topics (or add prefix). It needed for dividing topics`information ...
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Cannot connect mavros to gazebo

I'm trying to launch a drone in gazebo, arm it and make it takeoff. So far I'm failing. This is what happens when i do roslaunch drone_gazebo drone_world.launch ...
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How does MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED work?

Background I am trying to use OFFBOARD control mode using px4 firmware and haven't decided if I want to publish my command to /setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel topic or <...
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installing mavros on raspberry pi zero

i want to install mavros on my raspberry pi zero i follow the installation guide from mavros github but when i running : ...
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Mavros and Unsupported FCU on Intel AERO RTF

Hello everybody! I am trying to command my drone, an intel aero RTF, via mavros. So I have the drone running roscore, and my companion computer running mavros. So to resume: I sourced the ...
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Pixhawk not publishing the local position of my Quadrotor

I am on Ubuntu 14.04 (ROS Indigo). I run "roslaunch mavros px4.launch" and am able to successfully connect to my quadrotor. I have a working GPS signal and also could see the data being ...
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Controlling each UAV separately in a UCTF project

I have a multiple UAV launched in Gazebo world using the UCTF project which launch two groups of gold and blue colors which compete against each other in a game cube and grass pitch in the Gazebo ...
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Mavros publishes messages as bursts

Hi, I have a pixhawk connected to an onboard computer over serial port (baud rate 57600). I get /mavros/local_position/odom at ~8 Hz. However, when I plot timestamps of the messages, I get a graph ...
Janindu's user avatar
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How to get EKF readings from Pixhawk using mavros pkg?

Hi, I'm trying to get the EKF readings from pixhawk and there isn't any topic that can do that. I've tried using the '/mavros/local_position/local, pose, odom' and those readings are not satisfactory (...
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Configure frame IDs for mavros local_position/odom

Hi, I have a system of 4 UAVs with 4 pixhawks and 4 on-board computers. A ground station is controlling the ROS master. I have a problem managing UAV poses. Mavros publishes local_position/odom with ...
Janindu's user avatar
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What are the configurations I need to set for mavros_extras distance_sensor plugin?

Hello, In my hexacoptor setup, the Lidarlite is directly connected to a Pixhawk FCU. The Pixhawk is connected to a single board computer on the hexacoptor. My mavros launch file looks like this : <...
Janindu's user avatar
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Launching multiple instances of same ROS node (with different names)

The problem is in simulating two independent different robots in Gazebo: Copter and Rover with same mavros functionality. (Two independent instances of mavros would do great) Can two instances of ...
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I need some orientation about ROS

Hello guys, I'm starting learning ROS, because I have bought a drone and I want to programme it. My purpose is to develop a simple interface with Java, where I can send instructions to the drone (arm, ...
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