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Questions tagged [local-costmap]

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Is it possible to run the costmap node alone in navigation2?

In ubuntu 22.04, ROS2 humble environment, I'm trying to use my own path planner. So I want to run the costmap isolated with other nav2 nodes such as controller server, planner server, behavior server ...
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How to fuse two costmaps (laser and visual) together and use them with move_base?

I have a simulation with a Turtlebot3 where I use the Gazebo RGB camera plugin to retrieve visual information about the environment. My goal is to record an RGB image, run inference to detect grass ...
Alex's user avatar
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Removed Object is not cleared from Local Costmap

I am experiencing an issue with my local_costmap not updating in Nav2. Despite configuring the local costmap to use a rolling window, the costmap does not reflect changes in the environment when ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Local Costmap is not receiving map in "Odom global frame" while using AMCL and GMapping in SLAM

I am implementing SLAM using the AMCL (Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization) and GMapping packages in ROS. While the map is successfully displayed on the Global Costmap, it does not appear on the Local ...
Muhammad Wasiq Saleem's user avatar
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How to select costmap layers in navigation plugins

Navigation2 provides plugins of costmap-layers for creating costmaps, such as Voxel Layer, Static Layer, Inflation Layer, Obstacle Layer. What is the basis for the selection to create global costmap ...
kao.zhu's user avatar
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Local and Global costmaps not showing up in rviz

I have been working on an autonomous navigation for a 3wheeled robot. I am using hector-slam for mapping (and already have several maps saved) and want to use move_base for the navigation. My main ...
Wikmon's user avatar
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local_costmap from nav2 is not displayed in rviz2

I've tried to view local_costmap from /local_costmap/costmap topic in rviz2, but it doesn't work in ROS2 Humble because of following error: "[INFO] [1714830442.379829286] [rviz]: Message Filter ...
ArtemKondratev's user avatar
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Adjusting the Origin of Rolling Costmaps in ROS2 Nav2 for Forward Offset

I am trying to adjust the origin of both global and local rolling costmaps to be positioned in front of the vehicle instead of centering the robot within them. Despite setting the origin_x and ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Local Costmap do not update using Point Cloud data

We are having trouble updating local costmap when using Point cloud data. Sometime costmap reflects the obstacle, but mostly it doesn’t. We are sharing logs, nav2_params and a sample images Kindly ...
naitik nakrani's user avatar
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navigation: sensor is out of bound. so the costmap cannot raytrace for it

I am trying to do a navigation stack on the pepper robot. when I launch move_base, i have noticed the following error. i have seen a similar kind of issue and I tried that modification but was still ...
sai's user avatar
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Both global and local costmap empty

i am trying to build a robot with navigation stack. However, when i saw RVIZ,both local costmap and global costmap was blank. And the local costmap is not in the center of the robot. can someone help ...
Khoi's user avatar
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How to handle local cost map when robot is carrying a shelf in ros2 navigation2?

There is no problem if the robot is not carrying a shelf when using navigation2 with a local cost map with size of (4m x 4m). But when robot is carrying a shelf (see the picture below), if I still use ...
Phymin's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when using move_base rotate_recovery

Summary: In a rotate_recovery behavior called by move_base, the following code is telling me that getRobotFootprint() has an impossibly big size, and I get a segmentation fault when accessing the ...
someguy's user avatar
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[ROS2][NAV2] User misconfiguration of parameters may bring abnormal memory usage

Description Based on: Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Version: humble Nav2 Version: humble Steps to reproduce issue launch the navigation2 within defaulted ...
GoesM's user avatar
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Challenges with Local Planner in ROS2 Navigation2: Ineffectual Obstacle Avoidance and Potential Self-Detection

I'm currently facing challenges with the local planner in ROS2's Navigation stack, which is ineffectively distorting the global plan to avoid obstacles as displayed in these videos: GPS ok But Local ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Local costmap obstacle drift artifacts

I am trying to set up a differential drive mobile robot for SLAM and navigation. I am using: ros-noetic slam_toolbox navigation_stack gazebo + lidar plugin The ...
Sopterean Calin's user avatar
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[ROS2][Nav2] Is there a way to expand the global costmap?

I am working in ros2 foxy in ubuntu 20.04 with a custom made robot. In my current setup i use an imu and odmotry (produced by diff_drive) and a localisaton system outside of the robot (like gps). My ...
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ROS2 nav2 global costmap disappearing

Hello, I am using ros2 foxy on Ubuntu 20.04 with rviz2 and gazebo 11. I'm running a robot in a simulation and will soon test my program on a real robot. Everything launch and work as intended : I can ...
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Customize the Local cost map

Hi everyone, Based on the ROS tutorial I added a simple layer to the global map as a plugin. the question is, How can I customize the local cost map as I want? I attached a picture and I want to do ...
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No local costmap when launching nav2 multiple turtlebot3

Running Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS2 Galactic I have problems when launching the file from Nav2. After pose estimation, I get a global ...
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How to update the occupancy grid of the rviz map with another map?

Hi! I am using local_costmap (not the raw laser scan data) as an input to a model, from which I receive another map, let's call it mapX. Now, I want that the robot navigates using the information from ...
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How to add obstacles detected by LaserScan to the global costmap?

I am trying to add obstacles in the way of my robot. Even if they are detected by the laser scan, it's not until the obstacle comes in the local costmap's frame that the obstacle is noticed and added ...
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Obstacles in camera blind spot are cleared from local costmap

I'm trying to implement obstacle avoidance using move_base package on ROS 1 Melodic. Current issue is that when the robot approaches a short obstacle, the obstacle is first correctly drawn to local ...
jannkar's user avatar
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Navigation 2: dealing with bumper obstacles

I'm trying to add a bumper to my robot and I implemented the following solution based on Kobuki bumper2pc: I have left and right bumpers on my robot which emit custom ...
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Clearing the obstacles form local costmap

Hello, I want to ask, is it possible to specify somewhere in the move_base parameter how often clear the local costmap. I want to do that because I face the problem when the local costmap add a ...
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move_base does not update local_costmap

Hello, I have problem with navigation stack, move_base node in particular. I have launched everything and the robot is going to the goal, which I specified on rviz. AMCL localization is working and ...
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Can I update global map with only one specific pointcloud topic?

Hi, I'm using the move base on my robot for navigation, but I have some special needs regarding how the global map and local map should be updated. The robot have two sensors for mapping, a depth ...
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Robot Thinks It's Stuck When It Isn't

Hi, I've got an annoying problem here. I've trying to get the robot to un-dock from the charging station, navigate then come back. In the screen-shot below you can see that there is free space round ...
MarkyMark's user avatar
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costmap_2d: how to publish local costmap to topic

I'm running costmap_2d with PointCloud2 feed from a 3D lidar as the only source. Lidar points are preliminary filtered, the ground is mostly segmented out. It is used as a singular source for the ...
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min_obstacle_height for obstacle costmap

This is my urdf xacrp for mounting and rotating the lidar ...
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local_costmap "ghost objects"; Restarting move_base

Hey all, I am running the ROS naviagation stack with a 360 degree lidar. After running a couple paths. the local costmap from the lidar seems to fill up with "ghost objects" until the robot ...
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Problem when setting 2D Nav Goal [closed]

Hi, I'm running ROS Kinetic in Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS on a Raspberry Pi 3. My navigation stack is up and running and my robot is able to localize itself in a given map. ...
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local_cosmap remark but can't clear

Hi, I create 2 laser scan by deepth_image_tolaser, one is middle and one is lower z=2-30cm. when I insert or remove object: glocal_costmap is clean and mark as obstacle local_costmap is remark ...
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obstacles are not cleared completely in costmap

Hi everyone, I am converting the ultrasound sensors data to laser scan and it is used to update the local costmap. The obstacles are not cleared completely even when the obstacles moves out of frame. ...
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PR2 navigation: Obstacles not being added to local costmap in Hydro/Indigo

The pr2_navigation package does not update the local costmap and the PR2 collides with obstacles that are not part of the map. This happens in simulation and on the real PR2, both in ROS Hydro and ...
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Set offset to local costmap and rotate with robot

Hi together, I would like to know if there is a possibility to set an offset to the local costmap in general. The problem I am facing is, my local costmap is centered at my robots footprint, however ...
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How to travel long distance in global map

I want to move use move_base to travel distances in the vicinity of 35m. Increasing the size of the local window so that it is large enough causes the update rate of the cost map to fall too low. I ...
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How can Local_planner handle a Lidar blind spot

The lidar on my robot is on the front of the robot so the robot creates a blind spot behind the lidar. How can i get objects to not disappear on the local costmap when they go into the blind spot? The ...
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Local costmap has large drift, why?

I want to test out an exploration node and want to avoid errors in mapping and localization. Therefore I have replaced gmapping by the fake_localization node and a modified version of the map_server ...
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Local costmap not centered on robot

Hello, I'm trying to get move_base to work on my robot. I am using dwa_local_planner and global_planner. When I give the robot nav goals it keeps telling me that none of the points of the global plan ...
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Pose on global_costmap

I set the parameters /move_base/global_costmap/origin_x and /move_base/global_costmap/origin_y -50.0 and -50.0 (width is 100.0), becouse the robot was in angle of global map (parameters were 0.0 and 0....
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Rotates rolling_window with the robot

Hi, I've a doubt. Can I use a rolling window in local_costmap that rotates with the robot? Because I'd like use local_costmap rectangular oriented with the robot. I tried to set local_costmap/...
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Rezise of the map necessary?

Hi, I m trying to load a blank map with a defined dimension of [width, height] = [20, 20] but still it displays in Rviz just a small white square of constant dimension 6x6. I read this tutorial here ...
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define local costmap size

hi, all, How do I limit the size of my local cost map? I am using move_base as my navigational stack. each time the stack starts, the entire map was loaded as local cost map. how do I confine it to ...
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/base_scan observation buffer has not been updated

Hi, i am trying to get the navigation stack running. Hokuyo is the laser scanner i am using. When i am launching move_base_local.launch i receive the warning "The /base_scan observation buffer ...
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layered costmap: How to start a local costmap?

I am wondering where the resizing should be taking place. With the global costmap and a static layer, the map gets resized when a map comes in. But when I use the local costmap with just an obstacle, ...
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rviz crash on adding obstacles from local_costmap

I have rviz crash ...
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How to instantiate the costmap

I do have a problem to instantiate the costmap in my c++ code. I want to instantiate it to work with the resulting costmap object to obtain FREESPACE, UNKNOWN and OBSTACLE. But all I get is a costmap ...
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a global and local map question

In the image below there are two blue crest. If I toggle off the global map panel then the right one disappears. If I toggle off the local map panel then the left one disappears. My global static map ...
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obstacle avoidance with navigation stack

Hi, I'm running the navigation stack and using rviz 2DNav to send goal to my robot but it don't avoid obstacles. I'm sure thta it detects them because they're displayed when I use the grid cells ...
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