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Questions tagged [kinova]

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How to combine two robot models in gazebo?

I have two robots, one is P3Dx and the other is Kinova Gen3 lite. I want to create a mobile manipulator combining these two robots. I have the respective packages and they contain the URDF files. How ...
Ashutosh Sahu M22RM001's user avatar
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Problems with roslaunch bringup Kinova Jaco arms

Hi. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic. I recently upgraded from 14.04 and Indigo. Everything worked fine before, but now, when I try to launch my Kinova Jaco arms, I'm getting an error and I ...
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Robot drives arm into table on its way to target pose

Greetings, Apologies for newbie question. Is there a command that moves "straight" to a target set of joint angles, where "straight" means the end effector moves in a roughly ...
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problem to run kinova Mico2 robotic arm

Hi, I follow this tutorial "" to control kinova mico 2 robotic arm (4DOF, with 2 fingers gripper). When I run this ...
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How to record the movement of robot arm?

How to record the movement of a robot arm am play it back? I am using a kinova jaco arm. Is there any available stack for the movement recording? Originally posted by somebodyus on ROS Answers with ...
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Subscribing action server message

Hey, I am trying to simulate the Kinova Mico arm in a Gazebo simulation. I have everything working, executing paths calculated in Moveit. The only thing I have yet to simulate is the gripper. I am ...
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Spawning a robot arm with desired joint angles

I am trying to spawn a Kinova Mico arm in a gazebo simulation and Rviz. It spawns with all the joints at a value of 0. This means that they spawn in collision state, shown below. Both in rviz and they ...
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2 answers

How to start up the Kinova (JACO Arms) API in ROS?

What I am working on already has a couple of "sample programs" to help move the arms. But looking upon the code for these programs, there seems to be an API involved. I am trying to ...
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How to proceed with using Moveit if you're not working on a PR2?

I just started looking into Moveit while using Kinova's robotic arms (Jaco Research edition). Will the steps described in the tutorial be similar for them? If not, what points should I keep in mind ...
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