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Questions tagged [image-raw]

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What are the information represented by echo the topic of camera_info and image_raw?

Hi, I am using a multi camera plugin with SDF and the left and right images are published well in Rviz2. I wish to know the depth/distance of the object from the camera based on the images produced ...
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What is the exact format and size of Image() object?

I cannot figure out what is the exact format of the sensor_msg Image() file. When I issue the command: rostopic echo /camera/image_raw I get a massive output ...
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How to decompress compressed image topic?

Hello people, I have a question on how to decompress image topics. I have a /D435/color/image_raw/compressed image and I am interested in decompressing it and get a ...
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recording only header image_raw message

I would like to record using rosbag only the /usb_cam/image_raw/header topic excluding the data. Tried: rosbag record -a -x "/usb_cam1/image_raw/data" But looks like it is not working. I ...
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how to get rgb value from sensor_msgs/image

hello, i need to use rgb value from /camera/color/image_raw topic. i want to know how to get rgb value from this topic. thank you for answer Originally posted by Cinnamoroll on ROS Answers with karma:...
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How to understand data from the image_raw/compressed topic?

I wanted to know what they represent and how to read data from the image_raw / compressed topic. For example, the laser / scan topic, your "ranges" data represent the distance to an object, ...
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How to save camera image when needed?

I am currently following this tutorial to publish image messages using the camera plugin. I can totally subscribe the image_raw topic and save every published image message, but that's not what I need....
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Not receiving any data from my robot

Main Problem I am currently trying to check if I am getting any data from the ARDrone 2.0 that I have on my desk. It is connected to the wifi and I can do a roslaunch ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch. ...
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Noise Image_raw from video stream

I have 2 cameras looking at an object, estimating the transformation between two camera images using OpenCV feature matching. I have ROS driver for 2 cameras (gscam). When receiving new image topic (/...
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Viso2_ros without camera_info

Hi all, I'm trying to compute visual odometry using a stream of images (left and rigth) from a server These images come without camera_info, but i have a calibration file cam0: T_cam_imu: [0....
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How to retrieve XYZ co-ordinates from a raw depth image?

I am taking a depth image from /camera/depth_registered/image_raw and thresholding it to find objects within a certain range. I would like to find the xyz co-ordinates of these objects in order to ...
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How to subscribe visp_auto_tracker to /usb_cam/image_raw/compressed?

Hi all, I am wondering if this is possible, since just subscribing to /usb_cam/image_raw causes a lot of lag, and the visp_auto_tracker debug display window will freeze up. Here is my launch file to ...
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Using rostopic /image_raw for VideoCapture in OpenCV

Hello, All of a sudden, I need to change my approach from calling; (TheVideoCapturer is of a class VideoCapture) to open my internet camera ...
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How can I get the metric distance from the topic "camera/depth/image_raw"?

I am learning turtlebot_simulator. I run turtlebot_gazebo. Then I subscriber the topic "camera/depth/image_raw" using Python. but How can I know the exact distance of each point from the ...
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How can I see images from usb_cam?

Good afternoon. I have usb_camera installed on my groovy raspbian. I have done : rosparam set usb_cam/pixel_format yuyv and after that I wrote : rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node I´m being given : usb_cam ...
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Webots version 7.1.2 problem with image_raw / Nao Robots / ROS

Hello there, Our group has been trying to get a video feed from a Nao Robot in Webots, using ROS. We've successfully managed to obtain a video image from the top camera (ID:"/CameraTop_frame"...
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Image Transport Compressed issue for Depth Image - ROS Fuerte

Hi, I am using Depth Image for one of my applications, where I need to use compressed image transport for some server/client app. If I use param -> "_image_transport:=raw", everything ...
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rostopic for Kinect

Which is the exact rostopic for Kinect raw image viewer. Originally posted by Arjun PE on ROS Answers with karma: 18 on 2012-08-08 Post score: 0 Original comments Comment by Lorenz on 2012-08-08: ...
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