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Including uic auto generated header files in .cpp file

This may seem like a very stupid question, but I have a QT project that is built using rosbuild and CMake. The ui_form.h file is generated in the CMake build directory. I need to include this file in ...
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2 answers

Modifying Catkin Include Order to use Source Package over Debian Package

I am attempting to use a custom set of ros_control headers (specifically for the controller_manager class) in a package that depends on nearly a dozen other packages, some of which I cannot modify. I ...
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How do I include subfolders, and how do I have .h files inside subfolders find other .h files in other subfolders?

It may be best to look at this example: I'm trying to get the code here to compile but it can't find "/home/marco/...
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1 answer

Include directory for other packages

I'm trying to learn how to use a package that depends on another package I have created. Both are under ros_workspace/ and one of them(first_pack) depends on the other (lib_test, which is a shared ...