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Proper conventions of separating large projects into .cpp and .h files?

Hello, I was wondering if there are any proper ways of making large projects more understandable for the reader. I am trying to make separate header and source files for my publishers and subscribers. ...
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Cannot include header from another package

I have a package my_lib, that contains Parameters.h in he include folder, which I need to include in another package ...
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Proper way of including headers in catkin c++

Hello there! I'm experiencing a linking problem when I try to include some header files to my node. My newnode.cpp looks so: ...
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ros generate checking headers before generating message headers

I am generating a message in this package. Then using that message in a header file in the same package. This builds on my system, but not on others (see TravisCI build failures). It seems that cmake/...
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Is it possible to have a header file for a node?

I'm writing a ROS node in C++. I wanted to know if it's possible to have a .h file (in addition to the .cpp file that includes the node's code) for it. The .h file includes just a bunch of other #...
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catkin_make --install headers search order

Hi, Let's say I have 2 packages A & B of which package B use some of the package A headers. I use catkin_make_isolated --install to build my packages. Package ...
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Modifying Catkin Include Order to use Source Package over Debian Package

I am attempting to use a custom set of ros_control headers (specifically for the controller_manager class) in a package that depends on nearly a dozen other packages, some of which I cannot modify. I ...
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How do I include subfolders, and how do I have .h files inside subfolders find other .h files in other subfolders?

It may be best to look at this example: I'm trying to get the code here to compile but it can't find "/home/marco/...
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use custom messages from another package

Dear all, I am a newbie of ROS, and I am searching for the answer to this simple question since this morning. I have a rosbuild package, that generates some custom messages (headers are generated ...
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Where should generated header files be generated to? How can I then export them with catkin?

I have the following CMakeLists.txt ...
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Qt Creator cannot find moveit headers

My computer's OS is Ubuntu 12.04 with Groovy and I am working with the source installation of ros moveit. To modify one of the moveit packages I tried to open a package in qtcreator (execute qt ...
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Including uic auto generated header files in .cpp file

This may seem like a very stupid question, but I have a QT project that is built using rosbuild and CMake. The ui_form.h file is generated in the CMake build directory. I need to include this file in ...
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reading header of message phython

hi bellow is a link to the topic I am subscribing to sensor_msgs/LaserScan header header # timestamp in the header is the acquisition time of the first ray in the scan. compact message definition (...
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Include directory for other packages

I'm trying to learn how to use a package that depends on another package I have created. Both are under ros_workspace/ and one of them(first_pack) depends on the other (lib_test, which is a shared ...
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Where is platform.h?

I wrote a publisher in c++ and I must include platform.h, but I cannot find it in any directory, and include the directory.Where is platform.h? Originally posted by Penny on ROS Answers with karma: ...
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