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End2End learning for robotics tasks such as grasping, manipulation

I am in RL but new to robotics. I am trying to know what the best to train an RL policy in an end2end fashion for grasping or manipulations tasks using images. I can think about three ways. Can ...
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Object manipulation pipeline: how to motion plan with the hand, but grasp without it...?

Hi all, Tabletop Manipulation seems to be structured such that object_manipulator plans grasps by removing the table from the Planning Scene, or at least disabling collisions between the gripper links ...
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Object manipulator: how to lift upwards? (using different approach & lift directions for grasping)

Hi all, I'm using object_manipulator, as part of the Object Manipulation Pipeline, to approach an object, grasp it, and pick it up. I would like to approach from a horizontal/sideways direction (to ...
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Which grasp planner to use, manipulation pipeline, non PR2 robot

(This question/answer thread was started via email) I am trying to implement the ROS Manipulation Pipeline (perception + grasping) on our own robot. So it's a non PR2, with non-PR2 gripper. Original ...
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Attaching objects to the robot's body in diamondback

Hallo everybody, I followed this tutorial: Attaching objects to the robot's body I just wanted to attach a cylinder to the endeffector of my robot arm to avoid collisions between the environment and ...
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