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Questions tagged [grasping]

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move_group pick() function computes weird movements

I'm recently getting into ROS (Melodic, Ubuntu 18.04) and MoveIt!. For my project, I need to grasp an object from the table where the robot (a franka eremika panda) is placed. I wrote a python script ...
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End2End learning for robotics tasks such as grasping, manipulation

I am in RL but new to robotics. I am trying to know what the best to train an RL policy in an end2end fashion for grasping or manipulations tasks using images. I can think about three ways. Can ...
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Basic example project of a gripper holding an object in Gazebo

I am searching for a working example of a gripper that can hold an object in Gazebo / Gazebo Classic. The example should ideally: use a 1-DOF gripper with two fingers where one is mimicked use Python ...
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How accurate is the current read by /svh_controller/channel_currents?

Hello everyone! I´m working with a real SVH 5-Finger hand from Schunk and I have performed a lot of tests regarding to the current. As it was pointed out before, there is no force feedback on the hand ...
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Controlling two joints simultaneously

Hello, I am using the Kuka Youbot arm ( When running the youbot_driver, several ...
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Graspit installation package for Hydro?

Hi, I have been trying to install Graspit simulator for some research work and got my Ros Hydro distro installed yesterday on ubuntu Precise. Could you please tell me if there is any way to install ...
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Object manipulation pipeline: how to motion plan with the hand, but grasp without it...?

Hi all, Tabletop Manipulation seems to be structured such that object_manipulator plans grasps by removing the table from the Planning Scene, or at least disabling collisions between the gripper links ...
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Object manipulator: how to lift upwards? (using different approach & lift directions for grasping)

Hi all, I'm using object_manipulator, as part of the Object Manipulation Pipeline, to approach an object, grasp it, and pick it up. I would like to approach from a horizontal/sideways direction (to ...
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Which grasp planner to use, manipulation pipeline, non PR2 robot

(This question/answer thread was started via email) I am trying to implement the ROS Manipulation Pipeline (perception + grasping) on our own robot. So it's a non PR2, with non-PR2 gripper. Original ...
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data transfer through net cable in Ros

Hi, Guys I have one Problem with my ROS project, hope someone could give me a hand. the problem is as following: hardware : one PC, one controller and a delta roboter software: Linux ROS and ...
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Where could we find tutorials about using the graspit_simulator?

Hi All, Where could we find tutorials about using the graspit_simulator stack? I have checked it out from here, but still do not know where to start; given that there is no tutorial link on its wiki. (...
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Attaching objects to the robot's body in diamondback

Hallo everybody, I followed this tutorial: Attaching objects to the robot's body I just wanted to attach a cylinder to the endeffector of my robot arm to avoid collisions between the environment and ...
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Graspit ROS - interface plugin

Hi, I installed Graspit! for Diamondback from apt and it works fine. Now i would like to use the provided graspit_interface plugin. According to this post, there should be a graspit_interface node for ...
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How to grasp a cup by PR2 on simulations?

I want to run some complicated scenarios on simulations,such as pr2 grasp a cup or similar scenarios. Where can I start? Thank you~ Originally posted by sam on ROS Answers with karma: 2570 on 2012-01-...
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visualizing 3D objects from household_objects_database and grasp playpen dataset

Hi there, As said in the subject line, I want to find a way to visualize the objects from household_objects_database, and from grasp playpen dataset (which is in .bag format). I looked up the threads ...
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3 answers

The Pick and Place Autonomous Demo, grasping error

Hi all I was going through the pr2_pick_and_place_demos/Tutorials/The Pick and Place Autonomous Demo. A simulated pr2 was running. The robot always succeed to find the table, move the arm but finally ...
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object_manipulation vs GraspIt vs OpenRave

This is an open-ended question aimed at grasp planning and object manipulation. Of the object_manipulation pipeline, the libraries provided by GraspIt and the libraries provided by OpenRave, which are ...
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database for grasping include raw sensor data?

Hi all, I am doing some research on robot grasping. Now I need a database with object models and the raw sensor data(point cloud). As far as I know, there are 3 databases that I can use, "cgdb&...
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Grasping force-closure node?‏

good morning/evening/night is anyone aware of the existence of a ros node to check wether a certain set of grasping points is form/force-closure? thx in advance. Josep Originally posted by Josep ...
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Using the household_objects_database with diamondback

Hello I'd like to use the grasping-database on our PR2 (or gazebo to start with). I installed the database according to this tutorial:
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Retrieving pose of an object from an image or bag file

Hi all, Does anyone know a working package for retrieving pose (3D position) of an object from an image or bag file? I used Objects of Daily Use Finder (ODUfinder) and tod_training + tod_detecting ...
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