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Local and Global costmaps not showing up in rviz

I have been working on an autonomous navigation for a 3wheeled robot. I am using hector-slam for mapping (and already have several maps saved) and want to use move_base for the navigation. My main ...
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Costmap boundaries

Is there a way I can manipulate a costmap so that the outermost cells of the inflated obstacles in the x axis are counted as the map borders. I think I can write a script that does that using Python ...
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[ROS2][Nav2] Is there a way to expand the global costmap?

I am working in ros2 foxy in ubuntu 20.04 with a custom made robot. In my current setup i use an imu and odmotry (produced by diff_drive) and a localisaton system outside of the robot (like gps). My ...
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ROS2 nav2 global costmap disappearing

Hello, I am using ros2 foxy on Ubuntu 20.04 with rviz2 and gazebo 11. I'm running a robot in a simulation and will soon test my program on a real robot. Everything launch and work as intended : I can ...
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How to load parameter file for global_costmap node started by nav2_planner?

Hi! I want to use only the path planning feature in ROS2 Navigation2. My problem is, that when I'm launching the nav2_planner, it starts the global_costmap node automatically. I have a parameter file, ...
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move_base global costmap is not updated when removing an object/obstacle from the environment

Hello everyone! I am currently working on a project using the ROS 1 navigation stack and for the past few weeks I have been struggling with this issue regarding the proper updating of move_base's ...
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How are LaserScan and global_costmap related?

Hi all, I am currently working on navigation and I have a question regarding understanding a concept. From what I understood so far, global_costmap is created based on the pre-loaded static map by ...
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How to specify map topic for ros navigation static_layer (global costmap)?

Hello, I have a /map topic where I have my initial map launched by map_server. But I want to change the topic for the map to /filtered_map. I want to do it because I make some restrictions on the map ...
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static_layer gets deleted by obstacle_layer in global_costmap

Previously (i.e. pre-hydro) it has been possible to have a global_costmap that takes in sensor data as well as the static map from the ...
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How to use only the global planner without the other move_base components?

I am working on an autonomous robot. I have implemented my own local planner and controller. I would just like to use the costmap_2d and ...
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Robot Thinks It's Stuck When It Isn't

Hi, I've got an annoying problem here. I've trying to get the robot to un-dock from the charging station, navigate then come back. In the screen-shot below you can see that there is free space round ...
MarkyMark's user avatar
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observation_persistence in global costmap

What is the equivalent variable in ROS Indigo for observation_persistence in the costmap_2d obstacle layer that is in ROS Hydro? I'm not finding observation_persistence in ROS Indigo Thanks! ...
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How to travel long distance in global map

I want to move use move_base to travel distances in the vicinity of 35m. Increasing the size of the local window so that it is large enough causes the update rate of the cost map to fall too low. I ...
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escape velocity robot behavior move_base

Hi all, I have a small doubt regarding the robot's behavior when escape velocity (escape_vel) is given to it. When the robot is going in the backward direction (...
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How to subscribe a new costmap2dROS object to the global_costmap/costmap

Hi all, I am planning to write my own node in ROS and I need to access the global_costmap which is being published. For that, I have created a new Costmap2DROS ...
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obtain a copy of the global_costmap

Hi all, I am planning to write my own node in ROS and I need to access the global_costmap which is being published. I have the following piece of code: ...
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Pose on global_costmap

I set the parameters /move_base/global_costmap/origin_x and /move_base/global_costmap/origin_y -50.0 and -50.0 (width is 100.0), becouse the robot was in angle of global map (parameters were 0.0 and 0....
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Global costmap update?

Hello, I'd like to know if the global costmap in the ros navigation stack updates itself or not. I'd like to know by my question if the first created global costmap using the static map provided by ...
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Rezise of the map necessary?

Hi, I m trying to load a blank map with a defined dimension of [width, height] = [20, 20] but still it displays in Rviz just a small white square of constant dimension 6x6. I read this tutorial here ...
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use some functions of move_base

Hello! Is there any way to use only some functions of move_base? I want to use in my node only the global costmap created with move_base and nothing else (no planners) Originally posted by alex920a ...
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How to refresh automatically global costmap in Rviz

Hello! I'm wondering how to automatically refresh the global costmap visualization on Rviz. The problem is: I have an initial global costmap and I add an obstacle in gazebo. At this point the global ...
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global costmap position

Hi, I'm new to ROS and I'm trying to get my robot simulation in gazebo work with the navigation stack. I've followed the navigation stack tutorials but when I set a goal position in the rviz, I get ...
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How to use global_costmap/costmap_updates for updating global costmap

I've already search through the Internet and still get no clue of how to update the global cost map in navigation node, hydro. I've create a new package and subscribe to global costmap generated from ...
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a global and local map question

In the image below there are two blue crest. If I toggle off the global map panel then the right one disappears. If I toggle off the local map panel then the left one disappears. My global static map ...
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Global Costmap not visualized

Hi, I tried to visualize the costmap in RVIZ. The local costmap is published and visualized, while the global costmap doesn't publish any data. Since RVIZ is able to find the global costmap topic, I ...
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global frame in move_base

Hi, I am slightly confused regarding the global frame parameter that is set in the local_costmap.yaml and global_costmap.yaml files to run move_base. The "local" parameter specified global ...
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