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Download a ROS2 package from GitHub and install it with colcon

Is there a standard way to download a ROS2 package from GitHub and install it withcolcon? I am looking for something more automated than just copy-pasting or using ...
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How to put my workspace on Github?

Hello, For the last year or so I have been working on and editing and running simulations in my catkin workspace based on several different ros packages. In order to customize them for my own specific ...
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Writing URDF for robot

Hi all, am still new to ROS Noetic and the progress is not as smooth even while following ROS tutorial. Going through tutorial for urdf, the explanation on how to write urdf is understandable but it ...
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Fork Autoware_AI repository and create docker image

Hi Autoware_AI currently does not include some vehicles that I wish to use to work with python API. I need to make some changes into the code, modify launch files, etc to make my simulation based on ...
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Possible to have buildfarm status in PR on Github?

I have configured bloom to enable Pull Request testing on the buildfarm. On the Github side, giving admin access to the whole org seems a bit too much, so I am using the alternative solution using ...
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ROS package not found after catkin_make

Hello :) I'm quite new to ROS and tried to install a package (laser_line_extraction) from github. I completely followed this instruction
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Saving ROS2 Dashing workspace to github

Hi, I am pretty new to git and ROS2, and I want to save my ROS2 Dashing workspace as a GitHub repository. How do I do this? Thanks in advance!! Originally posted by svintissen on ROS Answers with ...
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rosdep: installing dependency from non-apt-source

Hello, a ROS package we maintain depends on a third-party-library which we build and host on our own server; we maintain .deb-packages for several architectures as well as a Windows installer. After ...
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How do I deploy a rosdep mirror?

Github is starting to throttle my requests to . How do I deploy a mirror of such a package index and tell rosdep to ...
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Package installation, rosdep cant find installation

Hi, i want to install multiple packages for using a robot with ROS and have to build them out of source. I created a worspace and cloned all repositories into the ...
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How can I find ROS packages on GitHub?

How can I find ROS packages on GitHub? I thought about e.g. using the GitHub search field with something like <package> filename:package extension:xml to ...
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How to use ROS nodes/packages from the internet?

I'm working on my first ROS project and now that i've built a working robot that does some simple things i'd like to start incorporating more open source tools into my robot. I'd like to know how to ...
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How to clone with proper branch options using wstool

Using git, I can do: git clone --version indigo to get the correct branch from a particular repo. How can I achieve the same result using <...
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how can I submit my own ros package to github

I know it would be a silly question. Here is the thing. I have my own ros package in Ubuntu running on VMware on windows, and now I want to run this package on Ubuntu, which is another system of my ...
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How to install packages from github

So, I know how to clone a repository from github, but that's all. I would like to install the common_msgs collection of packages onto my Raspberry Pi which is running debian jessie. How do I go about ...
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How to upload a ROS package to github?

I'm completely unfamiliar with github, and in their tutorial, they only show you how to upload a file to a repository. So I was wondering how i would go about uploading a ros package? Will it be the ...
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bloom pulls in older tagged version

While I'm making a release using bloom I noticed on the commandline that it pulled in an older tagged version. Why is that, and how can I make a release with the ...
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Diagnosing issues with bloom + github two-factor authentication

I am trying to release a package with bloom, but I also have two-factor authentication on my github account. I tried following these instructions:
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How to fix a Jenkins error?

Hello everyone, the binary builds of my package in Jenkins failed with a dependency error. I fixed the error in my CMakeLists.txt file and updated the Github repo accordingly. However the last two ...
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Multiple GIT repositories in a workspace

Dear fellow ROS-users, I was wondering about the best practice to maintain multiple GIT repositories within a workspace (and possibly another GIT-repository). This problem is also present when forking ...
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question in install third party package on ROS

I want to install a third party package which is Source: Dependencies: Description: The labust_control package contains all the low and high-level ...
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Failed to open pull request: KeyError owner

When I go to re-release a bloom package, I am getting a new error today: ...
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Running rostests with bag data

I'm in the processing of standing up some regression tests, and my tests require that I can play back bag data against my node, and then monitor the output. rostest ...
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Version tagging for new releases and distributions

My upstream repository contains a master branch, as well as branches for Groovy, Hydro, and Indigo. Each distro branch is named <ros_version>-devel. How should I handle release tagging in this ...
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rosdep update error (gentoo.yaml empty)

Hi, I just noticed a strange error when executing rosdep update. ...
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Hello, when I run rosdep update, i get 'timed out'

after running 'rosdep update', it shows: ...
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What's the status of the "tf_delay" parameter in gmapping?

Hi, I am using ROS Groovy. I have been trying to make slam_gmapping future-date the map->odom transform. In my search I went to the repo listed on the wiki page and found this:
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rosserial_client does not include

Good afternoon partners. I've just installed this morning Rasbpian/Groovy on a second raspberry of mine. When I follow the instructions to get "rosserial" on
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New errors in camera_pose_calibration

My old question: A possible solution from an older one:
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How to merge git forks with current ROS directories? Camera_pose errors

Since camera_pose_calibration was never updated, I finally got the patched version of camera_pose from Github via this: ...
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Using Git with ROS Groovy/rosws?

Is there something new/different about using git within rosws in ROS Groovy? It looks like I'm getting the stacks checked out but when I use rosmake it reports 0 of 0 stacks created. Does the catkin ...
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SBPL Package Relocation

Hello, I was wondering where the current sbpl package is located. The link on the sbpl package for fuerte is dead ( and the ros-gbp github repository for sbpl has nothing ...
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Problem checking out navigation 1.8.3

Hi, I was trying to checkout navigation 1.8.3 from github to my workspace. The commands I used are, ...
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github access to ros_comm broken?

I am trying to chase down a problem running rostest on a dry stack under Groovy. But, when I go to, it says: ...
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