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Error fetching dependencies from Git repo

I have cloned this repo: however when fetching the dependencies with: ...
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colcon build on ROS2 humble outputs "listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any"

I started to learn ros2, installed ros2 humble, have followed the tutorial of the channel Robotics Back-End before and I was able to successfully create a node. After some time I wanted to visit the ...
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CMakeList git clone then add_subdirectory - not working

I got this problem where the directory listed on add_subdirectory does not find a CMakeList file and as I checked the folder, it is empty, the package is not yet cloned. Is there a way where the ...
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Bloom-release: Cannot push to remote release repository. fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

Hello community, I want to release a repository using bloom (first time) and I am following ROS2's official documentation:
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ROS2 Following basic service/client tutorial, executables doesn't seems to install

For a bit of context, I am using Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS2 Foxy. I followed this tutorial : To ...
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How to put my workspace on Github?

Hello, For the last year or so I have been working on and editing and running simulations in my catkin workspace based on several different ros packages. In order to customize them for my own specific ...
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Strategy to keep track of third-party ROS packages

Hi, In my ROS project, I am using ROS packages that can't be installed with apt and need to be cloned and compiled from source. Because of that, I can't use rosdep to easily download all of the ...
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apt-get vs git clone

Hello everyone Im new to ROS platform and im about to build my first real world robot using ROS. M question might sound bad or something but i have to ask since im only a beginner. which is the best ...
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Guide for managing ros2 project in git

This question from 2017 asks the same question,, but I thought things may have changed since then. Our use case is ...
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Use wstool but keep git directories organized under a custom structure

Imagine I have the following structure in my directory: ...
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Gitignore everything except src directory

I have a catkin workspace with the following structure: catkin_ws/ ├── build ├── devel └── src As expected all my code/packages are in the src directory but the ...
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Cannot execute catkin_make in githook

I have a pre-push githook that tries to execute catkin_make before pushing, to only allow pushes that (at least) can compile. It ...
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Guide for managing a ros project with Git

I've been searching around through the documentation/forum posts and haven't really found a good walk-through explaining how to set up version control of a ros project using Git. I'll explain what I ...
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git strategy for catkin and package folders

I am new to ROS and the catkin tool. I have read the tutorials and try to understand how to work with the ROS file structure and tools. Let's say my application will consist of home grown packages a,b ...
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catkin_make is not building my bitbucket based ros packages

Background I have an existing project that I want to migrate to a different computer. I started building a project on my Raspberry Pi and then put the project up on github. The current name of the ...
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How to clone with proper branch options using wstool

Using git, I can do: git clone --version indigo to get the correct branch from a particular repo. How can I achieve the same result using <...
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bloom; RuntimeError: Two packages have different version numbers (but it is false)

I'm trying to release a meta package using boom with the following command: bloom-release --rosdistro indigo --track indigo summit_xl_common And after a lot of ...
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What is the correct way to commit clean a workspace before commiting?

Hi, I work with svn and git and instead of committing my whole catkin workspace with built binaries etc, what is the best way to clean the worskpace before committing it. So that when someone else ...
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git clone

I read about the book ros_by_example_indigo_volume_1 , first time i tap git clone it print ...
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Best practice: one git repo per package?

Is it against ROS best practices, in our post-stack world, to have multiple ROS packages in a single Git repo? Conversely, is it ok to have a git repo with several very related packages within? I know ...
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Using git for version control with catkin (added>>>) and Eclipse

I am new to ROS, catkin, and git. I'm trying to setup my system properly for version control, and for working on my laptop and desktop machines using a central git repository. I found an question and ...
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Multiple GIT repositories in a workspace

Dear fellow ROS-users, I was wondering about the best practice to maintain multiple GIT repositories within a workspace (and possibly another GIT-repository). This problem is also present when forking ...
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What is the component for the messaging system?

I want to have a close look at the messaging i.e. how ROS sends messages from publishers to subscribers. For that I would like to have a look in the code. What is the component that represent the ...
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Install debian dependecies for git source project

So i have all my source for my custom robot on github, and i only want to have my own custom source in there. I have been looking around everywhere, and am trying to figure out how to make these steps ...
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tum simulator cloning problem

I am working in the proxy network of my college. And i did all proxy setting in my system whatever i know. but when i executing following command, it return following error: ...
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How to manage multiple branches of the same git repository with wstool?

Hi everyone, I am looking at wstool to systematically update my local git repositories, but I am wondering how to manage multiple branches of the same repository. For example, if I want wstool to help ...
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groovy-devel, hydro-devel, different git branches architecture question

Maybe this is a really general question about git and branches and i could put it somewhere else (stackoverflow) but I would like to know for the developers that are using hydro-devel and groovy-devel ...
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What should I upload exactly to GitHub

I have been working on improving/changing an existing package. Now that I am done, I have a package ready for use in my system. What should I consider when uploading it to a repository? bin folder ...
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Possible to use git submodules for bloom?

Is it possible to use git submodules in repositories for releasing packages via bloom? I used it in a package and it succeeded for the devel-build (even on Jenkins), but now the build seems to fail ...
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New errors in camera_pose_calibration

My old question: A possible solution from an older one:
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How to merge git forks with current ROS directories? Camera_pose errors

Since camera_pose_calibration was never updated, I finally got the patched version of camera_pose from Github via this: ...
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error in "Non-ROS Installation" of ROSJAVA

I followed the instruction here and I failed at this command line at Non-ROS installation : git checkout -b hydro origin/hydro the error is: ...
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rqt install in Fuerte / git target directories

Dear Ros experts! I want to install the rqt Package to my fuerte ROS version in ubuntu precise. I am following the instructions on see (At the end of the page)...
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[ERROR] fatal: cannot exec 'fetch-pack': Argument list too long

Hi everybody, I'm a ROS newbie and I'm trying to build it since a few days ago. First I tried in a VM with CrunchBang #! but it had a lot of errors. Now I'm trying in my native OS (Snow Leopard), and ...
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ar_pose no longer url?

Hi all, I'm trying to clone the following git repository: But the cloning is failing. Furthermore, when I try to access anything related ...
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Using Git with ROS Groovy/rosws?

Is there something new/different about using git within rosws in ROS Groovy? It looks like I'm getting the stacks checked out but when I use rosmake it reports 0 of 0 stacks created. Does the catkin ...
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Why cannot I rosmake the image_pipeline package?

Hi, I want to use the opencv in my ros, following the tutorials: http: // www, I git cloned the image_view package(actually I use the command: git clone https :// ...
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Git: driver cloning doesn't work

Hi, I want to clone the driver "sick_tim3xx" for the Sick Laserscanner from the following URL: ...
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Problem checking out navigation 1.8.3

Hi, I was trying to checkout navigation 1.8.3 from github to my workspace. The commands I used are, ...
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Using rosbag c++ code API

Hello everyone, I am trying to use the rosbag C++ code API in my own node. For that I need to refer to the rosbag sources (rosbag::Bag etc.). By default only the binaries from rosbag were installed. ...
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help for writing a rosinstall on rosdisto

Hi I wrote four ros pkg's all are located in one git repo. Do I have to write four rosinstall files on rosdisto? How should I design the the rosinstall file because one cannot checkout a git sub-...
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ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu from source Checkout Error

Hello, Is there a new or updated rosinstall file for installing Fuerte from source? From the wiki: It pulls down the rosinstall from:
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not install the Openni drivers onto my system

hg clone cd drivers make then, not installed and displayed it ...
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Contributing packages split across multiple Git repositories

I've written quite a few nodes for a custom robot that I've been working on. Several of these nodes are general purpose hardware drivers that would be useful to the larger ROS community. I have been ...
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Error Downloading rosemacs

Hi Guys, I was trying to install rosemacs an I get this error just when I'm trying to downoload the git stack. ...
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Need to check the rosinstall for openni

Hi. I'm using ROS Electric in Ubuntu 10.04 lucyd. I have followed the full installation process and actualy I have already made some nodes succesfully. I want to use the openni_kinect pakage. I'm ...
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How to use rosinstall to download git source?

I tried to use the code,but failed: - git: uri: local-name:cram_pl How to fixed it? Thank you~ ...
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Why does rosinstall say my git repo is "not the current branch or commit"?

I cannot update git repositories using rosinstall. I do the first installation by running: rosinstall ~/ros-test mytest.rosinstall This completes without error. ...
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installing XV-11 driver git error

I'm following the directions from here, I installed Cturtle and then when I try to install the driver I get this. ...
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Can a single git repository release multiple ROS stacks?

I am setting up a repository which will contain several ROS stacks. I want rosinstall and ros_release to manage each stack ...
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