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Questions tagged [generate-messages]

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rosserial_client make_libraries: unable to build message

I am trying to create a custom message for ROS noetic and implement it in a rosserial_arduino node. To do that, I first created my workspace: mkdir neopixel_ws ...
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Which languages (and target names) does genmsg support?

The documentation for genmsg seems to indicate that generated targets follow language-name conventions. E.g. if you target foo depends on the C++ messages of your ...
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Issue with Rosserial Custom Message

I am using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. I've been trying to get a custom message type to work over rosserial_arduino for some time now. I have properly generated the C++ message headers in the package....
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trigger recompilation of installed msgs

Related to my question about triggering a new language generator: I currently have a workspace (from source) with the official ...
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Generating getter and setter methods for simple custom message

I need to create a custom message for a PTZ camera so I can post the pan, tilt and zoom values to a topic. The problem is that I can't generate any access methods to change them. My message is defined ...
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gencpp/message_generator not running properly?

Help! Trying to figure out what is wrong with my build of ROS, I have built a new custom message for my node but each time I catkin_make it and reference it to another project I have an empty header ...
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Best way to add/use directories inside of /msg?

I've been struggling with this for a few days now, and I can't seem to find any answers involving this. I'm working with a relatively large project with hundreds of messages, and there's no way it's ...
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Cannot load message class for []. Are your messages built?

I have a node that subscribes to /joy topic, converts to /cmd_vel topic, and publishes to arduino via rosserial. I am receiving joy messages just fine, but when I ...
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rosmsg wont show message?

I at moment trying to learn about ROS using the guide provided by this page. Up until now it has been running fine, but for some reason i am not getting the same output as i was supposed to here http:...
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Messages not being generated before dependent package

Hi All, I am having a very frustrating problem. I have a package pac_industrial_robot_driver that uses messages declared in another package ...
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message headers won't build first

I have been using ROS hydro and indigo for the past year, and I can't get my custom message files to build in the correct order. Whenever I move my packages to a new computer and do a fresh build, I ...
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Cannot load message class for .... Are your messages built?

I have seen the other topics about the similar error (like here, but they don't seem to fit to my ...
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First compile with messages, messages not found

Hello, I am using a catkin workspace with a package that only contains messages. If I build the workspace for the first time (ie. delete the devel / build folders) it seems like it wants to compile ...
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generate_messages fails with ros_comm

While installing with source, I've started seeing this error after synching ros_comm src to the latest commit (not sure if the error starts happening since this ...
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