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Questions tagged [frontier-exploration]

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Frontier exploration in ROS noetic

I want to use frontier explanation in Ros noetic. Is there a way to use in this Ros package? Originally posted by VacumCleanerOGU on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2021-07-12 Post score: 3
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[exploration_server_node-5] process has died

Hello, I am trying to run the frontier_exploration on ROS Melodic for my turtlebot3 burger but I am facing an error and a few warnings : ...
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How to implement autonomous navigation with Google Cartographer?

I am trying to implement autonomous navigation using 2 lasers and a depth camera. IMU and odometry data will also be available. Basically, I'd like to have the simulated robot spawned in some gazebo ...
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frontier_exploration installation can't locate explore_client and explore_server in its package

Hi everyone. I'm running ROS Kinetic on Raspberry Pi. So it seems that frontier_exploration package was successfully built via ...
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What robot should I use for SLAM?

I am in algorithm development and I just need a robot to test on in Gazebo simulation. I have tried several robots I found online and none seem to work quite right, so I am looking for advice about a ...
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husky exploration demo in melodic

Although Husky is not technically supported yet for ROS melodic, it did work to run the Husky demos 1-3 here so I am hopeful I can get the 4th demo to run, frontier exploration. But in running that ...
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Current Position topic? (frontier_exploration)

Hello! I am running a Turtlebot3 with ROS on Ubuntu v16.02, and using the package frontier_exploration. I would like to use the bot's current position as a condition in my python script, so my plan is ...
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Ending nodes/topics from python script

Hello! To preface, I working with a turtlebot3 running ROS on Ubuntu, and working with the package frontier-exploration. I am designing a Python script that will send the turtlebot to its point of ...
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Integrate free space into octomap

Hello, I am looking into how octomap integrates information from PointCloud2 into the Octree structure of octomap. Specifically for free space coming from a LIDAR. Let's take the velodyne_pointcloud ...
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Is there a way to modify Frontier_exploration such that it can work autonomously?

Hi. I am trying to implement a robot that will map and navigate an environment on its own. I have searched a lot about existing ros packages and I THINK FRONTIER_EXPLORATION would do this for me. ...
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Robot doesn't explore when used with frontier_exploration, move_base and gmapping

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a small project to automate the motion of a robot when implementing SLAM. Facts: 1. The robot platform used is Pioneer_p3dx and sensor mounted on top is ...
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rtabmap frontier exploration

Hello community, has somebody tried to combine RTABMAP and frontier_exploration ? How can I solve the problem of discovering an unknown area to build a map first ? Idea: discover the area with ...
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The frontier_exploration demo fails quickly because the robot can't move

I followed the instructions given at the frontier_exploration wiki page: ...
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[frontier_exploration] update explore boundary dynamically

Dear all, I am using frontier_exploration and rtabmap for my robot autonomous exploration. Now I can send a goal to explore_server without boundary and start to explore. I notice that the ...
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Turtlebot + Frontier Exploration: Turning in Place at the Start

I have curious issues using the frontier_exploration package on my Turtlebot and would appreciate anyone helping me understand better what is going on under the hood. Firstly, this is a simulated run ...
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Turtlebot never moves during "Sending goal" with frontier_exploration

Different issue from Using a package I just made, which launches Gazebo, gmapping, and nodes from ...
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ROS frontier exploration: Robot doesn't move

Hi there. I'm currently trying to use move_base, base_local_planner and frontier_exploration on a turtlebot 2 to autonomously explore a room. I currently am using a static map (from hector mapping) ...
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Bounded frontier_exploration using code rather than rviz point tool

The code below should define a polyStamped name "boundary" that includes points p1, p2, p3, and p4. Here is my code: ...
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frontier_exploration waiting for transform warning

i am following one of the tutorials on Roswiki of frontier_exploration when i launch the global.launch file i receive a ros msg saying "Please use the 'Point' tool in Rviz to select an exporation ...
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cannot launch node of type : can't locate node in package ERROR: cannot launch node of type : can't locate node in package

when i launch the launch file of the frontier_exploration package provided by i recieve the following error: ...
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Robot rotates before or as it reaches goal

Hi all, I have a question regarding my robot rotating often while using frontier exploration, also it rotates just before it reaches the goal? also the costmap does mark and clear with the laser scan (...
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I am new to ROS. Could someone tell me how to install the frontier exploration package?

I assume that I should clone the repository from git. I have don't that. Then what should I do ? Originally posted by beyescay on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2015-09-12 Post score: 0
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previous scanned map areas disappeared

Currently I am using rtabmap_ros for SLAM and frontier_exploration for exploration. The problems are as followed: 1). The map will not be updated, where there are no obstacles. 2). the previous ...
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unbound frontier_exploration goal

Hello, I am currently using Ubuntu ARM 14.04 with ROS Indigo ARM. I am using a actionlib client to send a goal to the explore_server of the frontier_exploration package in order to make my robot ( ...
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problem with frontier_exploration pkg

Hi, I setup frontier_exploration on my Kobuki base with URG-04LX lidar. worked the Clearpath's Husky_Navigation demo tutorial to get to the point of testing autonomous exploration with the ...
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how to use the frontier_exploration package

Hello I am currently working on a project where a turtlebot robot have to create a map of a room without human intervention. I am working with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with ROS Indigo. I found the ...
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frontier_exploration to do unbounded exploration

I am using the frontier_exploration [indigo]. I had troubles to use it, but now I know how to use it with limited settings. What I really want to do is the unbounded exploration. The wiki reads "...
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frontier exploration theory and usage

Hi, I'm trying to understand how I can use the package frontier_exploration in order to use it for my project. I have studied the paper describing this theory by Yamauchi (1997). I would like to know ...
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Is there a simple method to send goal for frontier_exploration?

Hello, I am using the frontier_exploration on ROS Hydro Ubuntu 12.04 and using a pioneer p3dx to explore. I can successfully send exploration goals by clicking the publish point tool and drawing a ...
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frontier_exploration: frontiers inside robot footprint

Hello, we started working with the frontier_exploration ros package using gmapping and the navigation-stack on our robot (Volksbot RT6). Both (gmapping and the navigations stack) work fine as long as ...
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What is the appropriate nav config for autonomous frontier_exploration?

I have a robot that can successfully localize, navigate and reach goals submitted to the move_base package within the ROS Navigation stack. It's using ROS Hydro with Ubuntu 12.04 running on dual-core ...
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frontier_exploration with turtlebot

I'm trying to get the frontier_exploration package to work with my TurtleBot. But so far it's not working. The launch file ...
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Simultaneous Autonomous Exploration and Mapping in Gazebo

Using Gazebo, I place a husky robot in a completely unknown environment (currently the willowgarage map). My basic objective is to make the husky autonomously navigate itself through the entire world ...
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Rviz click tool to set exploration boundary

I am trying use the frontier_exploration node as documented on the ros wiki (note: I had a link to the wiki but couldn't post due to a lack of karma points). I have ...
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