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How to set up config parameters for local/global planner for simplified footprints robot using move_base in ROS Navigation stack?

I created simplified footprints combining a robot and the towing attachment.Then would like try testing local and global planners on my environment using the created footprint. Here the navigation ...
Macedon971's user avatar
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problem with move_base footprint

I’m working on the guide and came across this error, I don’t understand what this is connected with and how to fix it roswtf: WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected: /rviz: /...
Rich's user avatar
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Inflation layer costs: Polygonal vs. Circular Footprints

Does the inflation layer calculate Inflation cost in global costmap differently within the inflation radius when initialized with a polygonal footprint versus a circular footprint? Exclude the local ...
Ravi Kumar's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when using move_base rotate_recovery

Summary: In a rotate_recovery behavior called by move_base, the following code is telling me that getRobotFootprint() has an impossibly big size, and I get a segmentation fault when accessing the ...
someguy's user avatar
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DWAPLANNER in ROS for a person-following robot: Footprint and costmap?

I'm currently working with the DWAPLANNER for a person-following robot in ROS, and I'm eager to gain a deeper understanding of how this planner incorporates a robot's footprint into trajectory ...
Niklas 's user avatar
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Local Planner Not Extending Beyond Robot's Footprint Boundaries to Distort Global Planner's Path

I've been facing an issue with the local planner in my ROS2 navigation setup. The core of the problem seems to be that the local planner does not extend sufficiently outside the robot's footprint ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Robot footprint fluctuates when 2d pose estimate is applied on RVIz

Hi, So I am new to ROS and I am facing a major headache for the past week. Specifically, I am having a problem that is actually shown here. Whenever I set the 2d pose estimate of Robot, the footprint ...
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minimum memory footprint for Linux and ROS melodic (cameras, lidar)

Looking at "Jetson Nano " Quad Core ARM64 @1.47GHz with max 4GByte RAM and max 16GByte eMMC. It comes with a Ubuntu install, so seems like a good match, Is this memory footprint enough for ...
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Configuring robot footprint in costmap_2d

I have attempted to find the answer previously, however I have only found scraps that did not directly point to the treasure. I am working on a rectangular-shaped robot of which I'd want to display ...
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What does a padded footprint mean in navigation package?

Hi, all. I am learning and modifying the navigation package to make it suit our need. I found many method functions in costmap_2d are about padded footprint. For example, padFootprint(),Costmap2DROS::...
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What is the "center of the robot" in costmap_2d's footprint?

In the robot setup navigation tutorial, it says: "In the case of specifying the footprint, the center of the robot is assumed to be at (0.0, 0.0)..." From this, it sounds like they want it ...
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footprint in rviz issue

Hi,everyone, How can the footprint be displayed in the rviz? In the old ROS version,there may be a local_costmap/robot_footprint topic published by move_base node. But in the indigo version there is ...
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dwa_local_planner: in place rotation FIRST goal does not work

When running the navigation with dwa_local_planner, and give the first goal as an in place rotation, the robot won't move (except for recovery behaviors), and gives the below output. But, if you give ...
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attach a polygon to show tf in rviz

hi everyone I want to show a footprint of my robot in rviz. I have my tf like /laser, /base_link, /odom and /map in rviz and i can see them and track my robot movement. But i want to attach a polygon ...
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frontier_exploration: frontiers inside robot footprint

Hello, we started working with the frontier_exploration ros package using gmapping and the navigation-stack on our robot (Volksbot RT6). Both (gmapping and the navigations stack) work fine as long as ...
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What does getRobotFootprint() refer?

There is a function footprintCost() in carrot_planner.cpp double CarrotPlanner::footprintCost(double x_i, double y_i, double theta_i){ if(!initialized_){ ROS_ERROR("The planner has not ...
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move_base footprint

Hello, I have a problem with the move_base package. It keeps saying those kind of things : ...
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move_base in Hydro

I'm trying to use the navigation stack with my Robot simulated on Rviz with the arbotix simulator. I had configuration files that were working perfectly fine in Groovy but I'm trying to switch on ...
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I run into an error when using move_base package of navigation

Hi,everyone!when I was setting up my robot for navigation ,I followed the navigation tutorial like this .But when I roslaunch the move_base.launch ,I ran into an error.It says , ...
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Point center in ufrd model and move_base package

Hello all! I am would like create my own urdf model. It will be robot with differential drive like in the Pi robot. But I have a questions: What will be center of robot? point rotate or geometry ...
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Navigation stack with a very asymmetric diff drive robot

Hello all, We are using ros navigation for a rectangular robot base with the rotation center (O) placed close to one side (sorry for the foolish sketch). M are powered wheels, c castor wheels ...
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