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Questions tagged [fastdds]

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ssues with ROS 2 Discovery Server: Listener Not Receiving Data from Remote Server

I am currently working with the ROS 2 Discovery Server. When I set up the server locally, both the talker and listener nodes are able to communicate and exchange messages without any issues. However, ...
曾裕翔's user avatar
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Optimizing Subscriber-Side Delays in ROS 2: Modifying .em Files to Address std::vector::resize() in FastCDR

I am working on optimizing subscriber-side delays in ROS 2. When handling large data samples, I noticed that most delays occur during the std::vector::resize() operation in the FastCDR library while ...
syam's user avatar
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Generate eprosima::fastcdr::FastCdr class based ros IDL generated std_msgs::msg::ByteMultiArray msg files instead of eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr

I am trying to improve the performance for large data transfer through ros2-humble framework (FastDDS 2.6.7, FastCDR 1.0.24). by analyzing the workflow, I found the following observations The c++ std ...
syam's user avatar
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ROS 2 Jazzy DDS communication from docker container on macOS to raspberri pi 5 ROS 2 Jazzy

problem: Cannot communicate from ROS2 Jazzy on raspberry pi to ROS2 Jazzy on docker container on MacOS Host MacOS Version: 15.1 Container Image: ...
grayred8's user avatar
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Cross-machine communication fails between Docker containers using Discovery Server

I'm trying to set up ROS 2 Humble communication between Docker containers on different machines using Fast DDS Discovery Server, but the listener never receives messages from the talker. Machine 1 (IP:...
waspinator's user avatar
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High latency observed for the initial data transfer

Recently, I measured latency between a subscriber node and a publisher node to find that the first message that gets delivered has high latency; subsequent ones are less. My wild guess of the reason ...
RobotBramhana's user avatar
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ROS 2 remote connection through Zerotier VPN

I’m having some issue with my robot ecosystem and the remote connection. The ecosystem is composed by: A rover where is running ROS 2 foxy connected to a router The router where is enabled a ...
Antmau's user avatar
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problems with ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 enviroment veriable

I have two simple nodes. I want the first node to publish topics only on the localhost, and the second node to subscribe to the topics published by the first node, perform some processing, and then ...
Ramprasad Kulkarni's user avatar
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What kind of example application can I use for demonstrating asynchronous and synchronous behaviour in FastDDS

I am conducting a study on ROS2 Humble - FastDDS features. During my research, I encountered synchronous and asynchronous publishing modes. I identified several throughput controller parameters that ...
syam's user avatar
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Query: Is there a Feature in ROS2-Humble that enables publisher to publish message only when at least one subscriber connected at the other end

Query: Is there a Feature in ROS2-Humble that enables publisher to publish message only when at least one subscriber connected at the other end. I found FastDDS 2.6.9 that is used as the bottom layer ...
syam's user avatar
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Subscribing to the same topic from two nodes causes doubled network load

I am using ROS2 with default fast dds. When subscribing to the same topic from multiple nodes(subscribers are on the same device, publisher on different device) I see that the same rtps message is ...
SEC's user avatar
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ROS2 Humble - FastRTPS - Bad performance on wireless network with multiple robots

I have multiple robots, that I want to run on a wireless network, and control them from the base station. The robots must work even if the network connection is bad/there isn't one. The robots have an ...
Krzo's user avatar
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ROS2 humble zero copy

I would like to run a publisher and subscriber using zerocopy on ROS2 Humble with FastDDS. I followed the documentation to setup the env and also I am using minimal publisher and subscriber with ...
RobotBramhana's user avatar
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ROS2 control manger not available with fast DDS Discovery server

I have a problem with ros2 control when launching with Fast DDS Discovery Server. During the launch it shows that the control manager received robot description file as you can see here: ...
pslu's user avatar
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ARM64 architecture under fastdds long-time running failure

Required Info: Operating System: Ubuntu20.04, Arm64, Jetson Orin NX Installation type: Docker ros:humble-ros-base image Version or commit hash: Humble DDS ...
张金阳's user avatar
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Why can't I see ROS 2 topics from systemd service when using a Fast DDS server with UDP transport?

I would like to communicate with ROS nodes running in a systemd service. Multicast discovery and shared memory transport cannot be used in this context, so I'm using a discovery server and UDP ...
hacker1024's user avatar
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FastDDS server only for certain topics

For context see this question. Given the DDS xml configuration file underneath, can I somehow specify that the DDS server with port 11888 should only receive ROS topics ...
WouterOddBot's user avatar
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How to set up ROS2 Fast DDS discovery server between different networks?

I'm trying to get ROS2 nodes from two different networks to talk to each other (ROS2 humble, default rmw_fastrtps_cpp, all running on Ubuntu), but no luck. The network topology looks like this: [...
Bernd Pfrommer's user avatar
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Messed up service request in ROS2 service node with direct DDS request

I have the problem that I need to communicate with a ROS2 application via DDS from another application that is not a ROS2 application itself, but only uses DDS (Opensplice). I have managed to send DDS ...
T3 K14's user avatar
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Fault Tolerant Action Server Client Design?

My ROS 2 Humble Create3 robot Dock action client sometimes does not receive a dock action result (callback sometimes not called). The robot log shows the action goal succeeded, and my client node ...
Cyclical Obsessive's user avatar