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Why does the robot_localization Dual-EKF NavSatTransform example config not use the IMU orientation yaw for the EKF nodes?

I noticed that, for the dual-ekf navsat transform example of the robot_localization package, the EKF nodes are configured to use the IMU like this: ...
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navsat_transform node doesn't publish utm_transform

Hi, please, help me with following issue, i've been trying to solve it for a week already... Can't make my navsat_transform node publishing utm_transform. And odometry/filtered from EKF always has ...
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Configuring robot_localization for loss of sensor data

I am working on an outdoor mobile robot which should be able to localize itself using GPS, IMU and wheel encoder data. The GPS I am using is very precise and because of this I only use that for the (x,...
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Unexpected output of robot_localization EKF

UPDATE I have changed the yaw_offset to 0 instead of 3.14. This has caused /odometry/filtered and odometry/gps to give much better results. Setup I have a TurtleBot3 robot with a GPS receiver. I am ...
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