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Questions tagged [catkin-make]

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Errors on catkin_make

Hello. i'm trying to built some package in catkin_ws but the catkin_make gives me the following errors: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root ...
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ImportError: No module named 'em', Error

Hi, I create a test package as tutorial using catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp. When I add a custom message, it comes error [100%] Built target ...
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catkin_make -j2

Hi, Me and a fellow student is working on an Autonomous boat project, and while building catkin folders, we struggled with normal use of catkin_make. Tutorials referred to the option -j2 as argument. ...
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python module empy missing - Tutorials

I'm walking through the tutorials and am on Introduction to msg and srv I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and Kinetic. My python is /usr/bin/python My pip is ...
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catkin_make and catkin_tools not finding new msg/srv?

When I add a new .msg (I confirmed for .srv as well) and running catkin build, the new file ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Conflict anaconda vs ROS, catking_pkg not found

Hi, I recently installed anaconda in my computer, and now I cant catkin build or catkin_make_isolated (tried them in different ...
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CMakeLists: only link library if Raspberry Pi (or equivalent condition)

I have a package that I want to run on both a desktop/laptop (x64) and a Raspberry Pi (armhf). There's a node in my package that has to be run on the Raspberry Pi. It uses the wiringPi library. ...
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catkin_make is not working!

catkin_make suddenly stopped working. When I am trying I am only getting the below output. Please kindly help. I am using Indigo ...
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catkin_make install only selected packages

I have a catkin workspace that contains multiple packages, however I would like to install the catkin workspace to a Install directory, with only a few selected packages instead of all packages. Is ...
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Tutorial "Writing a Simple Service and Client", i modified the wrong file, what can i do?

Hey, I wish to learn ros and I started by doing the tutorials available on But in the "Writing a Simple Service and Client" tutorial, when it say to modify the file ...
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How do i open ros package on qtcreator

I made a Ros package. And I will try to open the package with Qt. However, I get the following type of error. -- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 5....
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Why can't I send a string message through my program?

Currently I am trying to build a simple node where I send a string using the std_msgs::String.h message class. What I do ...
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OctoMap and octovis

I am running Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo, and I am quite new to it. I need to use OctoMap: I installed everything from Debians (octomap, octovis etc..). MoveIt! can use the libraries and I can see the ...
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Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed

I am trying to run agvs robot package on Raspberry pi 3 I am getting the above error when I do catkin_make. the details are as follwos. I am using Kinetic version of ROS ...
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Does we always have to first build catkin_workspace and then only build the catkin_package present in the src of catkin_workspace?

Hi, I was reading ROS tutorials page on creating and building package in which I came across how to build the ROS packages. In the page it is shown that first the author has build the catkin workspace ...
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Get path to built files programmatically

I have add_custom_commands to build files that will be loaded at run time by a ros node. Right now those files get put into build/my_package/. Is there a ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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How to specify a custom rostoolchain.cmake when compiling with catkin?

I'm attempting to cross-compile ROS for ARM on my x86-64 laptop. To do this, I'm trying to run catkin_make_isolated with this rostoolchain.cmake file: ...
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what are environment hooks in catkin

I've been trying to understand what the file does and how it changes my shell environment such that catkin builds correctly. Simply to describe my motivation for understanding, there are ...
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what does catkin_make do during package building

After creating a package in source folder of catkin workspace , I built the package using catkin_make . I noticed few folders have generated w.r.t the package in devel and build folders of workspace . ...
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Error while trying to create workspace with catkin_make

I'm new in ROS and i have a problem with workspace creation. I follow this tutorial After catkin_make command i got errors: ...
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catkin_make fail : must be invoked in the root of workspace

Please... Please help. I am trying to use rplidar, but I have this error below......... I checked the tutorial again and again but I really don't know how to fix this.. Please help me. ...
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Qt5Widgets cmake error

Hi, While building a catkin workspace I need to perform the following steps: $ source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash $ cd ~/overlay_ws/ $ catkin_make as mentioned on ...
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how can I submit my own ros package to github

I know it would be a silly question. Here is the thing. I have my own ros package in Ubuntu running on VMware on windows, and now I want to run this package on Ubuntu, which is another system of my ...
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Error when using catkin_make command

Hi, I was going through this tutorial : I went step by step through the tutorial. Everything went well until i tried executing the ...
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catkin_make unable to create executable & automatically copy .h files to devel

When I ran my catkin_make, I understand that it should automatically copy the header files (in this case mosquitto.h) which I included in the main cpp file into devel/include and create an executable, ...
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Dreaded linker error. Boost and catkin_make

Hey there, I am creating my own package with Boost, and I have a .cpp file that is able to compile using g++ with: ...
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Fail to catkin_make descartes pacakge

I am sorry that I just started to learn the ROS and now want to use the cartesian motion planner for a project. However, I installed the package of descartes from
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error while catkin_make in catkin_ws

The specified base path "/home/user/catkin_ws" contains a CMakeLists.txt but "catkin_make" must be invoked in the root of workspace i have followed step by step given in tutorial. ...
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catkin_make with common_msgs as a dependency

I want to use some of the common_msgs in a ROS node I'm working on so used catkin_create_pkg with common_msgs as a dependency (Similar to what is done in the simple publisher subscriber with std_msgs) ...
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problem in creating ROS Workspace

Hi all... I've installed Ubuntu 16 Xenial and also ROS Kinetic. I tried to run simulation with Gazebo. when I executed catkin_make in creating ROS workspace, I ...
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CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX in catkin_make vs catkin tools

I'm trying to make our build compatible with catkin_make and catkin tools, but how CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX is handled in the two tools is causing me some trouble. We have some (non-ROS) tools that ...
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undefined reference to nlopt

I use sudo apt-get install libnlopt-dev to install nlopt lib. when i catkin_make in my pc, report says like bellow, like can't ...
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i cant catkin_make in my work space . i heve this error : howcan i fix that?

i cant catkin_make in my work space . i heve this error : howcan i fix that ?? This code block was moved to the following github gist:
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Trouble making rviz plugin

I'm learning how to make a simple rviz plugin and I'm running into some trouble. The errors sound like maybe some includes are missing but I'm not sure. What is the next logical troubleshooting step ...
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Turtlebot Computer has OpenCV 3.0 and I don't want it

Folks, I need openCV 2.4 (since I am using indigo). But my turtlebot has 3.0, making conflicts during catkin_make. How do I remove OpenCV 3.0, or at least, how do I built against OpenCV 2.4? OpenCV 3....
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ros-by-example vol2. catkin_make rbx2 error

I am installing the ros-by-example vol2 code2, and have a build problem with rbx2. Below is command line: ...
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catkin_make can't find #include files

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catkin_make looking for src/src/

Hello I am new about ros and c++. I am doing some school project with raspberry pi3 and ros. My professor recommend this. I install the ros kinetic based on ubuntu mate. I try to install the hokuyo ...
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catkin_make error when compiling cuda code on TK1

I am trying to compile a package that has C++, C, and Cuda code. I've been able to successfully compile the package on a TX1 with cuda 7.0 but I get a strange compilation error when compiling on my ...
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Catkin_make for publisher - Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed

output of compilation: ...
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catkin_make test fails due to undefined reference gtest help

Hi helpful ROS answer-ers, Due to a recent epiphany I have hopped aboard the TDD train, so to give you some context I am pretty new to working with unit testing frameworks, in particular gtest. I ...
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Is it possible to run the hector_quadrotor demos in kinetic?

I installed the kinetic following the Debian instructions. I found the hector_quadrotor indoor slam tutorial here: I ...
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Why does catkin_make fail when package depends on 'move_base'?

I have been using ROS for a few days and I am following the tutorial for setting up the Navigation Stack. It tells me to create a package as follows: ...
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Unable to install because of missing ninja

I'm trying to install the diagnostics module from source into my existing Kinetic source installation. To do this, I'm running: ...
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Invoking "cmake" failed

Hi when i used command catkin make to build my project workspace first_robot_ws using ros Kinetic Kame on ubuntu 16.04 that was the outbut note that i am installing anaconda3 on my laptop ...
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sudo ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --install-space /opt/ros/indigo -j2 or -j4 or -j1

Hi all, I tried many times to run catkin_make on raspberry PI by using this command : sudo ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --install-space /opt/ros/indigo -...
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catkin_make vs catkin build

Hi, I was reading about the moveit package and I tried to install from source. My problem was that the catkin build command didn't work. So I did apt-get install catkin_tools and then I was able to ...
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Error installing using_markers pkg

Hi guys, I am having installing packages around. Now I am following the tutorial Markers: Sending Basic Shapes (C++). I have the kinetic version of ROS which I have installed using ...
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How to have 2 almost same packages together in workspace?

I'm taking over my predecessor's job of ROS. My predecessor gave me ROS codes as a ROS package. I want to have in my workspace both of his original package and another package which I add changes to, ...
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add_definitions() Package Exportation

Folks, I have some variables I declared in my CMakeList in one package. For example, I create the constant: ...
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