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Issue - Unknown CMake command "list_append_unique"

Base path: /Users/arghymu/my-robotics-system/catkin_ws Source space: /Users/arghymu/my-robotics-system/catkin_ws/src Build space: /Users/arghymu/my-robotics-system/catkin_ws/build Devel space: /Users/...
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How has anyone successfully used rostest for automated testing in ROS Melodic and Noetic since 2015?

I'm developing for a system currently based on ROS Melodic, running on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm adding unit testing for a node in C++ and thus registering the test with the ...
McManip's user avatar
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Compiling a melodic project in noetic: catkin_make can't find Python.h

Hi, I'm taking over a project that was developed by a fellow student for his diploma thesis. I've received the project files but I can't get the project to compile. It's not a vast project, with only ...
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catkin_make unable to find actionlib in its original install location

It seems as though it is looking for actionlib in one of our catkin workspaces. It was installed to /opt/ros/kinetic/share/actionlib. Is there a way to correct how catkin finds it? Is there another ...
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catkin_make toplevel.cmake in Yocto

Hi guys, I am trying to install ROS into an embedded device (imx8m-mini variscite dart) using Yocto. I have added required ROS packages into the Yocto environment and generated a root file system. I ...
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How can you install a package using catkin build?

I'm trying to use a script from the package bag_tools ( First instruction is to : ...
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CMake Functions work with 'catkin_make' but fail with 'catkin build

I have two catkin packages. One package will be called 'function_maker' and the other is 'function_user'. Here are my two CMakeLists.txt: function_maker CMakeLists.txt ...
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catkin_make vs catkin_make_isolated, which is preferred?

During our recent work on the ROS Visual Studio Code plugin (, we're still working on a fork), we have noticed that the plugin is assuming the workspace to have ...
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CMake_Error, gazebo_ros

hello, when i try to use catkin_make for my workspace, i got this error ...
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Catkin not building packages in order

I have just had a really odd problem with catkin_make. I have been successfully building a workspace containing three packages, two with messages and another one with an executable. So far, removing ...
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What is the status of catkin-tools?

As a newly starting user of ROS, should I use catkin_make or catkin build? More in general: What is the status of catkin-tools? ...
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Problem in building imported catkin workspace - Can't see "Fixing Preprocessor ..." in "Projct properties"

Hi, I have read and followed several instructions for importing my catkin workspace in Eclipse. Including: [1] [2] ...
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Path of catkin workspace appears in install space

UPDATE 201803100806 I can provide a reproduce sample. Workspace path is mixed in install space. This makes me worry that I might have done something wrong, but I'm ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Invoking "make -j1 -l1" failed

Trying to set up a ROS environment in Ubuntu with the instructions here: I ...
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catkin_make works but catkin build fails

I am working with a complex software where I have to make some changes. In order to build it, I was instructed to use catkin_make, which was (and is) working well. Now I have to use MAVROS, and the ...
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Why does sourcing my workspace cause the error "catkin_make: command not found"?

I've been messing around with my catkin workspace in an attempt to get QtCreator working with ROS (Indigo Igloo, Ubuntu 14.04, QtCreator 5.9.1), and somewhere along the way I've messed up something ...
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Set build order in catkin: generate custom messages before generating ros_lib

Quesiton: When using catkin to build a project, how do you set one package to finish compiling before another executes? Background: I am making a robot with custom messages/services on an Arduino ...
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Cannot execute catkin_make in githook

I have a pre-push githook that tries to execute catkin_make before pushing, to only allow pushes that (at least) can compile. It ...
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Error while creating a catkin workspace

I am using Ubuntu 14.04, ROS Indigo. I am getting the following catkin_make error, and I am not sure how to fix that - ...
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catkin_make fails with Invalid email and Invalid package

When I try to catkin_make my workspace the following is output: ...
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Error including ros headers

Hello there! I am having trouble with a ros project that thows curious errors when trying to catkin_make it. here is the error: ...
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Proper way of including headers in catkin c++

Hello there! I'm experiencing a linking problem when I try to include some header files to my node. My newnode.cpp looks so: ...
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catkin_make -j2

Hi, Me and a fellow student is working on an Autonomous boat project, and while building catkin folders, we struggled with normal use of catkin_make. Tutorials referred to the option -j2 as argument. ...
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catkin_make and catkin_tools not finding new msg/srv?

When I add a new .msg (I confirmed for .srv as well) and running catkin build, the new file ...
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Does we always have to first build catkin_workspace and then only build the catkin_package present in the src of catkin_workspace?

Hi, I was reading ROS tutorials page on creating and building package in which I came across how to build the ROS packages. In the page it is shown that first the author has build the catkin workspace ...
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what are environment hooks in catkin

I've been trying to understand what the file does and how it changes my shell environment such that catkin builds correctly. Simply to describe my motivation for understanding, there are ...
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Error while trying to create workspace with catkin_make

I'm new in ROS and i have a problem with workspace creation. I follow this tutorial After catkin_make command i got errors: ...
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catkin_make fail : must be invoked in the root of workspace

Please... Please help. I am trying to use rplidar, but I have this error below......... I checked the tutorial again and again but I really don't know how to fix this.. Please help me. ...
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catkin_make vs catkin build

Hi, I was reading about the moveit package and I tried to install from source. My problem was that the catkin build command didn't work. So I did apt-get install catkin_tools and then I was able to ...
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catkin is not creating package

cd ~/catkin_ws/src catkin_create_pkg mypack cd .. catkin_make Everything is ok. roscd mypack mypack not found. why? Originally posted by Oper on ROS Answers with karma: 67 on 2016-07-25 Post ...
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Annoying dynamic_reconfigure code regeneration on catkin_make

The dynamic reconfigure code generation looks it is being executed unconditionally even if the python generation script (.cfg) did not change. This means that everytime that catkin_make command is ...
Pablo Iñigo Blasco's user avatar
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pointgrey_camera_driver fails to compile

I'm trying to follow the navigation tutorials for the Clearpath Jackal here: However after installing everything from ...
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/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

There must be something misconfigured with this system because the same code builds on other systems no problem. Here's the full output. Using Ubuntu 14.04 and the latest ros-indigo packages from the ...
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catkin_add_gtest linking error

Around this line in CMakeLists.txt, ...
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Using catkin to install pre-made libraries

I am looking to use catkin to hep package some libraries that a project needs. The idea was to have them structured in the following manner: ...
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Using catkin to install libraries

I currently have a series of 3rd party libraries that I want to package for easier building and use. The idea is that they are each contained in a catkin_project file that looks like this: (Note: ...
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'Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed - Linux Mint

Hey, I'm getting this error with catkin_make on Linux Mint and haven't really found any actual solution on the internet. It basically happens ever since I've added two repos to my workspace. ...
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-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I have used catkin_make successfully in the past but now whenever i try to use catkin_make i get the following error( as you ...
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having to compile msgs and srvs first

Hi all, I'm working with a large stack that includes some custom ROS messages and services. Every time I try to compile from scratch, catkin yells at me about not knowing where certain message header ...
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CMake error while executing catkin_make on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Jade

I am new to ROS and just getting it installed and configured using the method here: I am a beginner and have minimal knowledge ...
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Invoking "make" failed

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 & ROS Hydro. While going through this tutorial here i encountered the following error upon typing: catkin_make ...
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catkin_make builds executable in the wrong directory?

Hello! I have a package I have been able to successfully build using catkin_make after setting up my package.xml and CMakeLists.txt. However, I have one problem. When I run catkin_make, it ...
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roslaunch can't find launch files with "catkin build"

If I use "catkin_make" to build my workspace, and re-source my bashrc, then roslaunch is able to find my launch files and the nodes launch just fine. If I do a "cakin clean -a" and ...
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catkin share directory vs. workspace directory

Hi, How can I set a variable inside my CMakeLists.txt to set a variable to point to a file into the workspace which also points to the same file but in the share directory when installed. Example: I ...
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How to use CATKIN_IGNORE file correctly

Hello everyone I have a catkin_ws that is composed of all the node for my project. I am working with a UAV. So some of the nodes (such as rqt_pluggins and other GCS nodes) doesn't need to be compiled ...
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CMake Error Findurdf.cmake

Hi, I'm running the UR5-package on indigo against Ubuntu 14.04. Everything works fine, but since a while I get the following error when catkin_make my workspace. ...
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"No module named catkin_pkg.package" on catkin_make w/ Hydro

Working with ROS Hydro on Lubuntu 12.04. I have previously worked with Hydro on this OS before so I am relatively sure theres no compatibility differences between it and the standard Ubuntu 12.04 ...
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How do I set global cmake flags catkin

Hi all, So far I have only used catkin to do a normal build using catkin_make and a release build using catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. However, I would like to set more CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and ...
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No rule to make target `/usr/lib64/

catkin_make suddenly started to fail with the following error in Fedora 20: ...
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Catkin_make complains about non-existing CMakeLists.txt

I'm encountering a really strange error: catkin_make complains about a non-existing CMakeLists.txt: ...
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