Questions tagged [c]

A programming language commonly used for controlling robotic devices

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Balance 2-wheels robot without making it drift forward/backward

I'm trying to design a controller to balance a 2-wheels robot (around 13kg) and making it robust against external forces (e.g. if someone kicks it, it should not fall and not drift indefinitely ...
Francesco Paoli's user avatar
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How can I make the iRobot Create turn by the specified angle in Webots?

I am trying to use the iRobot Create in Webots for a project on vacuum cleaning. I am impressed by the fact that Webots contains the create.wbt world as well as ...
Paddey's user avatar
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How to use the piecewise function to control the rotation motor in webots?

I am creating a Webots robot controller by using C language and trying to use piecewise functions to control two rotation motors and simulate the swinging motion of a leg. One motor for the hip and ...
huiduan's user avatar
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C program to find the rotation matrix (orientation) of a 6DOF robot from its end effector position and link parameters

I'm writing a C program to find the inverse kinematics of a 6DOF robot. I've been able to write it successfully based on the general concept of Inverse Kinematics using DH parameters (i.e. finding the ...
izu201ph's user avatar
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Interpret 560 byte msg from UR5 firmware 1.8 through TCP socket

I am trying to use the UR5 from my computer without having to write any script on the robot. For that, I opened a TCP socket as a client from my computer (in a C program), and the robot indeed does ...
alx - recommends codidact's user avatar
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Mavlink data parsing offline from buffer, on Linux in C

I am a beginner with mavlink and even pixahawk. I need to just parse mavlink data coming from pixahawk. (Mavlink v1, pixahawk v5plus), on Linux PC (Ubuntu). I have 2 processes in context of this ...
DevBee's user avatar
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