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Segmentation fault in cv::findContours call

I am struggling to debug a segmentation fault. Any help is appreciated! The node just crashes whenever I launch it and following is the seg fault I am getting when running through gdb: ...
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Only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11

Hi everyone, I tried to use "range based for loop" and "lambdas" in my programs. Everything was fine in fact. My IDE didn't throw any error or warning at all. After "...
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Pose message lost decimal

Good morning! I am dealing with gps data that I convert and published into a geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped. Thus I am supposed to publish "large" values (x~330 000, y~420 000), ...
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Compiling rosbag C++11 APi with just make: error "DSO missing"

File contains the rosbag C++11, non-boost, API example for reading a rosbag, enclosed inside main(){...}. Following lines are in file m: ...
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how to correctly use code from another package? Error: Does not name a type

The project has two packages, and as one packages tries to to use code from the other package, this error occurs: ...
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Compiler warning (c++11): Zero as null pointer constant

Hi, I'm using QTCreator with ROS Plugin and compilie my nodes with C++11 support. I get the following compiler warning when using e.g. ROS_DEBUG(). How can setup QTCreator to ignore this warning? <...
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ROS callbacks' scope and objects' lifecycles

I am quite new to C++. I know that callbacks with return type of ConstPtr& are of boost::shared_ptr<const MsgType> ...
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Initialize constant message

How do I initialize a constant message (with 2+ fields) in a class constructor? This is more of a raw C++ question but intertwined with some ROS complications. Some background: for the class I'm ...
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ROS-kinetic (C++11) resource retriever undefined references

I need to get an MySQL query from a file. For that I a trying to use this example. But when I have resource_retriever::Retriever r; in the code, I get the ...
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ROS generic subscriber as a class method

Here I am trying this example's subscriber example code from facontidavide and it works fine as it is. However when I put the topicCallback() in a Class, it's ...
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Creating generic subscriber in kinetic (C++11)

I am trying go create a generic subscriber as in this wiki example. But when I try catkin_make with the example code, it gives me ...
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build ros2 with c++11

I have a project written in c++11. I would like to integrate a ros2 node in it. Is there a way to build ros2 code with the c++11 flag instead of the c++14 one ? Thank you Originally posted by alsora ...
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Migrating from ros indigo to ros kinetic, CMake can't finish the run

I am currently trying to compile a project from Ubuntu 14.04 in 16.04 and have had to fix quite a few problems. This probem seems to be related to orocos for ros, but I’m unable to find the origin of ...
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catkin_make errors while subscribing to diagnostic topic

I am trying to subscribe to diagnostic topic and based on the level published by the topic, I am trying to start and stop my ...
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Issues with ament CmakeLists

Hello All, I just started out with ROS 2.0. I have the latest build. I am unsure if I am doing something stupid or missing out something. However, I can’t build these simple files. If I should have ...
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Cross compiling ROS from source for QNX throws linker error for C 11

I cross compiled all the third party dependent software for ROS for QNX 7.0 ArmV7. While cross compiling ROS, the linker throws an error linking against the standard c++11 features in the rospack ...
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How can I solve catkin error: "use of old-style cast"?

Catkin gives me an error on some third-party header files, which I included in my code. The error message says, the code was using old-style casts. I know, that the error results from the compiler ...
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utliity/package for monitoring the node

Hi, I am looking a package for monitoring the running node health status.Apart from this i should be able to start/stop/kill all (particular node) Could you please help in this regard. Originally ...
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The Good (C++11/14), the Bad (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) and the Ugly (cmake)

I have tried to find an updated answer with the best practices when dealing with ROS and C++11/14, but everything is messy or out of date... 0 - Setting the C++ standard directly [DEPRECATED] I know ...
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Compiling issue Hector Quadcopter

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS kinetic. I am following this tutorial for hector quadcopter. I am also installing this package from source. After git cloning driver_common from here, I get this ...
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read single message from bag-file (c++)

Hi,I'm new to this whole ROS stuff and have a problem which I can't solve on my own. I want to read a single message from a given bag-file using c++11. To do this I read the short tutorial and ...
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Debian [Wheezy] indigo install libconsole-bridge-dev -std=c++11 error

Dear reader, While installing indigo on a fresh debian weezy install on the BeagleBone Black. I came across an error. In step 2.2.1 from this guide. While doing the latest command for libconsole-...
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ROS using C++ 11 & How to Use With Catkin?

Is ROS compiled using c++ 11 with catkin? I suspect not since I am getting an error trying to use {} initializer for a vector, i.e. c++98...must be initialized... For at least my builds where in the ...
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C++11 closure as ROS callback?

Is it possible to register a C++11 closure as a ROS callback? I'm using ROS indigo. Originally posted by drewm1980 on ROS Answers with karma: 258 on 2015-08-11 Post score: 1
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Convert Protobuf Message to ROS Message

Hi, i just got the issue, that my incoming message (via an external libary) is in Protobuf 2.5 format. i got those .proto files and let them generate in catkin_make now i need a gateway function cause ...
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ROS fuerte rosmake -std=c++11 compile error

Hi, I was trying to compile a node that uses a library that needs c++11 flag (It uses std::function and nullptr among other features). Here is de outpulog:
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log messages to file

Hello everybody. I am trying to write a package for storing some information in a file in order to plot them later (usually in matlab). I need it in order to check if the things will work properly. ...
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c++11 library for indigo catkin package

Hi, I have a library (a server using std::thread and some other c++11 things like auto) which is compiled into mylib.a. I want to use this library in my indigo catkin ros node. But apparently ROS is c+...
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c++11 with ROS on OSX

Hi all, we have some packages developed with c++11 features, which was no problem on Ubuntu. We'd like to use it on osx now as well, which seems to be harder than we thought. From what I understood so ...
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