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Questions tagged [bluetooth]

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Best Protocol for Wireless "Instantaneous" Servo Control?

My goal is to have a servo that can be controlled by a mouse "instantaneously", aka as fast as a racing video game cursor or limited by the speed of the servo itself. So far, I have tried ...
Vincent S's user avatar
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Pi Pico - HC05 AT commands don't work

I am trying to set up a Bluetooth communication between two pi pico devices using HC05s. I am trying to make the two HC05s connect and I read that you need to set up Master/Slave configurations using ...
kak_taki's user avatar
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HC-05 not responding to AT Commands from Raspberry Pi Pico

I'm trying to write AT commands to HC-05 module using Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython, nothing complicated. But for some reason my module doesn't respond. It works well in data mode and I'm able to ...
Omicron's user avatar
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How can I read bluetooth data with ROS Noetic?

I am working with a KUKA KR5 arc HW-2 manipulator in Gazebo, I created the URDF model and all the necessary drivers to be able to move it, what I would like to know is if it is possible to use an Xbox ...
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Locating nearest device position

I have the following use case: Given a set of points in a space, I would like to use a smartphone to detect and locate the closest point (Possibly accurate to the at least a meter range) I am not ...
GioGio's user avatar
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Is there a device for detecting what room you are in of a building?

I have found some inspiration for creating an smartphone application. But one of the main segments of the app requires it to know where the smartphone is located. It doesn't have to be that precies. ...
Pieter Pauwels's user avatar
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Unparable Bluetooth module

I'm doing application in Android Studio that will scan for devices within reach of a phone. What it does exactly is not important. The problem is, that when I scan for devices, I'd get only the ones ...
Omicron's user avatar
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How to use PS4 controller with CLearpath Jackal?

I am struggling to use the PS4 controller supplied with the Clearpath Jackal for manual control. I can connect to it by running sudo bluetoothctl then ...
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DIY Smart Devices [closed]

I am a software developer. I make apps. I have several ideas for Bluetooth-enabled smart devices using basic accessories and peripherals like cameras, speakers/headphones, lights and some external ...
turkinator's user avatar
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bluetooth that could track mobile phone location

newbie here. after my research, i couldnt find anything that could found what i wanted to search for my project(following robot for indoor location). without gps, bluetooth only, could i get the exact ...
zhang yu's user avatar
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rosserial Teensy bluetooth problem

Hello, I'm trying to use rosserial with Teensy 3.5 through bluetooth. My first step: change the serial port from Serial to Serial1. I follow the thread:
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Bluetooth Controls instead of R/C Controls for simple Holonomic robot

I am new here and with little experience in robotics. I have assembled this holonomic robot: It has 3 Omni-wheels, 3 gearhead ...
Cristina Zaga's user avatar
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Converting wired USB connection to a Bluetooth connection

Is there a way to convert usb wired signals to wireless Bluetooth signals? For example, can a usb keyboard be converted into a wireless Bluetooth keyboard using something that the keyboard can plug ...
SidS's user avatar
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Arduino + Bluetooth + ROS : Error

Respected all, My task is to get the orientation sensor data from the phone and send it to the ROS for further processing. I have decided to implement this via the following procedure: 1: Android App |...
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Error while running rosserial on bluetooth

I have connected HC-05 to Arduino mega and initialized the bluetooth connection through port rfcomm0. I had uploaded the code to arduino and When i try running rosserial node to subscribe the message ...
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Segmentation fault in returning array from a class

I'm facing a strange problem. I'm running the ROS node on Intel Edison and in the node I'm reading the Bluetooth LE device MAC address and its RSSI value from a class which I've written in an external ...
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Node containing bluetooth communication does not work at first

Hello, guys. I've been working on a project that needs data sent from an Arduino Nano, via bluetooth module (HC-05), to be received and used by a node on ROS. In order to do that, I've already ...
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HC-05 connection to ROS using Arduino?

Hello, guys. I've been trying to get my HC-05 bluetooth module working with ROS through an Arduino, but I haven't got success so far. In order to just establish the connection between the module and ...
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Jackal robot PS4 remote cannot pair using bluetooth with the robot?

I just got a jackal robot with a PS4 remote. According to the instructions it should automatically pair with the jackal robot however the pairing doesnt happen. However, when I connect the remote to ...
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How to ROS messages via bluetooth? (arduino)

Hi everyone, maybe this could be a novice question: As the title suggests, i would like to know if it's possible to do that. Specifically, my aim is to send messages from an arduino to the master ...
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what are the different communication methods available?

Im not talking about services etc. I mean what communication methods could be used between a laptop running ROS and a robot running ROS? i mean the actual data transfer medium..wifi? Zigbee? bluetooth?...
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Display data from kobuki to android through bluetooth

I have a kobuki. And a lap setup Ros. I need transfer data from this laptop to Android. Anyone have suggest about send data by C, C++ through bluetooth to Android please help me. I can connect ...
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How to change the serial port in the rosserial lib for the Arduino side?

For a lab at my university I have developed a robot with an Arduino Mega ADK that can be controlled by ROS via the rosserial package. The connection between the Arduino and the laptop running ROS is ...
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rosjava over bluetooth: Android to PC (Ubuntu)

Hi, I am building an android app to monitor our robots. The main ros nodes run on an Ubuntu PC station. Currently my android rosjava node can talk to the ros nodes on the PC station using wifi. What I ...
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3 answers

Android and ROS communication (Bluetooth or USB)

Hello, I have been trying lately to connect a ROS core in my laptop with a ROS android app on my Galaxy Tab 2. Wi-fi is not possible because we do not have internet in the places where we need to move ...
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[SOLVED] Serial Port read returned short error with arduino uno via bluetootle with rosserial

Hi all! I'm working with arduino car under directly ROS topic command. I have a arduino uno board with Arduino Sensor Shield v5.0 installed. I'm running the basic publish and subscribe tutorial from ...
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heart rate monitor

Hello, I want to connect a heart rate monitor device to the ROS by using the Bluetooth and stream the data. Is there an available code for this? Originally posted by Behzad on ROS Answers with karma: ...
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error connection rosserial via bluetooth arduino notebook

Can not run rosserial via bluetooth. Arduino Uno Blutooth module HC-06 Notebook with bluetooth Ubuntu 12.04 Ros Hydro Arduino sketch: ...
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Bluetooth communication problem with arduino over rosserial_arduino and rosserial_python

Hi, I am using an Arduino Uno in combination with a Sparkfun Bluetooth Mate Gold modem to interface with my ROS hydro framework running on a host. The communication is established with the ...
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how to connect irobot by using bluetooth in ROS

I have a VM ubuntu on my windows system laptop and i have already installed the ROS in the Ubuntu,i want to connect the IROBOT by using the bluetooth but i dont know what i should do with the ubuntu ...
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Can't Control Turtlebot Using (Generic) PS3 Controller

Hello. I'm relatively new to ROS and Turtlebot, so please forgive me if I don't know where to find what might be (hopefully!) a simple answer. I have a Turtlebot that came fully assembled, packaged ...
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ROS on a custom robot

I've been working on a robot project using a Rover 5 base and mecanum wheels. I really want to get started controlling it with ROS. Right now I have it running on an Arduino Mega where I send it ...
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Any way to check if/ensure that ROS node subscribed to topic properly?

Hey, So I'm attempting to connect to multiple nodes through rosserial over bluetooth, but the connections are very inconsistent. Each node should subscribe to three topics, but a lot of the time, one ...
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ps3joy controller bluetooth unpairing

I have a ps3 controller which I was using to drive my robot. The controller was connected to my pc via usb. I ran through the ROS tutorial titled 'How to Pair the PS3 Joystick with a Bluetooth Dongle.'...
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Bluetooth Serial Errors

Hi, 1. I am trying to run an Arduino ROS node connected with a bluetooth serial link. I can get it connected, (with rosrun rosserial_python /dev/rfcomm0) but it won't stay connected for ...
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rosserial communication between bluetooth and arduino

Hi, I am trying to communicate wirelessly between an Arduino with a bluetooth shield and my computer using rosserial. When I use rosserial through the USB cable, everything works fine, but nothing ...
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relationship between ROS and robot hardware

Hello, I just got started with ROS and I have a quick clarification question before I get myself into the wrong mindset about thinking of ROS. Please let me know if any of the following are correct/...
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connect two separate computers using bluetooth

So, I have been fighting with this for the past 2 days now. I have two separate computers, each running Ubuntu of course, and each has its own bluetooth dongle (same make and model). I can get each of ...
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PS3joy six axis with bluetooth keyboard and mouse

I was just wondering if anyone has tried to use the ps3joy package with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse and run into the issue I am having. The instructions on the wiki detail how to allow the ps3 ...
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