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Questions tagged [binaries]

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Installing pcl_ros from binaries does not install executables in /opt/ros/lib

I wanted to experiment with point cloud filters from pcl_ros in my ROS2 project. Hence, I have added pcl_ros as an ...
shri_ram's user avatar
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Unable to install ros-iron-image-transport-plugins [duplicate]

I am trying to install the said package on my Ubuntu Jammy machine with ROS2 Iron already installed. I am able to source the iron environment properly without any errors (...
PhiloRobotist's user avatar
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Using .pyc files instead .py with roslaunch [closed]

I am working on a docker and using ROS 1 noetic as of now. For certain reasons I do not want to distribute .py files as end user do not need to understand what is inside there. So I am using .pyc ...
aarsht7's user avatar
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How to download and install ROS Fuerte in 2019?

I am currently trying to implement someone else's project code to recreate their results. They've left build instructions, and running instructions, which is great. The only issue is, the original ...
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Where is the catkin_ws binaries?

hi is it possible to use just use binaries(in another computer) of the catkin workspace after complied. If it is possible how and where are these Binaries ? thanks Originally posted by Robotics on ...
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Pointgrey camera driver parameter limits cfg file

I am trying to set the frame rate on my Point Grey Chameleon 3. The dynamic reconfigure has a max value of 100. This is set in the PointGrey.cfg file. However, the camera itself is capable of higher ...
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The impact of installing packages via apt-get or source on portability

I am wondering if the choice one makes between installing packages via apt-get or from source has any impact on how easy it then becomes to install on another computer. It seems to me that since apt-...
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Using Bloom to generate binaries for multiple packages

Hi! I'm trying to use bloom to generate binaries for a repository containing multiple packages that are interdependent. However, I don't want to make the packages public (i.e. push to the build farm ...
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How to replace binary package with catkin package?

Hi all, I'd like to reinstall the same package with catkin. The package is already installed using sudo apt-get install. Can someone tell me how can I replace the existing package with catkin. I'm ...
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osx install binary packages

Hi everybody! I've recently installed ROS Indigo on OS X 10.10.4, exists any way to install packages like in Ubuntu (sudo apt-get install rose-indigo-…) Or may I always download the package and build ...
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Executables not found and autocompletion not working with meta-ros

I have a many systems running meta-ros according to instructions. In all of them, ROS seems to work OK. However, one of them cannot find nodes executables. For ...
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Programmatically Polling the Build Farm

What is the best way to programmatically get the status of packages on the build farm? Is there an API? The status page does some sneaky javascripting, so scraping the HTML does not work. Originally ...
DLu's user avatar
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Installing ROS from binaries and Gazebo from source

Hi Everybody, I need to run multiple turtlebots and get access of the Gazebo source code so that I can control the turtlebots. Currently I have installed both hydro ROS and 1.9 Gazebo from pre-...
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Binary Packages for ROS Hydro on ARMHF

I have ROS Hydro running on Ubuntu 12.04 (for armhf) on a Pandaboard ES. I'm having trouble running some of my nodes on this board because packages are missing. I have tried to install these ...
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ROS Hydro Ubuntu Deb Package Compiler Optimizations

Hi Guys, I compiled the navigation stack from source, and I noticed a performance change between the package I built, and the package I pulled from the apt-get server. The move_base that I had built, ...
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[groovy beta 2] Question regarding catkin, location of binaries and roslaunch

Hello, I am migrating code and I have a question regarding catkin. With rosmake the binaries where created in the /mypackage/bin folder, now catkins (using catkin_make) creates them in /mypackage/...
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