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Questions tagged [artificial-intelligence]

The central problems (or goals) of Artificial Intelligence research include reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, and perception.

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29 votes
7 answers

What algorithm should I implement to program a room cleaning robot?

For this question assume that the following things are unknown: The size and shape of the room The location of the robot The presence of any obstacles Also assume that the following things are ...
Jason Sperske's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Programming a line following robot with reinforcement learning

I am considering programming a line following robot using reinforcement learning algorithms. The question I am pondering over is how can I get the algorithm to learn navigating through any arbitrary ...
Lord Loh.'s user avatar
  • 575
12 votes
3 answers

Virtual Testing Environment for Drones

Does anyone know of a robotics developer environment ideal for testing AI programs for drones (e.g. quadrocopters, planes, helicopters, etc.)? I would like something like Microsoft Robotics Developer ...
oalbrecht's user avatar
  • 223
10 votes
7 answers

Are Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Different?

I need help in differentiating between AI and Robotics. Are AI and Robotics two different fields or is robotics a subject in AI? I want to pursue a career in AI and Robotics. So I need your valuable ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

HMMs vs. CRFs to model time-series force data of robots interacting with environment?

I have a time-series of force data of robots interacting with environment objects with various textures. I would like to develop models of various textures using the time-series data to classify ...
Gilmour's user avatar
  • 91
8 votes
2 answers

Why can Humans single out audio in a crowd? What would it take for a robot to do the same?

I was at a Robotics conference earlier today and one of the speakers mentioned robots not being able to function as well in a crowd because they can't single out audio like a person can. Why can ...
Sponge Bob's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How can I create a robot like the EZ-B using a regular Arduino?

I am interested in building a robot like the EZ-B, sold by It comes with an SDK for Visual Studio and has direct scripting in runtime through a USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, IRC or HTTPS ...
Ess Kay's user avatar
  • 273
5 votes
3 answers

Control VS artificial intelligence?

I have heard of both the terms AI (artificial intelligence) based robots and control based robots. Although they are both different fields, what is the difference between AI and control in regards to ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How Can A Total Beginner Become A Skilled Roboticist?

Say the only computer skill you have is programming in C/C++...what all things would you have to learn in order to be an adept full stack roboticist, one who can single-handedly build an autonomous/AI ...
Coder Motor's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between 4-point and 8-point connectivity in graph based planning?

In graph-based planning (say, A*), states are connected to their neighbors. How should one decide whether to connect to the 4 neighbors or the 8 neighbors? What are the pros and cons of each ...
Felix's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Tuning Line follower PID constants with Q-learning

I am currently working on a line follower buggy and have managed to tune the PID constants​ manually. The buggy follows the line at a moderate speed. I will now like to take things further and learn ...
Zadiq's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes
4 answers

Has a robot ever taken a complete IQ test? [closed]

And if so, what was the highest score so far? Some news articles suggest only parts of tests were aced. Update since people censored this question and closed it. There was an AI that has taken an IQ ...
Chloe's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why is behavior-based robotics not as popular as deep learning or reinforcement learning?

I am a master student in Germany and one of our professors is doing robotics research but with a different paradigm - the behavior-based robotics based on Subsumption Architecture developed by prof. ...
Vrabii Daniel's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

POMDPs in robotics

POMDPs are used when we cannot observe all the states. However, I cannot figure out when these POMDPs can be useful in robotics. What is a good example of the use of POMDPs? (I have read one paper ...
guest1's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
4 answers

Using C++ to control a drone

I am relatively new to using drones and was wondering if someone more experienced in the topic could lend a hand. I am familiar with C++ and OpenCV, a facial recognition software that has libraries in ...
Haroun Ansari's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Robots without microcontrolers (beam robots). Are they technologically limited?

BEAM robotics seem to be a good approach to teach learners about electronics in robotics. But can these robots be like regular programmed "cognitive" robots? Can these robots, with just analog ...
xsnk's user avatar
  • 155
3 votes
2 answers

Neuromorphic Engineering and Robotics

I have been into a boggling paper research on neuromorphic engineering and its implications on robotics applications, lately. It is relatively a less applied field and full of academic papers and ...
xsnk's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Association of multiple measurements to multiple objects

I have a matrix of M measurements and N objects. Each cell contains a cost of assignment a particular measurement to the object. I want to assign them optimally. As the condition, only one measurement ...
josh131's user avatar
  • 355
3 votes
1 answer

Where to start for the software side of Robotics? [closed]

I am a Computer Science student entering my last year of college. I'm pretty sure Robotics is what I want to eventually be doing based on my interests in AI and embedded systems. I've seen a lot of ...
user2600's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How will the currently evaluated computer technology influence robotics and embedded systems in the foreseeable future? [closed]

This is my first question on this site, might be a little subjective :) There is an ongoing process of many cool cyclonic changes of technology in the electronics and software industry. Concurrency ...
xsnk's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is a Raspberry Pi processor powerful enough for a mobile chatbot?

In general, is a Raspberry Pi processor powerful enough for a mobile chatbot? I want to make a small mobile robot that is like a chatbot. Is a Raspberry Pi processor powerful enough for any type of AI ...
Devyn Collier Johnson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Artificial Intelligence and Open source pipeline for automated design, simulation and analysis of robotics systems

I have heard about open source 3D printed robotics projects ( is somehow obsolete example). My question is - are there open source holistic/integrated frameworks of ...
TomR's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Introduction to AI Robotics book: robot implementation, with ROS?

I'm reading the book Introduction to AI Robotics By Robin R. Murphy and it the first character said, more or less, that after chapter 5 I will be able to design and implement my own robots, either in ...
VansFannel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between sensing, perception and learning

I see people are using a lot the terms sensing, perception, and learning together in the context of artificial intelligence. It seems to me perception is a more board term that may include sensing and ...
jingweimo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Need clarification on potential fields for robotics

I am taking a course on AI robotics from a computer science department but my background is in mechanical engineering. I am having some difficulty with ambiguous terminology in virtual potential ...
Mitchell Allain's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

recommendation of robot for special education

I saw a video of a robot used in special education with children on the autism spectrum ( My son isn't autistic, he has Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, executive ...
aparente001's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What's the most adapted programming language for Robotic and principally AI? [closed]

I'm currency a Web programmer and I'm very passionate by robotics and specialty for Artificial Intelligence. I have already make some C++ program for Microship and Arduino for little robots and ...
Arthur's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Workable low-resolution object/target recognition pattern and library?

I've spent quite some time researching this, but most of my Google search results have turned up academic research papers that are interesting but not very practical. I'm working on a target/pattern ...
jkraybill's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
0 answers

EIF slam algorithm implementation as per Probabilistic Robotics [closed]

I want to implement EIF slam from Probabilistic Robotics Table 11.2. This is the algorithm for EIF slam. To construct $\Omega and \xi$ matrix I write down a Java code. Here is my code ...
Encipher's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Cognitive Architectures: how do you perform qualitative and quantitative comparisons?

I couldn't find a sub stackexchange for artificial intelligence, but I think robotics comes close, and so I'm posting here. I recently saw TED talks on AI and the Google car, with these being the ...
foamroll's user avatar
  • 129
2 votes
2 answers

Create Artificial Integelent Robot Ability to communicate with Computer : Which language i should use [closed]

I know some languages like PHP, C/C++ and Java but I'm not expert in these languages. I want to create an Artificial Intelligent Robot that can do these Task; able to communicate with Computer (USB, ...
Rahul kumar's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Source of seminal papers in robotics

Is there a database or website that has collected the seminal papers in different disciplines of robotics like machine learning, AI, mobile robots, etc. By seminal I mean papers that made a path-...
user_1_1_1's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Intelligent robotic arm and its control system [closed]

As I know, most of robotic arms are specific-purpose and usually work under supervision of an expert, such as surgery robot. So, is this relevant for a robotic arm to be intelligent and autonomous? If ...
Eilia's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Rviz crash when adding topic

I'm using a plugin for visualization of topic type vision_msgs/Detection3DArray. I add a point cloud and there is not problem, but when I add this topic Rviz crashes with this error message: ...
ARosOpenDR's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What would be a good heuristic to solving this?

The aim is to guide a bot from Source S to Goal G while passing through all the checkpoints @...
Sinstein's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote
1 answer

Automatic agricultural robot using 8051 [closed]

I want to build a automatic agricultural robot for my final year diploma project. The basic idea is to program 8051 to drive the robot in a fixed path in farm for ploughing the farm which i am ...
devansh's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

RNN instead of a PID controller

I am building a drone using the raspberry pi and I am using 6*PID controllers to control the speed and the value for each angle, can I use a recurrent neural network (RNN) or other neural network to ...
e-nouri's user avatar
  • 111
0 votes
3 answers

What knowledge should I have if I want to establish a robotics company? [closed]

I know, robotics may refer to many things and it's extremely large field today. But if I can narrow the topic to something like Aldebaran(the company makes Nao robots), what knowledge should I have as ...
user3486308's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Multiple robots performing a set of tasks (Optimization)

Consider a situation where you have a 'm' number of robots and 'n' number of tasks. Each task is at a different location. What optimization algorithm should I use in order to assign a set of tasks to ...
Goalscorer's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Need suggestion about which microcontroller/processor and language to be used in my project [closed]

I am very new to robotics. but I will be writing algorithm for my robot to move around and gather information from its surroundings and process it. It will also process audio-visual signals. but I am ...
rehan's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

using range-only sensors for mapping in SLAM

SLAM noob here but trying to implement an algorithm that fuses odometry data and mapping based on wifi signal strengths for a 2D robot. 1) After various readings of different resources, I came across ...
Raaj's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Will AIs ever be as advanced as the human brain? [closed]

I'm reading a book about a hypothetical economy in which robots work for us because they eventually became able to do everything we do ("Our work here is done, visions of a robot economy" by Nesta). ...
Mister Mystère's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What is stopping line following robots from being used for public transportation

Many cities are investigating the use of AI driven buses for their public transportation systems. These are almost always pre-defined and very static routes. This seems like a great use case for line ...
WhiskeyHammer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Robot performing soldering functions using Soldering iron

Is it possible to design and construct a Robot which can solder components using a Soldering iron on printed circuit boards? If No, What are the limitations?
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the most cost effective yet still reliable outdoor boundary system?

I am working on a robot that will operate outside in people's lawns in a predefined space. The issue that I am having right now is figuring out what kind of boundary system I should implement in order ...
Aditya S's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I use experience in Game AI development to develop autonomous driving robots? [closed]

Can I use experience in Game AI development to develop autonomous driving robots? How much similar this areas?
Robotex's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Best way to detect a range of key points in the image of a given cloth article

I am designing a robot which irons and folds clothes autonomously. For this purpose, I need the robot to detect a certain number of key points in a given cloth in order to execute a certain folding or ...
Vino's user avatar
  • 155
0 votes
2 answers

Project Idea for a AI related project [closed]

I am a Computer Science final year undergraduate student.Until now,I used to shirk away from robotics as I believed that it is more related to electrical and mechanical aspects.But my interest in ...
user1369975's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Single Board Computer for Real-Time Object Detection

I am developing a pallet detection and pose estimation algorithm with YOLOv3, using a depth camera - R435. Since real time classification is a burden on hardware, I am looking for something that is ...
Alperen Keser's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Automated Manual Testing / Robot-computer interaction

What is the technical term for a computer mechanically interfaces another computer? For example a robot mechanically interacting (vs API) with a PC or smartphone as a human would to automatically ...
Nederealm's user avatar
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