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Cross-Compile ROS2 Jazzy for ARM-HF on Ubuntu AMD-64 using Docker

Overview I have been attempting to cross-compile the base components of ROS2 Jazzy for ARM-HF for a few days now with no luck. I successfully created a dockerfile and ran ...
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Cannot install melodic on PYNQ Linux, based on Ubuntu 18.04 [arm]

Hello, I am following the steps from the guide. However, when I run apt update I the following: ...
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ROS2 rmw_connext_cpp in raspberry system (armhf)

Hello, ROS2 rmw_connext_cpp dependents RTI connext dds, but missing some library about in armhf system. However, this library can be found in amd64 system. The RMW ...
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[ROS2 Crystal] Minimalistic built from sources

OS: Ubtuntu 16.04 Target: Ubuntu armhf 18.04 ROS-DISTRIB = ROS2 Crystal I am looking to cross-compile a minimalistic ros2 built intended for embedded, but the current cross-compilation tutorial ...
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38 views present but can't be found on Linux arm

Target OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Target System: Linux arm 4.14.79-ti-r84 #1 SMP PREEMPT armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux I cross-compiled the source for ROS 2 using the following tutorial (on a Ubuntu ...
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Copy a ROS Installation between two systems

Hey there, I am working with ROS Kinetic right now. I build ROS on a ARM based unit. Is it possibly to "copy" my current ros installation, as is and move it to another ARM board? Is there a ...
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1 view vs. 1.54 on armhf (rpi3)

Hi, I'm compiling ROS Kinetic from source for the Raspberry Pi 3. Recently I started getting a lot of these warnings: ...
Clyde McQueen's user avatar
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Incomplete packages for kinetic armhf jessie

I wanted to install ROS kinetic on by beaglebone black. The image I have installed is a debian jessie, which is the recommended image to handle all of the beaglebone black features. And I just saw ...
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perception_pcl on RPI2

Hi, I've been developing a cheap scanning LIDAR unit, that I'm trying to integrate on a custom robot that uses a RPI2 running ROS Indigo as its controller. I developed the hardware on a PC running ...
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hydro installing on pandaboard es

hello I have installed ros-hydro-ros-base on the platform pandaboard es(the system is ubuntu 12.04 precise) following the instructions of official website. But some common tools packages such as rqt ...
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Catkin make error

Hi, I have ROS indigo installed on Ubuntu 14.04 on Beaglebone Black. Everything was working ok, but I made some file permission changes (I know, or actually I don't know, but that's another question)....
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Catkin_make error: virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory

Relative noob having enough knowledge to get into trouble.... Attempting to compile robot_localization package (along with a couple of drivers- ublox gps and christa imu). Goes along fine at first: <...
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Can not install Indigo Desktop-Full Install

So I tried to install Indigo Desktop-Full Install as instructed on this page However, it says I was missing ros-indigo-simulators, and so I tried sudo ...
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How do I built the ros-indigo-pointgrey-camera-driver aptitude package for the Ubuntu trusty armhf platform?

It's pretty simple. It seems that only ros-jade-pointgrey-camera-driver aptitude package is available for armhf. I'd rather continue to use indigo if possible, and I know that ros-indigo-pointgrey-...
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Alternate source of repositories for ROS on UbuntuARM

While installing ROS on BeagleBone Black running Ubuntu Trusty, the repository sources at " trusty main" are unavailable since the domain has expired, ...
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Could not resolve ''

Following the ros installation tutorial for ARM devices, you need to add to your sources.list. However, it seems to have been ...
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ROS on Odroid U3

I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up my Odroid U3 with ROS. Here's a list of problems and their potential solutions, but I don't have a ton of experience with this and I was hoping to tap ...
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Any chance of getting the gazebo2 and the collada-dom packages added to the armhf archive?

gazebo2 and collada-dom can't be found in any of the ubuntu repositories and are typically found in the ros repo for other architectures. These will be useful for bootstrapping any of the armhf full ...
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libeigen3-dev on hydro?

Hi, I'm trying to build a package that uses libeigen3, but there is no stacks. "roscd eigen" shows that it isn't there. Searching reveals that stacks for hydro isn't there while at the same ...
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CvBridge.h missing in Hydro armhf?

Hi, I'm trying to rosmake a self-written node in Hydro on armhf, but it fails on a missing CvBridge.h. "roscd cv_bridge" takes me to /opt/ros/hydro/share/cv_bridge$ and "ls" shows ...
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Package brown-perception on armhf

Hi, I'm trying to use a webcam on armhf. For testing on x86, with Electric/Ubuntu 10.04 it works and I can use gscam. With Groovy/Ubuntu1204 on x86, it will work as well with gscam. However, I find ...
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packages url Ubuntu12.04 armhf

Hi, While running apt-get update on Ubuntu12.04, the error Err precise Release.gpg Could not resolve '' Fetched 2,855 kB in 30s (94.9 kB/s) Reading ...
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Hydro for Ubuntu Precise armhf on new kernel

Hi, I'm intending to test the following: run Ubuntu Precise armhf with ROS Hydro with kernel 3.10. Having read that Hydro is supported up to Raring (kernel 3.8), I think that my combination will ...
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Binary Packages for ROS Hydro on ARMHF

I have ROS Hydro running on Ubuntu 12.04 (for armhf) on a Pandaboard ES. I'm having trouble running some of my nodes on this board because packages are missing. I have tried to install these ...
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Missing information of copyright/licenses in debian binaries

Hi, I have installed ROS and its packages using apt-get. I am interested to know the licenses of each package. I know that once option is to go to the wiki page of each package and check the licenses. ...
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Running a Kinect + Pandaboard and getting RVIZ on a remote

I have installed Ubuntu 13.04(ARMHF) and Hydro on a Pandaboard. I have been unsuccessful with the openni stack - rostopic list shows one /tf topic and I can't seem to access any of the data within. ...
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Problem building gscam on groovy armhf

Hi, I'm trying to build gscam fro groovy on ubuntu 12.04armhf and get a message that quite a few deps are not released. Looking at the status page, it ...
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nav stack missing from UbuntuARM install

I am following this page: and have it working, but cannot find the install package for navigation. apt-cache search ros-groovy does not show up a nav ...
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eigen in groovy for ubuntu 12.04 armhf

Hi, I'm installing ROS packages on Ubuntu Armhf, and although so far everything went fine, I find a difference with electric. According to, eigen is ...
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Problems installing Hydro on 12.04 from source on armhf

Hi I'm having a dependency issue trying to install Hydro on 12.04 from source. I get an error: E: Unable to locate package python-wstool after the part: ...
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disable roslisp

Is it possible to compile ros without roslisp? SBCL is not available on armfh, and I'd really like to run ROS on this device. :) Originally posted by Dereck on ROS Answers with karma: 1070 on 2013-09-...
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rosdep out of date on armhf

The armfh python-rosdep package appears to be out of date in the package list. [1] The current version appears to be built [2] but it is simply not being pushed out to users via 'apt-get update'. [1] ...
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Arm Architecture with armhf port, Move_base Bus Error Alignment trap/exception

Hi Everyone, I just ran into a very nasty bug when running Move_base on a armhf (ArmHardFloatPort) ARM CPU(armv7l). I am running the latest Fuerte code on Ubuntu 12.04. The only things I am running ...
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Unable to compile rviz on ubuntu armhf

I am building ROS Groovy Desktop on a Pandaboard running Ubuntu 12.04 Precise using armhf. As ROS is not currently released for armhf I have had to compile Groovy from source. I am attempting to ...
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problems with ros installation on pandaboard with armhf

Hi there! I am trying to install ros on a Pandaboard Rev A4 based on the armhf architecture on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Since no binary Packages are available for armhf, I have to built ros from source ...
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Fuerte, Ubuntu 12.04, ARM = error

Just following instructions on ...
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