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Robot initial pose accuracy

Hi, I have a robot. I use imu sensor and odometry for localization on map. But the initial pose of robot in real life and simulation are not same. Imagine I put robot at the starting point of the map ...
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ROS2 - Does ros1_bridge suppports Indigo

Hi Guys, I am currently working on a ROS system which has Indigo Distribution. And will be migrating to ROS2 soon. I would like to know if the ros1_bridge supports ...
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ROS2 client connecting to the same server fails after restarting the executable

ROS Version: ROS2 Ardent Platform: x86_64 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 4.15.0-48-generic Hello! I'm creating a system with a rclcpp::Node instance that monitors and controls rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode or ...
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What's in a name?

Hi guys, Hope this doesn't come across as a really stupid question, or should I say, hope this doesn't come across as a question that shows my stupidity...... You have me interested in the name "...
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How to run a ros publisher without a while loop?

I am writing tkinter python program for turning on and off the publisher. I need to turn on and off the publisher using a button. If am writing using while loop, the entire gui freezes, I am unable to ...
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I am getting an error: while running launch file

Error message: ...
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Any chance of compiling ROS 2 from sources now

I had problems compiling the latest release, solved (not really - see the update) by switching to the latest master, but the latter brought other problems, purpotedly caused by some machine-generated ...
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Can not compile ROS 2: CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT) given unknown export "HAS_LIBRARY_TARGET"

Hi, I follow the instructions at I would want to have ardent on xenial, but the setup fails at ...
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ros2 run python executable not found

I am working with ROS2 ardent, using Colcon to build. The build is suceessful and I can also see my executable in ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: ROS2 version

How can I know which version of ROS2 have i installed ? Ardent or Bouncy Bolson ? Originally posted by aks on ROS Answers with karma: 667 on 2018-07-27 Post score: 1
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ros1_bridge generating custom messages but when running, throws error "No template specialization for the pair"

I have successfully ran ros1_bridge's dynamic_bridge and passed messages between ROS and ROS2, but cannot quite figure out how to implement custom message definitions. I am using 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 ...
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Functional difference between ROS2 spin_some, spin_once, and spin_until_future

I understand that spin_once will just query once, but I'm not sure when spin_some would be a better choice or under what situations it would return. Spin until... is for service callbacks I've seen ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
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Memory allocator for ROS2 messages?

RCL has allocators to have custom memory management, that are taken from rcutils. Tests while doing my Ada binding show that this works nicely. I'm now trying to understand where a message allocator ...
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How to get an array of parameters with rclcpp

In ROS1, you could retrieve a list of parameters The documentation shows get_parameter returning an ParameterVariant but ParameterVariant doesn't seem to have an ...
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What default ports are used in ROS2 DDS implementations?

Its seems like the default ports for DDS communication are not specified. What deafult ports do the different DDS stacks use? Originally posted by thinwybk on ROS Answers with karma: 468 on 2018-06-...
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ROS2 how can I call a service and wait for the response from within a subscriber callback?

I'd like to continue to spin but know when the request is available, using C++ Originally posted by vandy2000 on ROS Answers with karma: 38 on 2018-06-21 Post score: 1
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Unsupported RMW implementation in ROS2

I am trying to build my overlay workspace with RTI Connext. For that, I set the environment variable as ...
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Initialize parameters via yaml in ros2

According to this PR, we can now initialize parameters via yaml file. I edited the talker example to have the parameter client so I can see the changes in parameters, but when I try to load the ...
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[docker] ament: command not found

I tried to use the ros2 docker image and could not find the ament executable. What am I doing wrong? ...
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How can I figure out the parameters a ROS2 executable accepts?

Given just the installed executables: How can I figure out if and in case which parameters a ROS2 executable (e.g. for one of the executables one gets with ...
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How to achieve launch service or topic in ROS2 TEST?

Hi All, I'm writing TEST for the company ROS2's project.I learned to launch service or topic via the .test file in ROS,but there is no .test file in ROS2 TEST.I don't know what kind of mechanism can ...
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Will ROS2 support PyPy?

Will ROS2 (rclpy, etc.) support PyPy which would enable better performance? Originally posted by thinwybk on ROS Answers with karma: 468 on 2018-05-23 Post score: ...
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ROS2 environment variables

Hi, I was building ROS2 from source and I already had kinetic installed on my system. After following all the instructions here, I tried to see my environment variables to check if everything was fine(...
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Unreliable communication using executors

Hello. I have a problem I can’t solve by myself. I have 2 nodes inheriting from the main Node class, one of them receives data from an IMU and sends it to the other. In the other one frequency of ...
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ROS2 equivalent of ros::package::getPath

Is there a ROS2 API with similar functionality to ros::package::getPath Originally posted by GregB on ROS Answers with karma: 111 on 2018-04-12 Post score: 11 Original comments Comment by William on ...
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Travis-CI for ros2cli

I am looking for creating a Travis-CI pipeline for ros2cli repo. Here is my plan so far: Do a docker based pipeline, start from
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ROS 2 time handling

In ROS 1 my node has code like this in a subscribed message callback: ...
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Linking problem with rosidl cpp

The following is my CMakeLists.txt ...
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Use identical package.xml for ROS1 and ROS2 pkgs

What would be the general package.xml strucutre in order to compile a package for both ROS1(catkin) and ROS2(ament) ? It would be very helpful if gives an example for doing this. Originally posted by ...
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error: package does not exist

when I buid ros2_android_examples, error(error: package does not exist ) ocurred. Originally posted by Pedestrian1671022 on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2018-03-27 Post score: ...
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When will be ROS2 fully realtime compatible?

I am going to switch to ROS2 by realtime reasons. In some projects we need realtime ability because of security reasons.Going to use Linux with RT_PREEMPT kernel patch. So it would be interesting when ...
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How can I build a specific ROS2 package only?

I have pulled all ROS2 repos into my overlay workspace using ...
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roslaunch for ros 2 composition packages

I was going trough the composition packages in ROS 2 which I found to be similar to the ros nodelets concepts.In ROS 1 we use launch files to start a particular nodelet.Will there be similar concept ...
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How can I run two ROS2 nodes each in a separate docker container?

I would like to run two ROS2 nodes, let's say listener and talker from the demo_nodes_cpp ...
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