Questions tagged [accelerometer]

Accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration.

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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IMU Senosr fusion algorithm of gyro and accelerometer during acceleration of vehicle

Hello so we have a car with 10 IMUs mounted at different locations of the car and the idea is the measure the centripetal force at each location of the car and compare it to each other. We also need ...
prince salasi's user avatar
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Writing IMU accelerometer data into as twist messages into cmd_vel

I am reading accelerometer data from the wiimote /wiimote/state topic. A sample of the data I'm working with is as follows: ...
sisko's user avatar
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Integrating Instantaneous Accelerations taken at discrete time intervals

I am trying to integrate instantaneous linear and angular acceleration taken at discrete time intervals (1/100 seconds, 100hz). data is collected beforehand, and integration is done offline, I only ...
User.t's user avatar
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How can there be a difference in quaternion values of two points taken from sensors where the orientation is exactly same?

I have two situations- A) One, the body with sensor embedded in it kept at rest. B) Second, the body is at rest for 10 secs, then undergoes some movement randomly and comes back to the exact ...
Pratik's user avatar
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Why different noise terms are read at specific sampling interval in Allan Variance plot?

I was trying to identify Quantization Noise, Angle Random Walk, Bias Instability, and Rate Random Walk from Allan Variance plot which as Allan deviation on y axis and Sampling Time Interval ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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IMU frame transfer to body frame

I am just wondering how do we transfer IMU readings to Body frame? Especially, linear speed and acceleration. In following diagram, the IMU is mounted on one of the surfaces of the body (you can ...
Nick X Tsui's user avatar
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Finding North direction from magnetometer and accelerometer fusion

I was understanding accelerometer and gyro sensor fusion from this video. At time 3:56, Brian says: To get north, we need to do some cross products. We can start with our measured mag (magnetometer) ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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How to convert accel data to quaternion?

To ask my question better, let's assume that I have created 2 different accel data: timestamp accel_x (m/s^2) accel_y (m/s^2) accel_z (m/s^2) 1 0.0009314967509892153 0.004056761742037966 -9....
Musa Şen's user avatar
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Seeed studio Grove IMU 9DOF gyro reading denoising

Using this IMU (, I am having an issue with the gyro readings. Seems like the reading comes with lots of noise. Could anyone help me to ...
carbuet's user avatar
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Mapping IMU readings from body frame to navigation frame

I'm trying to combine IMU displacements with the time of flight sensor readings in order to navigate through the indoor environment with a non-linear Kalman filter variant. In the graphic below, I ...
Şener Yılmaz's user avatar
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Aligning accelerometer readings with vehicle's frame of reference

I have a device with an accelerometer installed in a vehicle. Its orientation in relation to the vehicle is unknown. So I am looking for a reliable way to align the coordinate system of the ...
user2632002's user avatar
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I'm controlling a stepper motor with GPIO pins with a for loop in C++. If I add a sensor reading to the for loop the motor gets slow, loud, and jerky

I have a C++ script actuating a motor and getting an accelerometer sensor reading every 20th or so pulse to the stepper motor. My problem is that the sensor readings are interrupting the pulses. ...
Ant's user avatar
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How would you sync a real life accelerometer with an accelerometer in a simulation program

How would you sync a real life accelerometer with an accelerometer in a simulation program. In this case I am using MuJoCo for simulation and a Gy-521 is my physical, real life accelerometer.
Ant's user avatar
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Can a Madgwick IMU filter be used to determinate the tilt angle with respect to the horizontal plane

I am using a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope to estimate the tilte angle between the X axis of the IMU sensor and the ground (horizontal plane). My robot is stationary at power up, so I ...
FriendlyNeighborhoodEngineer's user avatar
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Find IMU's movement direction in x-axis

I have an IMU device with an accelerometer sensor and I fix that on top of the linear motion it can only move to the right or left (in the x-axis) side. How can I determine the direction (...
Mironline's user avatar
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NodeMCU ESP-12E Wont Print to Serial in Arduino IDE

So, im using a ESP-12E nothing special about it, to try and run this code i found from a custom library example. ...
TryingMyBest's user avatar
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MPU6050 Gyro rotaion always around Y axis

I am using an MPU6050 IMU. I did a small experiment having Z-axis pointing upwards. 1. Rotate 90deg around Z-axis (yaw) and back to the original position 2. Rotate 90deg around X-axis (roll) and back ...
manojh93's user avatar
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Sensor fusion to calculate joint angles between segments of a robot arm using IMU data

I have an IMU attached to each of the segments of a robotic arm, which gives me accelerometer and gyroscope data. My goal is to first of all improve the quality of the sensor readings and subsequently ...
MaVe's user avatar
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