Hi Autoware_AI currently does not include some vehicles that I wish to use to work with python API. I need to make some changes into the code, modify launch files, etc to make my simulation based on Autoware_AI repository https://github.com/Autoware-AI/docker.git
It is not feasible change the code, let it inside shared_dir ( folder with access to my desktop and to the docker) and every time when I build the standard Autoware_AI image to remove and add the modified package code with my modifications.
For this reason I wish to fork the original github packages a little bit, and afterwards create an image based on my for and not based on the original repo.
As a solution to work on my codes I was trying to use a branch. However when I exit docker the branch does not exist anymore after issue the cmd below to use docker.
./run.sh -t 1.14.0
the image will build the standard docker image and the created branch no longer exist!
Wha would be the best option do be done? And where can I find a good tutorial for this case involving fork Autoware project?
Thanks in advance!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As solution I tried 2 different approaches:
- To modify the container and save it as described here: https://www.scalyr.com/blog/create-docker-image/
Then using other terminal, trying to add .txt file for Autoware_AI running container, to modify the container, Autoware_AI container does not appear as active (but it is). Just other container are avaialable when I try to copy a file to Autoware_AI:
$ docker cp file.txt (Twice tab): ade: ade_registry.gitlab.com_autowarefoundation_autoware.auto_ade-lgsvl_foxy_2020.06: ade_registry.gitlab.com_autowarefoundation_autoware.auto_autowareauto_amd64_ade-foxy_master: ade_registry.gitlab.com_autowarefoundation_autoware.auto_autowareauto_amd64_binary-foxy_master: hi_mom:
These ade images above are from AutowareAuto, not from AutowareAI, that I wish to use. I have just as external option to access Autoware.Auto images path and the nginx(Hi mom) image (from this tutorial link passed). Unfortunately docker command does not work inside the running container terminal…
But if I list the images I have available, it is possible to see that AutowareAI image was built:
$ docker images:
ubuntu latest 26b77e58432b 2 weeks ago 72.9MB
autoware/autoware local-melodic-cuda 4997df3ad6dc 2 weeks ago 10.3GB
autoware/autoware local-melodic-base-cuda 8fb0b62fcab2 2 weeks ago 6.99GB
autoware/autoware local-melodic-base 0d87fce181db 2 weeks ago 3.45GB
registry.gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autowareauto/amd64/binary-foxy master 46ac7d2cbd73 2 weeks ago 144MB
registry.gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autowareauto/amd64/ade-foxy master acd13c509891 3 weeks ago 4.59GB
lgsvl/simulator-scenarios-runner simulator-build__2021.1 63c9bdef5e3a 5 weeks ago 413MB
registry.gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autowareauto/amd64/ade-foxy <none> 6448c91f68e8 6 weeks ago 4.85GB
registry.gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/ade-lgsvl/foxy 2020.06 7be8da9ce3bb 2 months ago 251MB
However you can check in right upper terminal or in left bottom terminal the Autoware_AI container is running with the name ( autoware/autoware: 1.14.0-melodic-cuda). Different from AutowareAuto project that I used to issue the cmd:
$ ade --rc .aderc-amd64-foxy start --update --enter
Then the image was built and I further accessed it.
In Autoware_AI I need to run a .sh entrypoint:
$ ./run.sh -t 1.14.0
I am still stuck to be able to modify the Autoware/src packages present inside this “image” and then save this image for further creation of a modified container.
Different from AutowareAuto project that I used to issue the cmd:
$ ade --rc .aderc-amd64-foxy start --update --enter
Then the image was built and I further accessed it.
In Autoware_AI I need to run a .sh entrypoint:
$ ./run.sh -t 1.14.0
For me this command sounds that I am executing a program (.sh) and not actually running a container ??? Not completely understood the difference.
Do I need to make another install type of Autoware_AI project? I mean build from source on my OS? I thought just docker would be enough…besides that I am using ubuntu 20.04 and I know that Autoware_AI stopped just on Ubuntu 18.04 (I am almost sure I will have broken pkgs, compatibility issues if I try to install on ubuntu 20.04).
Someone has any other idea how to solve this issue?
I believe I need to do something similar to this:
- Commit Changes To a Docker Image: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-commit-changes-to-docker-image
With this attempt I was able to creat a new image based on Autoware_AI container. However after finish all tutorial steps, I got an error "Connection Refused" to launch Autoware_AI packages. I do not understand what can be done to get access to their server with my custom_image created. I have done the following steps:
A) Extracted the image_ID and runned with docker cmd:
$ sudo docker images
[sudo] senha para autoware-auto-ros1:
autoware_ai_changed_image latest 8a61bf4e20f4 3 hours ago 10.3GB
change_image_test latest 7143875f8440 3 hours ago 72.9MB
hi_mom_nginx latest 2c89904348df 5 hours ago 22.6MB
nginx alpine a64a6e03b055 5 days ago 22.6MB
ubuntu latest 26b77e58432b 2 weeks ago 72.9MB
autoware/autoware local-melodic-cuda 4997df3ad6dc 2 weeks ago 10.3GB
autoware/autoware local-melodic-base-cuda 8fb0b62fcab2 2 weeks ago 6.99GB
autoware/autoware local-melodic-base 0d87fce181db 2 weeks ago 3.45GB
registry.gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autowareauto/amd64/binary-foxy master 46ac7d2cbd73 2 weeks ago 144MB
registry.gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autowareauto/amd64/ade-foxy master acd13c509891 3 weeks ago 4.59GB
B) Selected the Image_ID of autoware/autoware local-melodic-cuda: 4997df3ad6dc and thenrunned:
$ sudo docker run -it 4997df3ad6dc
Afterwards inside the container I listed the files inside it:
Autoware@0448a42dedae: /home/autoware $ ls
C) Modified the original docker container adding a .txt file (just to test a modification):
Autoware@0448a42dedae: /home/autoware $ vim author.txt
Autoware@0448a42dedae: /home/autoware $ ls
Autoware author.tx
D) Exited the image and then Added a commit to the image:
Autoware@0448a42dedae: /home/autoware $ exit home $ sudo docker commit 0488a42dedae autoware_ai_changed_image
e) Entered the image again and Tried to use the contents of the image ( Runtime manager interface)
home $ sudo docker run -it autoware_ai_changed_image Autoware@0448a42dedae: /home/autoware $ roslaunch runtime_manager runtime_manager.launch
And then I got this error msg:
... logging to /home/autoware/.ros/log/bac95566-a1f4-11eb-b56a-0242ac110002/roslaunch-7bdf40bf24c5-42.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://7bdf40bf24c5:40463/
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.10
run (runtime_manager/run)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [52]
setting /run_id to bac95566-a1f4-11eb-b56a-0242ac110002
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [63]
started core service [/rosout]
process[run-2]: started with pid [66]
***Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
[run-2] process has died [pid 66, exit code 1, cmd /home/autoware/Autoware/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/run __name:=run __log:=/home/autoware/.ros/log/bac95566-a1f4-11eb-b56a-0242ac110002/run-2.log].
log file: /home/autoware/.ros/log/bac95566-a1f4-11eb-b56a-0242ac110002/run-2*.log***
There is a problem of server connection that I did not have when building the standard Autoware_AI container with the standard cmd:
home:~/docker/generic$ .run.sh -t 1.14.0
home/autoware$ roslaunch runtime_manager runtime_manager.launch
... logging to /home/autoware/.ros/log/2f40e752-a20d-11eb-a087-c82158f9534e/roslaunch-marcus-ros2-foxy-72.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://marcus-ros2-foxy:45207/
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.6
run (runtime_manager/run)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [82]
setting /run_id to 2f40e752-a20d-11eb-a087-c82158f9534e
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [93]
started core service [/rosout]
process[run-2]: started with pid [96]
[run-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/autoware/.ros/log/2f40e752-a20d-11eb-a087-c82158f9534e/run-2*.log
I am kind of new in forking,changing docker images. I do not understand how to fix this, find a solution for create my custom docker image and make it functional.
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Vini71 on ROS Answers with karma: 266 on 2021-04-19
Post score: 1