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I want to use ROS2 Foxy to spawn a Turtlebot in Gazebo which is in ROS1.

Inside ROS1 when I do rosservice list, I see the following


However when I run ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-topics I see the following

Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /gazebo/pause_physics
Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /gazebo/reset_simulation
Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /gazebo/reset_world
Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /gazebo/unpause_physics
Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /master_discovery/refresh
created 1to2 bridge for topic '/rosout' with ROS 1 type 'rosgraph_msgs/Log' and ROS 2 type 'rcl_interfaces/msg/Log'
created 2to1 bridge for topic '/rosout' with ROS 2 type 'rcl_interfaces/msg/Log' and ROS 1 type 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'
[INFO] [1597772703.322525671] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 rosgraph_msgs/Log to ROS 2 rcl_interfaces/msg/Log (showing msg only once per type)
[INFO] [1597772703.322748003] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 2 rcl_interfaces/msg/Log to ROS 1 rosgraph_msgs/Log (showing msg only once per type)
[INFO] [1597772703.322769446] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 2 rcl_interfaces/msg/Log to ROS 1 rosgraph_msgs/Log (showing msg only once per type)
created 1to2 bridge for topic '/rosout' with ROS 1 type 'rosgraph_msgs/Log' and ROS 2 type 'rcl_interfaces/msg/Log'
[INFO] [1597772703.927974308] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 rosgraph_msgs/Log to ROS 2 rcl_interfaces/msg/Log (showing msg only once per type)
^C[MrTurtle] root@turtlebot_0:~/ws/src/robotic_order_fulfillment_robotic_turtle/scripts$ removed 1to2 bridge for topic '/rosout'

Which consequently leads to the following (after sourcing setup.bash)

$ ros2 service list

As you can see, not all services are available in ROS2. However, when I try to access the services that are availeble (e.g. /gazebo/pause_physics ) it does what is expected from it.

What should I do to see all the services available in ROS1?

Originally posted by Lyubomyr on ROS Answers with karma: 5 on 2020-08-18

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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The ros1_bridge is implemented in C++ and therefore only supports bridging types it knows about at compile time. You can get a list of supported types by invoking: ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --print-pairs.

From the services which are not being bridged many (if not all?) seem to be of a service type defined in the gazebo_msgs package: https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/tree/bc4938fe5d08adfc853ad6d94bdde8b02e99dbe0/gazebo_msgs/srv

But gazebo_msgs is not an explicitly declared dependency of the ros1_bridge package: https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ros1_bridge-release/blob/b3a2e9657cd303fff26e219db471b0557600b519/debian/package.xml#L42-L67

As such you will need to build the ros1_bridge from source (with gazebo_msgs being present in the underlying ROS 1 and ROS 2 workspaces): https://github.com/ros2/ros1_bridge#building-the-bridge-from-source

Originally posted by Dirk Thomas with karma: 16276 on 2020-08-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by Lyubomyr on 2020-08-19:
It worked perfectly, thank you!


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