I am using mpu9250 in a differential drive mobile robot.
i am using this package jeskesen /i2c_imu .
My problem is that the robot is unstable in rvize after launching imu package although the robot is still at its zero position and there is no cmd_vel. (the robot rotates around its base_link origin in yaw, pitch, and roll.) and base_link, imu_link, and the four wheels links are rotate also).
Those are the imu outputs although the real robot does not move or rotate:
base_link small rotation this image is screen shot during the rotation or the rotational vibration.
base link with odom >> this image is screen shot during the rotation or the rotational vibration.>>>> in this case I rotated the real robot, then the imu rotated also but return frequently to its zero rotation.
screen shot of robot with heading but it returns frequently to its zero rotation
This is the launch file
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="imu_to_base"
args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link imu_link 50" />
<node pkg="i2c_imu" type="i2c_imu_node" name="i2c_imu" output="screen" >
<rosparam file="$(find i2c_imu)/param/imu.yaml"/>
This is imu.yaml file
imu_type: 7
imu_frame: imu_link
i2c_bus: 1
i2c_slave_address: 104
fusion_type: 2
#Sample Rates
compass_sample_rate: 25 # 40
gyro_accel_sample_rate: 50 # 80
accel_low_pass_filter: 3
accel_full_scale_range: 8 # 16
gyro_low_pass_filter: 3
gyro_full_scale_range: 8 # 16
Originally posted by Ahmed_Desoky on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2020-08-17
Post score: 0