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Hello everyone,

I am practising this tutorial:


step by step:

$ roscd turtle_tf2 (:/opt/ros/melodic/share/turtle_tf2$ ) $ rosmake (done sth......) $ roslaunch start_debug_demo.launch

RLException: [start_debug_demo.launch] is not a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

Where is start_debug_demo.launch? I searched for "start_debug_demo.launch",and i only find it in my download package "geometry_tutorials-kinetic-devel", and it doesn't exist in the turtle_tf2 folder,but in the turtle_tf folder. If i didn't download this package, there isn't the file"start_debug_demo.launch".

I didn't know how to do now?

Can you help me to analysis it?

Thank you very much for my so many questions maybe so simple,so stupid,i just want to learn ROS & ROS2 completely.

Originally posted by Dean on ROS Answers with karma: 17 on 2020-05-03

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I deleted this directory and did it again,and it works. Close this question.

Originally posted by Dean with karma: 17 on 2020-05-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Raso on 2020-08-10:
I have the same issue. Could you please provide more details?

Which directory did you delete? Which steps you did again?

Thank you.

Comment by CelestialPo on 2023-03-15:
Maybe it's because the launch file is in the directory /turtle_tf instead of /turtle_tf2.


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