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screenshot of gazebo realsense camera
(link to the screenshot )
There is no need for the camera display screen in gazebo as I am using Rviz, and it might be slowing down the simulation. How can we remove it?


  • ros melodic
  • gazebo version 9
  • rviz version 1.13.4

Edit: Realsense plugin that I am using: https://github.com/SyrianSpock/realsense_gazebo_plugin

Originally posted by shanda4 on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2020-02-25

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi @shanda4,

Try to be more specific with the packages and external ROS tools you are using for the next time please.

I assume you are using this package.

Take a look at this line, with it you will be able to disable visibility on Gazebo.

Originally posted by Weasfas with karma: 1695 on 2020-02-26

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by shanda4 on 2020-02-26:
Hi @Weasfas, Thanks for the reply. I have updated the question.

In my case, this line is similar to what you have shared. I will test it in a few hours and accept the answer. Thanks again :).


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