Pretty basic question regarding TF2. I have a static camera with a known transform from the base of my robot. With the camera I am detecting a marker in my scene and getting a transform from the camera to the marker. Without broadcasting this new transform frame, how do I find the transform from the base to the marker?
Sorry if this is obvious, but all the methods I can find (lookupTransform for example) don't seem to perform this. I realize I could manually write the math to make this transform but it seems that there is a more idiomatic way to accomplish this.
Originally posted by rklutz on ROS Answers with karma: 17 on 2020-01-28
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2020-01-28:
Not an answer, but would publishing the known transform as a static TF not be incredibly useful (and additionally make things like lookupTransform(..)
and transformPose(..)
work also)? If you're not publishing the transform for efficiency reasons: static transforms are only published once.
Comment by rklutz on 2020-01-28:
Well in my case the marker will potentially move during runtime so I can't use a static publisher. And yes, I was looking to avoid publishing for efficiency reasons. Thanks for the help!
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2020-01-28:
I was referring to this:
I have a static camera with a known transform from the base of my robot.
but re-reading your question I see you want to avoid publishing the transform from camera to marker. Not from robot to camera.