Hello all,
I am currently trying to build a vector map using Autoware's Vector Map Builder with a .pcd map created with Autoware's ndt_mapping process in ROS Kinetic Autoware version 1.10 (.pcd map attached). When I load the file in to the Vector Map Builder (found here: https://tools.tier4.jp/vector_map_builder/), the points are black and cannot be distinguished from the background well enough to create a vector map.
When I created the map file with ndt_mapping I used the generic settings and when I tried to edit the RGB value in CloudCompare, the program seems to split it up by RGB value (despite the fact that I changed the value from black to white) - see images at Google drive link below.
Bag file, .pcd map, 2x screenshots of vector map builder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cB9VFKsMft25-4zEtctzixZyZNPn5otO?usp=sharing
Do I need to do something special during the .pcd file creation step with ndt_mapping? Is there a way to convert the file from black RGB to something lighter in order to use it to create a vector map in Autoware?
Thank you!
Originally posted by bcopenha on ROS Answers with karma: 15 on 2019-07-16
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by jayess on 2019-07-18:
Can you please update your question with the images attached directly to the question?
Comment by bcopenha on 2019-07-18:
Sure! (first time didn't want to upload so I went for Google Drive)