I want to dynamically reconfigure a parameter as mentioned in this question, I do not want to run the robot for it, instead I want some way to get data from the robot and then work on the dynamic reconfiguration part. I need something similar to rosbags
but not rosbags
since they use topics to record data as mentioned in the answer
EDIT1: adding more information
I am working with a Velodyne VLP-16 LIDAR, since its a very costly sensor I have to work with bag files, actually its a 16-channel LIDAR and I want to reconfigure its disk value from the default 8
to 2
, Here is the rosbag info
path: third_run.bag
version: 2.0
duration: 1:02s (62s)
start: Dec 05 2018 12:34:13.22 (1543993453.22)
end: Dec 05 2018 12:35:15.56 (1543993515.56)
size: 469.3 MB
messages: 2294
compression: none [571/571 chunks]
types: bond/Status
topics: /diagnostics 62 msgs : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray
/scan 617 msgs : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
/velodyne_nodelet_manager/bond 372 msgs : bond/Status
/velodyne_nodelet_manager_cloud/parameter_descriptions 1 msg : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
/velodyne_nodelet_manager_cloud/parameter_updates 1 msg : dynamic_reconfigure/Config
/velodyne_nodelet_manager_driver/parameter_descriptions 1 msg : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
/velodyne_nodelet_manager_driver/parameter_updates 1 msg : dynamic_reconfigure/Config
/velodyne_nodelet_manager_laserscan/parameter_descriptions 1 msg : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
/velodyne_nodelet_manager_laserscan/parameter_updates 1 msg : dynamic_reconfigure/Config
/velodyne_packets 618 msgs : velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan
/velodyne_points 619 msgs : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
As you can see, it has dynamically reconfigurable parameters, which I want to configure through code so I can get the data I want, but as I mentioned above, it is not possible with bag files. So, I am looking for something similar to bag files where I have access to param server
EDIT2: Replaced image with text
Originally posted by khansaadbinhasan on ROS Answers with karma: 94 on 2019-06-15
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ahendrix on 2019-06-16:
Can you be specific about which node or nodes you're trying to configure and the end goal that you're trying to achieve by changing the node's parameters?
Comment by jayess on 2019-06-16:
Please don't use an image to post text. See the support page