I found below code which is using for get the Quaternion values from Matrix. Then, I would like to do the same work with it, but it's C++ programming language. I can't find any similar python API to it.
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose grasp_to_pose(gpd::GraspConfig & grasp)
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose pose;
tf2::Matrix3x3 orientation(
grasp.approach.x, grasp.binormal.x, grasp.axis.x,
grasp.approach.y, grasp.binormal.y, grasp.axis.y,
grasp.approach.z, grasp.binormal.z, grasp.axis.z);
tf2::Quaternion orientation_quat;
pose.orientation.x = orientation_quat.x();
pose.orientation.y = orientation_quat.y();
pose.orientation.z = orientation_quat.z();
pose.orientation.w = orientation_quat.w();
pose.position = grasp.top;
return pose;
Hope someone can help me to find out !
Originally posted by A_YIng on ROS Answers with karma: 37 on 2019-05-24
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by kosmastsk on 2019-06-06:
Check this. Is that what you want?