I am following this answer to export a .pgm
and a .yaml
from a database file generated using RTAB-map.
But when I run
rosrun rtabmap_ros rtabmap _database_path:=IROS14-kinect-challenge.db
I get a message saying that /rtabmap
did not receive any data since 5 seconds. I know there is no data being published into /odom
but shouldn't this data be coming from the database file?
When I run
rosrun map_server map_saver map:=proj_map
I get this message:
[ INFO] [1551154609.903198676]: Waiting for the map
rosservice call /publish_map 1 1 0
doesn't do anything.
- I am running ROS melodic on Linux Mint(Ubuntu 18.04).
- I have downloaded the IROS14-kinect-challenge.db file from here
- I have double checked that roscore is running. :D
Originally posted by Drkstr on ROS Answers with karma: 25 on 2019-02-25
Post score: 0