According to what I read, RPC, which stands for Remote Procedure Call, is a technique used to enable different procedures in different machines or systems call each other. For example, the procedure X in the computer A can call the procedure Y in the computer B, which is our server.
The textbooks and wikiros tutorials say that the master communicate with other nodes by using XMLRPC, which is a type of RPC using XML encoding. In this point, my mind is a little bit confused.
If Remote Procedure Call is a technique used to construct an interaction between different systems, machines or computers, why does the master need to use an RPC mechanism to communicate with other nodes ? As far as I know, the master and other nodes are located in same system, and there is no server or something like that.
Originally posted by gktg1514 on ROS Answers with karma: 67 on 2019-01-30
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by swiftsafe on 2020-11-23:
IoT is a platform to connect the things which have an internet. A connected device is a complex solution, with various potential entry doors for an attacker. A connected device pentest IoT includes tests on the entire object ecosystem. That is electronic layer, embedded softwares, communications protocol, servers, web and mobile interface. The pentest on the electrical side,embedded softwares, and communication protocol concern vulnerabilities more specifically the IoT.
There are three types of attacks on connected objects and embedded systems. Software attack, non-invasive and invasive hardware attacks. The first take advantage of software vulnerabilities, the second recover information from the hardware without damaging it while the third involve opening the components and therefore destroying them in order to be able to extract secrets. While the first two types of attacks do not require many resources, this is not thecase for invasive attacks, for which very expensive equipment is