How can it be used to determine the transformation matrix?
an example could be at computing the inverse kinematics for small displacements: J(q)$\Delta$q = $\Delta$u
$\Delta$U is a vector defining the difference between current and desired position. The desires position can always be computed, but if keep solving this in such manner that every time you solve $$J(q)\Delta q = \Delta u$$
you do this
- q:= q + $\Delta$q
- Compute $T_{base}^{tool}(q)$
- Compute the difference between $[T^{tool}_{base}]_{desired~position} $ and $T_{base}^{tool}(q)$.
- If change is less than 10^-5 finish and output Q, if not resolve.
How would you compute The transformation matrix based on q state vector.