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Hi, i tried to develop in C++ with success (basically i'm still a beginner with ROS development) a way for autonomous exploration of n turtlebot3 in an unknown environment (like turtlebot3 house for example). The algorithm is too much "simple",basically i check the laserscan distance from an obstacle and if obstacle distance is less than 0.5 meter robots turn left by 90 degrees.

What i'm looking for now is a more sophisticated algorithm to implement in C++ and an algorithm that "turn aroung" fixed and mobile obstacles (like walking human for example)

I found the relaxed A* algorithm on github but it's useless for me cause it's based on well known map and find the optimal path from a start to a goal point. Suggestions?

Originally posted by kenhero on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2018-07-04

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hello! I've had a lot of luck with this autonomous exploration package explore_light on my turtlebot3. It is an improved version of the frontier_exploration package. Maybe it's source code will provide some inspiration for you if you'd rather build your own.

Originally posted by AmateurHour with karma: 95 on 2018-07-05

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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