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There is not much mentioned about tf2 datatypes on tf2_ros documentation at http://docs.ros.org/latest/api/tf2_ros/html/c++/. While comparing to http://docs.ros.org/latest/api/tf/html/c++/, we don't have any data types mentioned. My C++ code has plenty of tf datatypes such as

 tf::Quaternion q(msg->pose[index].orientation.x,

 tf::Transform transform;

How will I migrate them to tf2_ros?

Originally posted by cybodroid on ROS Answers with karma: 234 on 2018-06-21

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Please see the Supported Datatypes section of the tf2 wiki.

The tf::Quaternion is a fork of the Bullet btQuaternion which will be your easiest conversion.

Originally posted by tfoote with karma: 58457 on 2018-06-21

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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